Frustrated? You are not in sync with Life

What does it mean to be in sync with Life? to fall in step with life? In harmony with life?

frustratedThe first fish that left the water realized that moving about with what it had. That first fish didn’t make itself wrong, didn’t make life wrong, wasn’t frustrated… instead it realized  walking with fins was too slow… so it started to realize it needed something that was more suitable for land… legs.  That is how it was in sync…

The fish used its fins until eventually they became legs… of course, over time… but you’ll get the lesson, how this applies to you, I hope.

This is how Life works, that is how evolution works. Until you introduce humans… that is. Continue reading “Frustrated? You are not in sync with Life”

Birthday musings… What worked, what didn’t work?

Birthday musings… What worked, what didn’t work?

Sara was 90 year olds when she gave birth to Yitzhak… if the bible is any indication of what life was some 4000 years ago…

Some 50 years ago I met a group of Danish students, back in Hungary, on a train. We struck up a conversation. At some point they exclaimed: “You’ll never retire. You’ll be working way past your 70’s!”

I was still an architecture student, and I must have been excited about that… Being an architecture student and being a working architect are worlds apart. One is exciting, the other is not… That’s probably why I am not an architect any more. It was drudgery.

I am equally if not more excited about my current profession… and yes, I am 73 today, and I am still working… no retirement in mind. Continue reading “Birthday musings… What worked, what didn’t work?”

You are comfortable? you stopped growing, and started dying.

You are comfortable? you stopped growing, and started dying.

One of the principles I keep on repeating without it ever getting gotten, pretty much by anyone, is that YOU can’t tell how intelligent you are, and YOU can’t tell how intelligent a person you interact with is.

The general principle is
  • you can only see maybe ten points above your own IQ
  • you consider yourself more intelligent than you are
  • because are very dupeable… and you cannot see that if someone is a good ‘talker’, if they are entertaining, that doesn’t mean they are intelligent.

I recently measured the IQ of people in two of my programs. Continue reading “You are comfortable? you stopped growing, and started dying.”

The test if you are a person is how you treat others

The test if you are a person is how you treat others

Treat me like a person!

I didn’t realize that this is a big issue until I searched for picture to illustrate this article…

Almost a billion pages…

Your relationships… inside and outside… are they people, or are they cardboard cutouts?

Here is an idea most of you will be uncomfortable with:

People you have in your life are either there because

  • 1. they have to. They are family, co-workers, who don’t really have a choice about it. They are employees to where you shop, live, work…
  • 2. they want what you have or what you offer
  • 3. they want YOU… and therefore what you offer

Continue reading “The test if you are a person is how you treat others”

Why changing your circumstances won’t change anything

Why changing your circumstances won’t change anything

I woke up with the question: if circumstances changed, would I be happier? Would YOU be happier?

I asked Source, and the answer was a surprising no.

How come, you ask? Isn’t that I am not happy because of things in my life, in the world? things that frustrate me, anger me, drive me crazy?

My health, for example. My neighbors. Workmen that cause almost as much damage as service.

And every question Source answers with a resounding no.

WTF?! Continue reading “Why changing your circumstances won’t change anything”

What you most want in life

What you most want in life

A different way to approach your ITCH is this ‘poem’ I swiped from today’s Monday Morning Memo

It takes four people to make a world.

1. One person wants acceptance.
They hope to save the relationship.
Under pressure, they acquiesce. Continue reading “What you most want in life”

The chip on your shoulder — taking it off and keeping it off

The chip on your shoulder — taking it off and keeping it off

As I am preparing to lead the Inner Authority Course, I see the need to dig deeper and deeper into the morass of human misery so that I can dig you out of there. I have tools, but I want more. And more. And more.

It is not about getting myself out of misery: I am already 70% “clear” of misery… and that is a blissful place, but it took me 34 years, so far, and I don’t know many people who are willing to work on themselves that long… I did it because I was soooo miserable. Continue reading “The chip on your shoulder — taking it off and keeping it off”

What makes you chase your tail? And even when you…

What makes you chase your tail? And even when you…

I started to do this work 13 years ago in earnest. That is when I found out that I could connect to Source whenever, wherever… no problem, no effort. So I started to connect frequently.

That is when the negotiations between Source and me began.

I wanted to be the one to do this work: taking humanity back into the evolutionary process, so they can reach the evolutionary state of human being. Continue reading “What makes you chase your tail? And even when you…”

What separates humans from other species, yes even the dolphins, is language.

What separates humans from other species, yes even the dolphins, is language.

So we have language. Language that hasn’t evolved for, I don’t actually know, but let’s say tens of thousands of years, and yet we know nothing about communicating.

I even see people call The Communication Course, communications course… with plural.

What does that signal to me? That they don’t think that there is such a thing as communication, only instances of it.

You think that talking, telling someone to do something or not do something is communication.

Unfortunately for you, for humanity, all the communications put together don’t add up to Communication… Continue reading “What separates humans from other species, yes even the dolphins, is language.”

So you want to be important… liked… relevant… belonging.

So you want to be important… liked… relevant… belonging.

So you want to be important… liked… relevant… belonging.

This issue is coming to the forefront… This expectation of be made important, liked, relevant, belonging by other people, or by some job, of by association, or by some success.

Or to be liked by behaving in a certain way, be liked by other people because of something you do or don’t do.

It is an aspect of being an effect… not a cause. Little explored by anyone.

You are either in the world of because or you are cause… BE cause

Continue reading “So you want to be important… liked… relevant… belonging.”