The technology of change, becoming someone who can

In the how you do anything is how you do everything article, I tell you that the how changes only if the who changes first.

But the who’s change is very gradual. Slow, subtle, and takes a lot of gentle work.

In today’s day and age everyone has a good idea how to do things, and those ideas are 99.99% of the times wrong.

I just found this brilliant story on Quora, thank you, that illustrate the methodology that works. Continue reading “The technology of change, becoming someone who can”

How, in 20 minutes, I altered my future, and how you can do it (easy) yourself. Oh, and I also raised my vibration, noticeably.

How, in 20 minutes, I altered my future, and how you can do it (easy) yourself. Oh, and I also raised my vibration, noticeably.

the renaming technique to raise your vibrationHow, in 20 minutes, I altered my future, and how you can do it (easy) yourself. Oh, and I also raised my vibration, noticeably.

There is a Landmark Education 1 distinction called “Your probable, almost certain future.”

They teach it in the Advanced Course, because beginners are almost certainly not willing to look at where their lives are heading in such a certain fashion. Even advanced students lie, pretend, avoid, so they also avoid having a breakthrough.

Imagine your life being a train on laid down tracks. It’s heading towards its designated future at 100 miles an hour. You can look out the windows, you can pull down the shades, you can read, watch TV… whatever.

None of these activities will matter, you life will end up where it’s heading… unless.
Continue reading “How, in 20 minutes, I altered my future, and how you can do it (easy) yourself. Oh, and I also raised my vibration, noticeably.”

You are is resigned and cynical. That’s who does your life

You are is resigned and cynical. That’s who does your life

everything worth doing is against the wind. going with the wind? you are goind down the drain...I just had an interesting interaction with my buddy, Source.

I have been under the weather, my heart is ailing, and I have been giving a lot of thought to dying… and the things a responsible person does to make their dying easier on the people they leave behind.

I am doing what Source suggested I did to get well, and it is not happening fast enough… lol. Continue reading “You are is resigned and cynical. That’s who does your life”

What DNA capacity does a great detective have?

What DNA capacity does a great detective have?

good detectivesI love to read. My newest favorite writer at this point is Blake Banner, a mystery writer. His books are perfect for one day reading… around 150 pages each.

What I like most about these books, apart from their language which is often delightful, is that the author pits two kinds of detectives against each other, the one who looks at the evidence, and immediately weaves a likely story and then defends it with all their might. And the other who doesn’t make a decision but researches more until he can actually prove it… which is often a lot later. Continue reading “What DNA capacity does a great detective have?”

What makes you a slacker? or a never do well?

What makes you a slacker?
The smarter you fancy yourself, the stupider your behavior. The big picture of your life…

This article is slightly philosophical, I cycle through many ideas to get to a conclusion that makes a difference. You can jump to the end, to the conclusion, and we’ll know what you are… This article is about you.

Life’s way is to handle one thing at a time… make it work and keep it working. Then, when it’s working reliably, Life will start on the next thing.

Most of Life is continuing… not starting. Or modifying and continuing. Or adding and removing. But continuing… Getting better and better. Growing. Continue reading “What makes you a slacker? or a never do well?”

Stupid is as stupid does… is it good news for you?

Stupid is as stupid does… is it good news for you? what does THAT say about you?

stupid as stupid doesYesterday’s “Trapped” article made some splashes and produced some “no echo” dead silence.

It spoke to rule-making, and defined stupid in a new way.

It separated the label “stupid” from the person and placed it on the behavior.

Stupid, as a label on a person, is a future tense “sentence”… sentence as in “the judge sentences you to a lifetime of stupidity”. No appeal… Final decision.

Meaning: no matter what you do, who is doing it is a stupid person, and THEREFORE what you ACTUALLY do cannot produce the result you want.

You don’t need any more proof of language not even approximating reality, that sentence, that meaning is all you need to see that if you are trapped in the customary language, especially your “self-talk”, and take it at face value, you are doomed. Doomed to the attitude of “no matter what I do”… Continue reading “Stupid is as stupid does… is it good news for you?”

Generators, Manifesting Generators: what is the difference

Generators, Manifesting Generators… what is the difference in Human Design?

My Precious I doesn’t like it… I am sure yours doesn’t either…

I remember when I considered being a Generator a slight. Like someone didn’t recognize my creativity, declared me a working bee… I hated it. But…

Years earlier I had the same reaction to finding out that I was a finisher… in the ‘system’ starters vs. finishers, I learned from Alex Mandossian, who was my mentor for a little while… I healed him and he mentored me… Here is a link to an interview that explains Continue reading “Generators, Manifesting Generators: what is the difference”

Pretense. authenticity. the zig-zag path to yourself

Pretense. authenticity. the zig-zag path to yourself
  • don't wish it was easier“Don’t wish it were easier: wish you were better. Don’t wish for less problems wish for more skills. Don’t wish for less challenge wish for more wisdom” said Jim Rohn
  • I want to be loved just the way I am… say most people.
  • You are already perfect…
  • The marriage of these three differing points of view is the state of humanity right now: rampant pretense… and utter misery.

The pretense prevents most everyone from becoming better. From building skills. From attaining wisdom.

The pretense is like a 2 feet by 4 feet jail cell… tight, restrictive, unpleasant. Continue reading “Pretense. authenticity. the zig-zag path to yourself”

More on the strategies of your Human Design type…

More on the strategies of your Human Design type…

One of the tricks of gurus and teachers is to be vague. It is that they seem to be vague… per se, by itself… No. They seem to be really clear… while in execution they allow everyone to make up their own interpretation, and thus fail.

Just look at meditation: I am an empath and I watch/feel what people are doing when they are supposedly meditating… Not.

Two kinds of results from followers:

  • some lie and say: they followed the instructions, and hit solid gold. They either followed the instructions or didn’t… If they did hit solid gold, my hunch says they would have hit solid gold without the instructions…
  • The rest: they think they followed their interpretation of the instructions but are afraid to say: it didn’t work… Just like the crowd won’t trust their own eyes to say: the emperor has no clothes.
This is exactly what happens with followers of the modality to live by your design: The Human Design System.

Continue reading “More on the strategies of your Human Design type…”

What’s blocking you from having a fulfilled life?

What’s blocking you from having a fulfilled life?

orphaned fawnDon’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and
do that. Because what the world needs is people who come alive. ~Nelson Mandela

There is a word in Hungarian. It is very expressive, a word I ponder… a lot.

It is “elanyatlanodik”. If I want to translate, so I don’t lose the root, it means becoming a motherless orphan.

The word indicates that a child, at any age, goes through a fundamental loss when they lose the mother.

Half of my students, in some emotional way, lost their mother, the other half would have been better off losing their mother.

What do I mean? Continue reading “What’s blocking you from having a fulfilled life?”