Day 6 of my fast and the insights I am getting

Day 6 of my fast

I made a lot of broth yesterday and the day before.

Why a lot? Because when you order delivery, you save money by ordering more than 35 bucks worth of stuff.

And I tell you, 35 dollars worth of broth ingredients is a lot.

So I made it in two days in four big pots. Obviously I know what I am doing. I have learned cooking from the age 6-ish, so by age 8 I could cook dinner for the whole family. Continue reading “Day 6 of my fast and the insights I am getting”

How to innovate yourself out of a bad situation

Oprah's TLD score is 10
Oprah's TLB score is 10On the other side of pain, on the other side of unpleasant… How firewalking is an analogy to life… Or how to innovate yourself out of a bad situation

Firewalking is the act of walking barefoot over a bed of hot embers or stones.

Firewalking has been practiced by many people and cultures in all parts of the world, with the earliest known reference dating back to Iron Age India – c. 1200 BC. It is often used as a rite of passage, as a test of an individual’s strength and courage, or in religion as a test of one’s faith.

One of the buzz-words Tai uses in several of his steps is ‘innovate yourself out of’ the trouble you are in… the stuck states, the problem, etc. It’s Jeff Bezos’ favorite method of growth… Jeff Bezos of fame…

I have never met a person, I have never met a student who even remotely could imagine this accurately, including Tai. Continue reading “How to innovate yourself out of a bad situation”