If the twist aka dominant belief removal doesn’t seem to make any difference

you will have to wipe your ass someday

How you do anything is how you do everything!

A client writes:

Do you check to see if the attachment came back or is this something I have to ask to be done.

My answer: I will check everyone

Unless I didn’t remove an attachment properly (rare) it won’t come back.

yours didn’t come back.

He: Would the activators assist in taking action after you pull the dominant belief pattern if they would you could help match an activator to whatever you pulled from each person.

My answer: The activators could only assist in taking action after I pull the dominant belief pattern but wouldn’t do it for you… i.e. you have to wipe your own arse… the activators only make it easier.

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Tool for self-knowledge: Mapping


Not until you are lost, that you can start finding yourself

It’s a lot like “empty your cup” in the last article… as long as you know, you are stuck with it…

I watched the movie “Something The Lord Made” again.

This time I paid attention to the music, and started to see the underlying message the film makers were making: poor black kid… blah blah blah.

The story is about a smart, ambitious black kid, who wants to be a doctor, but has no money to go to school. He starts working, first as a janitor, then as a lab assistant, and then as a researcher for a surgeon in a hospital, and develops the method for the first heart surgery, the blue baby surgery.

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You say you want transformation, but really you want confirmation

you-get-it-girlMost of you come to me for confirmation. Confirmation that what you know is true, that who you are and how you “do” life is ok…

A handful of you are somewhat open.

Now, I don’t say that you know this about yourself… this article is to wake you up, to bring awareness to this, so you can be conscious of it.
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How come all the sages haven’t made a difference?

How come all the sages haven’t made a difference?
Let me first define what I mean by ‘making a difference…’

…because there is a lot of mischief about that in common language. Because it’s been a slogan. Because it has been a bromide for so long.

OK, explanation: if I am hired to design a system that reduces the carbon dioxide load… to turn around the Global Warming… I am asked to ‘make a difference’, i.e. to alter the future.

If I didn’t do that, but a lot of people are now arguing about it…
If I didn’t do that, but a few people in rich countries are using wind power and solar power… did I make a difference? No.
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Do you think spirituality, healing, are one size fit most?

Do you think spirituality, healing, are one size fit most?

One size fits most?

If you think that one diet, one pill, one activator will work for all… then you are as stupid as the medical establishment, and you are as stupid as the marketeers hope that you are.

As simple as that…

In fact, this stupidity is the reason that I can review hundreds of “practitioners” and not find a genuine article… The genuine articles, the people with real talent, real ability, are lost in the shuffle, have given up, can’t make a living, and can’t make a difference. The field is given over to marketeers that are only interested in numbers and in money. And your stupidity caused it… 🙁

If you ever ask the question why I insult you in most every article, I have a reason. If you are a consolation seeker, a positive thinker, an “avoid negativity” junkie, then I want to offend you, and I want you to leave. Why? Because you are hopeless. Continue reading “Do you think spirituality, healing, are one size fit most?”

Osho: Your emptiness within. Your efforts without

Osho: Your emptiness within. Your efforts without

osho on the emptiness within and your effort withoutWhat is greed?

Man feels meaningless, empty, hollow within, and wants to fill it, stuff it. The effort to fill it somehow is greed. That effort is bound to fail for the simple reason because whatsoever you accumulate remains on the outside; it cannot reach within you. And the problem is within… and the solution you are seeking is without.

For example, you are feeling meaningless inside you and you are trying to fill it by money. It is a stupid effort, unconscious effort, not seeing a simple point: that money can be gathered, accumulated, but it will pile up around you. You can have mountains of money around you… there have been people with mountains of money.

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So you want to become a healer?

healing handsEnergy Healing, Energy Healers

People want to become healers. It is all ego, pride, a way to go around doing their own spiritual work.

Thousands upon thousands search to become Reiki “Masters”… they are not a master in anything, barely can tie their shoe laces, but they are Reiki Masters. Yeah, right.

It’s the best racket of our age:wave your arms, and get paid. No one can see energy, no one can measure energy, and only a very small percentage of people can feel energy. And when they don’t… it is their fault, isn’t it?
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Osho on Knowledge and Knowing. Zen is just Zen

Osho on Knowledge and Knowing. Zen is just Zen


ZEN IS JUST ZEN. There is nothing comparable to it. It is unique — unique in the sense that it is the most ordinary and yet the most extraordinary phenomenon that has happened to human consciousness. It is the most ordinary because it does not believe in knowledge, it does not believe in mind. It is not a philosophy, not a religion either. It is the acceptance of the ordinary existence with a total heart, with one’s total being, not desiring some other world, supra-mundane, supra-mental.
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Osho: Players Of A Game… being extraordinary is the most ordinary

thumnail-phpIn this whole series, Osho examines a piece of poem or a story from a world culture that is spiritually meaningful. This poem is Japanese. Osho distinguishes being in the present, not being in the past, not being in the future, not desiring the present different from what it is.

Ultimately, this is the path to joy and happiness… Please read.

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Lead your life with your strength… instead of fixing

Lead your life with your strength… instead of fixing

benjamin-buttonIn this article I introduce the antisocial idea, that you are important enough, your time, your life is important enough to be used for something that you are good at and enjoy doing it.
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