Have a mind like a sieve? Nothing sticks?

It takes more than just insights, or reading, or listening to audios to become a fully equipped person who can live the good life. But what is the fundamental missing piece that so darn few ever benefit from in ANY of the activities they undertake?

With life spent in cars and buildings, our eyes stopped looking and assessing our environments. And with smart phones and computers, our eyes have become stationary search beams, not seeing anything outside of the beam…

But more importantly: out of sight – out of mind:

the brain does not connect what you see with anything… nothing is ever written on your brain’s hard drive… only into its RAM… and once you look away, it all disappears…

Continue reading “Have a mind like a sieve? Nothing sticks?”

Why wouldn’t you see anything new with The Sight capacity?

I have, as you may know, activated The Sight capacity for many people. The Sight is a bundle of eight capacities to see, including foresight, being able to see the steps all the way to the target you see, and seeing what’s happening as the Observer, not as an involved participant.

Some of the people whose capacity I helped open are not seeing any changes.

So this article is going to be about why wouldn’t you see anything different, anything new, after you had the eight capacities opened, and how you could. Continue reading “Why wouldn’t you see anything new with The Sight capacity?”

What is it like to pull your anchor-to-doom the new way?

anchor to doom

anchor to doomPulling your anchor to doom the new way is a profound experience. Life changing. For the client, and often for me.

So what is the new way?

The old way focused on emotions. But because all emotions arise as the consequence of words, words that give the backdrop, the attitude, it is more productive to look through the words, and the words that say what you want particularly.

So that is the new way, looking through the words of what you WANT… Continue reading “What is it like to pull your anchor-to-doom the new way?”

-Seeing what you cannot see. Seeing what’s worth seeing

Most of what is there to see can’t be seen neither in the small picture, nor does it match what is already approved to see in the culture.

When I look what kinds of fiction, what kinds of stuff attracts people nowadays, I find that the most popular genre is the kind of fiction where evil almost wins. Almost. Continue reading “-Seeing what you cannot see. Seeing what’s worth seeing”

One emotion to rule them all… What is it?

I got an email yesterday with the subject line: One Emotion to Rule them All

I had to know what it is. But the dude who sent that email buried the answer into a long interactive video I wasn’t willing to go through.

So I went to Mr. Google, and put that whole sentence into the search box. Only one dude used that exact sentence, a pastor. Continue reading “One emotion to rule them all… What is it?”

How to innovate yourself out of a bad situation

Oprah's TLD score is 10
Oprah's TLB score is 10On the other side of pain, on the other side of unpleasant… How firewalking is an analogy to life… Or how to innovate yourself out of a bad situation

Firewalking is the act of walking barefoot over a bed of hot embers or stones.

Firewalking has been practiced by many people and cultures in all parts of the world, with the earliest known reference dating back to Iron Age India – c. 1200 BC. It is often used as a rite of passage, as a test of an individual’s strength and courage, or in religion as a test of one’s faith.

One of the buzz-words Tai uses in several of his steps is ‘innovate yourself out of’ the trouble you are in… the stuck states, the problem, etc. It’s Jeff Bezos’ favorite method of growth… Jeff Bezos of Amazon.com fame…

I have never met a person, I have never met a student who even remotely could imagine this accurately, including Tai. Continue reading “How to innovate yourself out of a bad situation”

How the missing Sight capacity relegates you to…

How the missing Sight capacity relegates you to the lower echelons of society?

One of the signs of no Sight, I found, is the lack of skills.

Before you can choose a direction for your professional life, you need to find your portable skills. Skills that you have used in a different context. And then, among those skills, you need to find the ones that you like to use, enjoy using, and use them effectively, leading to success.

If you like to write music, enjoy it, but it hasn’t lead to success. Then writing music is not one of your portable skills that you want to base your life on. Continue reading “How the missing Sight capacity relegates you to…”

Why do I prefer to read fiction, instead non-fiction?

Why do I prefer to read fiction, instead of what everyone says I should read: non-fiction, someone talking ABOUT something?

In my recent conversation I have realized something important: people not only have a narrow cone of vision, they don’t even know where else they could be looking other than where they are already looking.

I realized that looking is a skill.

It comes from someone taking you by the hand and takes you to places you would not think to go, and maybe even point out what you could look at, what you could get curious about. Continue reading “Why do I prefer to read fiction, instead non-fiction?”