Getting to clear. Getting to whole and complete.

Why are you miserable… why do you pretend to be happy?

Good question, isn’t it? Both parts…

My answer is the same to both questions… both parts.

It is the shoulds.

They are everywhere. Society, family, partner, government, religion, everyone we come in contact with place a should on us… and we take it, even if we don’t like it.

When we are born, life is big, and our playing ground is huge.

Then come the no’s and the do or else’s…

And with every no and with every “do or else” the playing ground where we are free to do what we want to do gets smaller and smaller.

When I look at people, they are pretty much restricted to a life the size of a playpen. Area where they are free to be themselves, area where they can be curious, area where they can do what they want to do. Continue reading “Getting to clear. Getting to whole and complete.”

Rule-making, rule-accepting separates you from reality

Rule-making, rule-accepting separates you from reality

You live life as if some things were better than others, as if some things are wrong, and other things are right.

Truth is, these are all memes 1. This is not how life works.

Life works with physical laws, some of them we know, others we don’t, but they are laws nevertheless.

The difference between a physical/natural law and a rule is that for a law to be law you don’t have to agree to it for it to do what it does… But rules for them to be working on all involved, have to be accepted, agreed to, and bear the consequences if you don’t. Continue reading “Rule-making, rule-accepting separates you from reality”

Keep your wits about you. Don’t be a monkey with a big brain

Keep your wits about you. Don’t be a monkey with a big brain

Keep your wits about you… or what it takes to become a human being instead of a monkey with a big brain

One of the amazing things I learned from The Jungle Book is that humans are really just monkeys, if we look at their behavior. Lots of chatter, no aim, short attention span, have no ability or even need to think independently…

Very interesting findings. Once you put your attention on a behavior, capacity, characteristic, you start to see what it does for you… or conversely, what the lack of it does for you.

The capacity I am now observing is attention. 2There is a fundamental difference between learning ABOUT attention and TRAINING your attention. I saw that there are courses on Khan Academy about attention, just like we have done the coursera course, learning to learn. Both are about… not the doing of it. Continue reading “Keep your wits about you. Don’t be a monkey with a big brain”

Does your worldview keep you from knowing yourself?

Does your worldview keep you from knowing yourself?

Before I write the meat of the article, I am sure you have a question: what the heck is a worldview… and how do you know what YOUR worldview is, if any.

The Three Umpires

A little anecdote comes to the rescue, about a radio interview of three umpires on how they call ball or strike (in baseball, for those who don’t know).

The three umpires are different ages.

Umpire number one asked first. He is a rookie umpire. He is asked, as will be his colleagues: How do you call ball or strike?

The rookie umpire answers: It’s obvious. I call it the way it is. A ball is a ball, a strike is a strike.

The journeyman umpire, has a few years of judging the game, answers: I do it differently. I call it the way I see it. I see it’s a ball, I call it a ball.

The old, wrinkled seasoned umpire, when asked the same question, grumbles… You are both rookies. Because I know that it ain’t nothing till I call it.

The three umpires represent three worldviews… A worldview is your relationship to what is happening in the world… 3 Continue reading “Does your worldview keep you from knowing yourself?”

Turning back the clock from misery to a life worth living.

Turning back the clock from misery to a life worth living.

Imagine that you find yourself in Los Angeles… and then you find out that your meeting was in Seattle… and you took the wrong plane.

If it happened, you would hop on another plane, or in the worst case rent a car and zoom up parallel to the Pacific Ocean, and voila you would arrive to Seattle… tired, but you would be there.

When evolution has taken the wrong “airplane”, let’s not worry if it was hijacked or not, you don’t have the luxury to take another plane, or rent a car…

You have to go back to where evolution took the wrong turn, and take a different path.

The grand experiment I am engaged in, is about that. Continue reading “Turning back the clock from misery to a life worth living.”

Astute, accurate diagnosis is 90% of success in any area of life

bach flower remedy bottlesI am working on the overwhelmingly too many foodlist orders I received in the last two days of June.

This triggered a feeling I don’t often feel any more: feeling imposed upon.

Doing things I don’t want to do. It is the energy of the Elm… a Bach energy®. “Don’t tell me what to do” reluctance, maybe even belligerence. A very forceful, suffocating, brittle energy. In fact, it’s worse than actually doing the darn thing…

What is underneath is a desire to win every time. Damn the torpedoes… lol.

Not very good for business. And no matter how hard on my hands to do so many food lists… More than a thousand muscletest each… I said I would do it… so now go do it, dammit. lol.

I didn’t know that about me. I don’t like the energy when I feel it from others, it is very selfish: desire to receive for the self alone. Suffocates me. Continue reading “Astute, accurate diagnosis is 90% of success in any area of life”

How is your life-satisfaction? Want it to go higher?

How is your life-satisfaction? Want it to go higher?

Everyone wants to be smarter, or if it is too much to ask: wants to look smart.

But why? Because of what? To what end? What would smart get you?

For some people it would help them produce results in whatever they are doing… For others it would get the promise, the mirage of being able to produce results… and they hope that they won’t need to actually produce anything.

Because you only get your rewards, with actual results. In a normal world, in a world where people act rationally. Obviously we don’t quite live in a normal world…

Very few people do what it takes to become someone who can produce.

Continue reading “How is your life-satisfaction? Want it to go higher?”

Want more, better, different than what you have?

Want more, better, different than what you have?
Want more, better, different than what you have? Here is my contribution to the “manifesting” craze

It seems that people live with a desire way bigger than their skills, their opportunities, their earning capacity, their level of focus, their will power would fulfill.

Desire for stuff, desire for recognition, desire for opulence, status, love, travel, all known to cost you… but who wants to pay? right?

So methods of magic justified with “science” have been popping up.

They say: create with your mind
They say: manifest
They say focus on what you want
They say: want it really really really
They say: place your order to the Universe
They say raise your vibration so what you want will come to you.

So let’s look at this last one, because this falls into our expertise: we raise people’s vibration here… we raise people’s consciousness. Continue reading “Want more, better, different than what you have?”

Moses made the Israelites wander in the desert for 40 years… that is how long it took to change their mindset

Nature or nurture is a big question, even though, in the big picture, it won’t matter.

  • What is part of nature can be changed. In fact it is being changed effectively all the time.
  • What is part of nurture is harder to change, but it’s possible. It just takes more work.

Just the opposite of what you thought, right?

I am a good example for nature being changed: I got smarter than when I started, smarter than my siblings and my parents… through application. High achievers in the world are mostly of this type: born with little or average, worked harder, accomplished more than what they would get if they didn’t grow what they earned.

In my muscletesting the more you were born with the less you think you need to work, the less you want to work on becoming all you can become. Continue reading “Moses made the Israelites wander in the desert for 40 years… that is how long it took to change their mindset”

Signs, God, Revelations, Numerology, Astrology. are ALL BS?

Signs, God, Revelations, Numerology, Astrology. are ALL BS?

Signs, God, revelations, numerology, astrology, dreams, magical thinking

It’s all invented, it is all some rules or some laws to make sense of what cannot make sense… life, the Universe, this whole thing we were born into. Continue reading “Signs, God, Revelations, Numerology, Astrology. are ALL BS?”