If you manage to take away the ITCH what is left?

If you manage to take away the ITCH what is left?

Some of my students are starting to see that if they didn’t have the self-concern: The ITCH, they would react to life differently, they would be less upset, they would have a life, maybe, worth living.

So how does this work?

When you are in reality, things are as they are. A is A.It is what it is. Continue reading “If you manage to take away the ITCH what is left?”

From a life of resignation to a life worth living

From a life of resignation to a life worth living
a life of desperationLet’s first analyze the title… instead of jumping right in… OK?

What is a life of resignation? What do you resign to?

I say, you resign to being an effect. To not being cause. And that hurts. Continue reading “From a life of resignation to a life worth living”

Confession Video? What are you confessing?

Confession Video? What are you confessing?

dance is divine. live your life like a danceYesterday I was on a zoom training with a known videographer.

He gave an assignment to us, participants, to make a five-minute ‘confession video’ of why we do what we do, being vulnerable, authentic, and firm in the declaration of the intention for what we do.

Each their own… not as a group. Continue reading “Confession Video? What are you confessing?”

Learning? What’s between you and learning?

Learning? What’s between you and learning?

Learning? What’s between you and learning? What’s between you and growing?

You have been seeing that if you wanted all out of life, you needed to learn new things, you needed to grow as a person. and you saw that no matter how hard you tried… it wasn’t happening.

Some of my articles, some of my emails hit a resonant chord with some old students of mine… It just happened.

A past student, someone who wasn’t willing to grow because growing didn’t make her look already good, because it didn’t fill her itch. Continue reading “Learning? What’s between you and learning?”

What makes you should on yourself and others?

What makes you should on yourself and others?

should racketWhat makes you should on yourself and others? The ‘should racket’, the invisible dynamic: you assume there is agreement, that things should be in a certain way

Joke: Why do violinists put a handkerchief between the violin and their shoulder? So they don’t violin on themselves…

Not many people play the violin, but we all should on ourselves. some more, some less.

I should already know it, I should already do it well

Some people can’t learn… and therefore they are stuck. We could even say: most people.

Let me ask Source how many. 70% of humanity has the affliction, the disease of the mind I highlight in the title of this article, I should already know it, I should already… [fill in the blanks]

Shoulding effectively prevents you from learning, let alone mastering anything. You are afraid to do anything in public, for fear of people finding out that you are not something enough to already be the best. Continue reading “What makes you should on yourself and others?”

Birthday musings… What worked, what didn’t work?

Birthday musings… What worked, what didn’t work?

Sara was 90 year olds when she gave birth to Yitzhak… if the bible is any indication of what life was some 4000 years ago…

Some 50 years ago I met a group of Danish students, back in Hungary, on a train. We struck up a conversation. At some point they exclaimed: “You’ll never retire. You’ll be working way past your 70’s!”

I was still an architecture student, and I must have been excited about that… Being an architecture student and being a working architect are worlds apart. One is exciting, the other is not… That’s probably why I am not an architect any more. It was drudgery.

I am equally if not more excited about my current profession… and yes, I am 73 today, and I am still working… no retirement in mind. Continue reading “Birthday musings… What worked, what didn’t work?”

Three reasons you don’t learn… and end up ignorant in spite of the money and the time invested…

Three reasons you don’t learn… and end up ignorant in spite of the money and the time invested…

What phase of learning do you regularly skip that you end up ignorant? Never amounting to much…

… in spite of all the courses you’ve taken, all the books you’ve read, all the videos you’ve watched? I am not even talking about the books and courses that you bought but never went through… Just the ones where you thought you learned something…

We live in a world of instant. Instagram, Instacart, Facebook live… blah blah blah. Continue reading “Three reasons you don’t learn… and end up ignorant in spite of the money and the time invested…”

You are comfortable? you stopped growing, and started dying.

You are comfortable? you stopped growing, and started dying.

One of the principles I keep on repeating without it ever getting gotten, pretty much by anyone, is that YOU can’t tell how intelligent you are, and YOU can’t tell how intelligent a person you interact with is.

The general principle is
  • you can only see maybe ten points above your own IQ
  • you consider yourself more intelligent than you are
  • because are very dupeable… and you cannot see that if someone is a good ‘talker’, if they are entertaining, that doesn’t mean they are intelligent.

I recently measured the IQ of people in two of my programs. Continue reading “You are comfortable? you stopped growing, and started dying.”

The test if you are a person is how you treat others

The test if you are a person is how you treat others

Treat me like a person!

I didn’t realize that this is a big issue until I searched for picture to illustrate this article…

Almost a billion pages…

Your relationships… inside and outside… are they people, or are they cardboard cutouts?

Here is an idea most of you will be uncomfortable with:

People you have in your life are either there because

  • 1. they have to. They are family, co-workers, who don’t really have a choice about it. They are employees to where you shop, live, work…
  • 2. they want what you have or what you offer
  • 3. they want YOU… and therefore what you offer

Continue reading “The test if you are a person is how you treat others”

Fighting your demons, expecting to win one day

Fighting your demons, expecting to win one day

You and I spend most of our lives trying to fix something that never happened. Not only that it wasn’t wrong… but it never actually happened. Something that was never factually true. Even though you keep telling the story as if it were true. And you don’t know that you are lying.

Some people call these demons… even though there are no demons… but nevertheless, using the expression: fighting your demons is very accurate, if you don’t believe that demons are entities. There are no entities in the visible or invisible Universe.

And yet we are fighting… I call it an itch… a compulsion… something that makes you weird.

The ITCH that tells you that unless you get what you say you didn’t get in that story, at whatever price, even extorting it, you cannot be OK. Continue reading “Fighting your demons, expecting to win one day”