Do you need passion to love your work? The right work?

Do you need passion to love your work? The right work?

Do you need passion to love your work? Purpose? Maybe the right work?

What is the truth about that?

One of my former students sent me an email today. He is a former student, because I could not get him to achieve any results whatsoever.

But he has sent me valuable information before, so I read the email. Continue reading “Do you need passion to love your work? The right work?”

Is muscletesting a good truth method to pick a diet?

Is muscletesting a good truth method to pick a diet?

web-muscletestingI am getting hate mail.

I am happy about it.

They say the opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference. Continue reading “Is muscletesting a good truth method to pick a diet?”

What if integrity is living like the Creator intended?

What if integrity is living like the Creator intended?

What if we are not mice that make a mess while the cat is elsewhere… What if it is in our best interest to consider that the Creator is watching us… and doing what he intended for us to do, without grumbling, willingly, and with joy?

What if liberty to do whatever you want to do is not just stupid but also what makes you miserable… because the smart way to live is by the design the Creator created for us? And that is not liberty… it is living by design.

Design is always restriction.

What if the order of things is… Continue reading “What if integrity is living like the Creator intended?”

At any moment you are either growing or you are dying

At any moment you are either growing or you are dying
At any moment you are either growing or you are dying… but how do you go from dying into growing again?

You can plan for survival, and you can plan for growth

The most important difference, from your point of view is this:

When you plan for survival, every setback threatens you with death, or poverty, lack, illness or shame.

When you plan for growth, every setback is a new opportunity to use your skills to now grow from this new level. Continue reading “At any moment you are either growing or you are dying”

Why does a billionaire read books on physics?

Why does a billionaire read books on physics?

Patterns… or Why do billionaires read books on physics, the ice ages, the shorelines of our planet?

There are many ways to deal with the Universe, with reality, and most of them are ineffective.

The more effectively you ‘deal’ with reality, the more you get out of your life. Continue reading “Why does a billionaire read books on physics?”

How to fight the rise of evil, how to be untouched by it?

How to fight the rise of evil, how to be untouched by it?
evil is risingThe rise of evil and what to do about it?

A student of mine sent me a link to a youtube video.

I put aside ego and watched it. The video was eye-opening.

It showed how someone’s worldview, value system can be shifted rapidly… within a few months or years. And how dangerous that is. Continue reading “How to fight the rise of evil, how to be untouched by it?”

Confession Video? What are you confessing?

Confession Video? What are you confessing?

dance is divine. live your life like a danceYesterday I was on a zoom training with a known videographer.

He gave an assignment to us, participants, to make a five-minute ‘confession video’ of why we do what we do, being vulnerable, authentic, and firm in the declaration of the intention for what we do.

Each their own… not as a group. Continue reading “Confession Video? What are you confessing?”

Learn to dance with Life! Death or immortality?

Learn to dance with Life! Death or immortality?

choose to dance with lifeTree of Knowledge or Tree of Life? Death or Immortality? Choose! Learn to dance with Life…

Had we received the knowledge of good and evil from God, our discernment would include God’s perspective – but Adam chose to TAKE the knowledge rather than receive it.

I copied the above sentence from a very insightful interpretation of what happened in the Garden of Eden. Continue reading “Learn to dance with Life! Death or immortality?”

99% fail at this… pattern recognition… But why?

99% fail at this… pattern recognition… But why?

chess trains pattern recognitionIn the early days of my participation in The Forum, back in the 80’s, the typical first few minutes were like this: A smartly dressed man or woman ran into the room yelling: for You Everything is the Same as Everything Else, Except that not always…

Stunned silence… who expected yelling… definitely not me! And what the heck does that even mean?!

Then right after he would yell: you have your shit together… yeah, that is all you have together, your shit! Continue reading “99% fail at this… pattern recognition… But why?”

Truth value? Whether you think you can or think you can’t

Truth value? Whether you think you can or think you can’t

truth valueWhat is the truth value of Henry Ford’s statement ‘Whether you think you can or think you can’t… you are right‘?

7%. Which means: it is 93% not true.

Why so low?

Because what you think may not have anything to do with what you can do… It has more to do with something else…
Continue reading “Truth value? Whether you think you can or think you can’t”