Heaven or hell… same place, same people… the difference:

Heaven or hell… same place, same people… the difference is your self-talk

The opposite of Life is a conversation is you living in a world of objects, being an object. An object. Ugh. I don’t want to be an object. But if you look, you ARE treated as an object, by nearly everyone nearly all the time.

People don’t look at YOU, they look at your body, your clothes, your hair… but not YOU. Continue reading “Heaven or hell… same place, same people… the difference:”

Can you be a creator and yet live in the machine? Yes, if…

Can you be a creator and yet live in the machine? Yes, if…
Can you be a creator and yet live in the machine? Yes, if you live like life is a conversation

My introduction to this concept, that life is a conversation was in October 1987… The month of the big stock market crash.

I was an architect in the luxury architecture business… custom vacation houses on the tropical islands… and suddenly the clients lost all their money in the crash… and the projects were put on hold.

I had no savings, I had no other income, so this new idea, that I have the power to say, to create a conversation how to hold the “I am probably going to lose this job and my income” with something other than panic and anguish… And I did. I invented stuff, sometimes hourly, and could keep up my sunny disposition.

I did get let go, but whenever this company needed an architect, they called me, per diem, and I survived and was fine… thank to this new way of looking at life.

Did reality change? Yes and no. The largest reality didn’t change. But what was possible for me, definitely changed. Continue reading “Can you be a creator and yet live in the machine? Yes, if…”

I am depleted. Where did my energy go? Running on empty

I am depleted. Where did my energy go? Running on empty

I could say ‘I am depleted’ as I have always said: I am running on empty. I could also say: I feel emotionally and intellectually empty. But like you, I can benefit from adding to my vocabulary of state-expressing words, and feeling-indicating words.

When I don’t feel energized, when I am not full of creativity and when I don’t have three new articles almost ready to write, when I don’t feel like I have new programs to launch, then eventually I start to wonder, maybe even worry.

It’s not like me to have nothing to say.

Why? What happened? Where did my energy go? Continue reading “I am depleted. Where did my energy go? Running on empty”

Get out of your mind and take control of your life

Get out of your mind and take control of your life
Getting out of the mind is easy to do, hard to teach…

Mainly because the words are misleading: you don’t want to control your mind, you can’t. You want to control and direct your attention. Your mind is not controllable… But your attention is.

Once you get the hang of it… have an experience outside of your mind, life starts to open up.

The trick is not to try to change your thoughts… that would still trap you in the mind. Or change your fear… or change your desire… or change anything.

What works is to take your attention off the mind and put it on something, anything, in the present. My favorite is to download the Heaven on Earth and follow the path of the energy bundle through the 40 stops. It goes slowly, and it does work on all the 40 locations in the body: removing blockages, one after the other. I don’t remember where I teach the stops… so I may have to recreate it… I’ll add it to this post. Email me if you want it.

Another way to move your attention off the mind is to do the “find your feet” exercise… search the site to find it… I share it in some other article.

A third way is to start examining minutely your hand… you can even do that while you talk to someone, or listen to a lecture…

What is wrong with the mind-control type of teachings?
    1. the mind-control teachings, the teachings that say: control your mind? After all they say that if you can control your mind, you can achieve anything…
    2. And the Law of Attraction teachers/fans say: if you hold the image in your mind, and hold onto it long enough, it will happen…
    3. And the Positive Thinking people say: if you can turn everything into its opposite, or just avoid saying anything negative, you’ll be happy, and blah blah blah…

Continue reading “Get out of your mind and take control of your life”

From Que Sera Sera, a meandering path to no regrets

I left Hungary 37 years ago. And yet, when I hum, half of the songs are Hungarian, from before I left there.

I trust that when a song pops into my head, it is some kind of guidance. So when the song that was somehow related to the Counter-revolution in 1956, Que sera sera sung in Hungarian, when that song popped into my mind, I said to myself: pay attention. What is it saying?

I was nine years old at the time, and I was puzzled why the song would be put on the black list… I still can’t see why.

I am doing a little research on google. Continue reading “From Que Sera Sera, a meandering path to no regrets”

You are always investing… Investing in things, investing in feelings, or investing in yourself

Some days I get a ton of offers for new marketing tools, and I get desirous… I want to buy, but then I ask Source: I muscletest if I should buy, and the answer is always “NO”. 1

So I have been pondering what guides Source… 2

What investment is useful and for what? Is getting more visitors to my site useful? Not really, the return on investment is fragile… Having more visitors to my site won’t forward my work, more visitors may put some pocket change in my pocket, but are they really interested in what I teach? Not that I can see…

Every minute of every day, every choice, ask the same question: is this for a temporary gain, or is this for a permanent gain. Is it for me, or is it for some circumstance I’d like?

Continue reading “You are always investing… Investing in things, investing in feelings, or investing in yourself”

Reality is malleable. It proves Quantum Physics’ theory?

Reality is malleable. It proves Quantum Physics’ theory?

With the start of the new Playground group two weeks ago I am beginning to learn yet another wrinkle in human culture? psyche? that I hadn’t encountered before.

Not accidentally, I think, the people with that different worldview, different thinking, are from different cultures… Continue reading “Reality is malleable. It proves Quantum Physics’ theory?”

Paradigm Shift, Paradigm Jump. Planetary Ascension?

Paradigm Shift, Paradigm Jump. Planetary Ascension?

March 4, 2011 I’ve been talking about paradigm jumping as a major tool to improve your life. I have been talking about all kinds of stuff regarding paradigms, but what is it, and why should you care?

Evolution of a species is not linear.

There are evolutionary shifts, we could say paradigm shifts. The fish climbing out to dry land was a paradigm shift. A lot more freedom, a lot more stimuli, a lot more fun… but also a lot more danger… And evolutionary jump.

Humanity is, supposedly, poised to take an evolutionary jump, and by poised I mean: should take an evolutionary jump if it wants to survive as a species on this beautiful little planet, Earth.
Continue reading “Paradigm Shift, Paradigm Jump. Planetary Ascension?”

You cannot solve a problem that is not real

We all have moments of brilliance and hours of stupidity, or some version of “not brilliant”

Some people take it in stride… this is how it is, no matter who you are. Einstein had moments of brilliance… and hours, days of stupidity too. Continue reading “You cannot solve a problem that is not real”

Invisible Dynamic: Undeclared commitments

Invisible Dynamic: Undeclared commitments

My horoscope often tells me what I should be dealing with, either for myself, or for you and me.

This is the horoscope I received in my email box today, from Rob Brezsny:

If you were a snake, it would be a fine time to molt your skin. If you were a river, it would be a perfect moment to overflow your banks in a spring flood. If you were an office worker, it would be an excellent phase to trade in your claustrophobic cubicle for a spacious new niche. In other words, you are primed to outgrow at least one of your containers. The boundaries you knew you would have to transgress (step over the boundary, infringe or go beyond the bounds of) some day are finally ready to be transgressed. Even now, your attention span is expanding and your imagination is stretching.

Obviously he uses the word ‘transgress’ to express that you are in some self imposed prison, he calls it container. Rob Brezsny is a typical California positive language dude… not a straight talk dude, like myself.

Now, whether it is addressed to me, or whether it is addressed to us, I am going to attend to both aspect.

The first thing to examine where it is where ‘we’, you and me, consider certainty, security, knowing more comfortable than stretching.
Continue reading “Invisible Dynamic: Undeclared commitments”