The hamster method to win. It makes you a winner

The hamster method to win. It makes you a winner

Do you want to be a winner? or you prefer winning every argument, every task, everything? Both? OK. Use winner and winning like two walls the hamster uses to climb to the top.

With it, in no time you’ll become someone who wins consistently, and a winner

When I was in my last two years in high school, I did all my school work between 11 pm and 4 am. I got up when my parents went to bed, and the house got quiet.

The King David method… by the way. The way King David lived and worked.

My brother had a hamster… Continue reading “The hamster method to win. It makes you a winner”

What nobody told you about changing what you get…

What nobody told you about changing what you get…

can you change your life with self-talk?Is it really true that no amount of talk therapy, self-talk, mindfulness, meditation, no amount of tapping, hypnosis, shock therapy can change what you get? That Landmark Education produces the same meager results as Tony Robbins, or any other known or unknown entity, claiming to transform your life?

Can you do what Gandhi taught? BE the change you want in the world? He couldn’t either! Continue reading “What nobody told you about changing what you get…”

Authenticity: what does being authentic get you?

Authenticity: what does being authentic get you?

authenticityI am a foreigner. I learned the English words, one by one. Since the age of 10… English was my third language. I have become fluent in 6 languages thus far.

I only started to learn the beingness words when I came to the United States at age 38 and started working on my transformation.

First, let me say what I mean by transformation: I don’t mean change, I don’t mean losing weight, I don’t mean that I or something outside of me changes. What does change is what I see… by looking at things differently.

And because your actions will be ALWAYS consistent with what you see, as a result my actions, my attitude, my mood will change, automatically.

I had had a glimpse of what’s possible for me… but it’s taken me a few decades to be able to see the world from a place from where life feels OK, I feel OK, and from where I can feel joy, freedom, and peace of mind, almost 24/7.

Back to beingness words

The first beingness word I looked into was generosity. I was a total beginner at distinguishing. Continue reading “Authenticity: what does being authentic get you?”

Who are you? Are you The Dude, or are you your name?

Who are you? Are you The Dude, or are you your name?

who are you?I just read an article in the Monday Morning Memo and I cringed. It hit me what b.s. is being propagated as wisdom.

As you have seen, if you have been with me for more than a week, you would know that I knock the idea of beliefs being important to your success in life. And after reading Roy Williams article, I am also going to start knocking the notion that the why is what’s important. Continue reading “Who are you? Are you The Dude, or are you your name?”

Of all the programs for transformation I have ever lead…

Of all the programs for transformation I have ever lead…

break for freedomOf all the programs for transformation I have ever lead… and I am not talking about programs that were energy supported, like the 2nd phase activators, and many others that were mostly about activation…

Of all the programs I have ever lead the most effective in terms of personal transformation, it was the Soaring Method

I am sharing what I learned from leading that course… quite significant. Continue reading “Of all the programs for transformation I have ever lead…”

Stone Soup: the fairy tale. Case studies galore

Stone Soup: the fairy tale. Case studies galore

stone soupCapacities, distinctions, intelligence, and success in life: there is a strong correlation. The Stone Soup fairy tale is an excellent teaching story.

Let’s start with debunking the current worldview, that intelligence is inborn. We are all born tabula raza… a blank slate.

Your intelligence depends on the number of large chunks, neural connections permanently formed in your brain firing together automatically. Those chunks are created in learning. Not learning about… no, actual learning a skill to unconscious competence.  Driving a vehicle is unconscious competence for most. Reading and comprehending? not so much. Continue reading “Stone Soup: the fairy tale. Case studies galore”

An easy life is not the life worth living

An easy life is not the life worth living

find out your purposeWant an easy life?

Whatever you put your attention moves towards you.

If that is true, then you and your easy life are in trouble. If you want an easy life, that means you don’t like effort, discipline, you hate anything that is not easy… And guess what? Unconsciously that is where your attention goes… and that is what is moving towards you.

What!? I am glad I got your attention.

That statement is really about your UNCONSCIOUS attention… the place your mind wanders to without you even noticing it.

Like you I also craved an easy life… a life with no bumps in the road, a life that was flowing, gently. like a river.

I had affirmations, mindmovies, hypnotic audios all saying: my life is calm, and smooth… but what was coming to me is just the opposite… Continue reading “An easy life is not the life worth living”

99% fail at this… pattern recognition… But why?

99% fail at this… pattern recognition… But why?

chess trains pattern recognitionIn the early days of my participation in The Forum, back in the 80’s, the typical first few minutes were like this: A smartly dressed man or woman ran into the room yelling: for You Everything is the Same as Everything Else, Except that not always…

Stunned silence… who expected yelling… definitely not me! And what the heck does that even mean?!

Then right after he would yell: you have your shit together… yeah, that is all you have together, your shit! Continue reading “99% fail at this… pattern recognition… But why?”

What didn’t I know that can finally help you to break through?

What didn’t I know that can finally help you to break through?

what is it that you don't know?When something is not working, there is something you didn’t know

In the movie, The Truman Show, Truman lives in a ‘bucket’ of a world, that is in essence a movie stage. He doesn’t know it… For a long time life works, until it doesn’t.

For a while he doesn’t know why it is not working… and then he finds out that he lives in a bucket of a world. Then his overwhelming desire is to live in a bigger world…

A bigger world where he is allowed to love the woman he loves. This desire gives him courage to go beyond everything he knows…

I have a few very loyal students who haven’t been able to move, who haven’t been able to move beyond their bucket… So why are they loyal? Because their lives are too limiting, because they still HOPE they can get beyond… beyond their big stop. But they haven’t gotten enough courage to move beyond.

What do I mean ‘big stop’? Continue reading “What didn’t I know that can finally help you to break through?”

A practical and easy method of changing your personality

A practical and easy method of changing your personality
Can you go back to the past and change it? Will YOU change with it? Your personality?

Silly sounding question, but it is not as silly as it sounds.

Because we look at life, at what is happening, through the limited perspective of the human mind, we actually don’t know what is happening, only

  1. a slice of what happened
  2. only a skewed version of what happened

Ultimately we can only experience and react to what we see, and what we see is both limited and skewed.
Continue reading “A practical and easy method of changing your personality”