The culture of scarcity chasing abundance…

The culture of scarcity chasing abundance…
The culture… it is invisible.

Our culture is also the culture of shortcuts. The culture of quick. The culture of wanting instant. And, of course, the culture of wanting.

What feeds this is the culture of scarcity. We live in the culture of scarcity.

A person needs to see, needs to say that something is not enough. And then they act to fix it. Continue reading “The culture of scarcity chasing abundance…”

Til you yank the roots of your misery, you can’t get better

Til you yank the roots of your misery, you can’t get better
It’s like a root canal…

Until you yank the roots of your misery, you can’t get better.

Imagine that your tooth is your life. You don’t want to yank your life. that would mean dying. But you can yank the root, the part that makes it hurt…

Or you can self-medicate.

Take drugs,
numb yourself…
get religious. it will divert your attention from your life

All self-medications are harmful, because they cement the notion that how it is is wrong. Continue reading “Til you yank the roots of your misery, you can’t get better”

What is frustration? And what does it say?

What is frustration? And what does it say?

All emotions speak!

I have, until a few minutes ago, thought that to be frustrated something needs to be block or hinder you in an action…

I am finding out that frustration is actually synonymous with disappointment. Continue reading “What is frustration? And what does it say?”

Fulfillment starts in third and fourth gear. Below that…

Fulfillment starts in third and fourth gear. Below that…

Below that it’s discontent. This is true in any area. Health, wealth, love and fulfillment (aka work).

It seems that most of life can be lived somewhat safely without consciousness. Consciousness is activated with a type of thinking. Thinking things out, deeply. Without that kind of thinking there is no consciousness.

Animals get on quite well without thinking things out, without consciousness. And for millions of years they are still around, more or less. Continue reading “Fulfillment starts in third and fourth gear. Below that…”

The #2 backdrop and its cost on the life. How to selfcorrect

The #2 backdrop and its cost on the life. How to selfcorrect

I just finished Steven Konkoly’s six book series on Black Flag.

He, in these books, reveals a conspiracy: REBOOT. A lot like MAGA… not an accident.

It is the plan to rebuild America as an autocracy… not a democracy.

It plans to take away the voice of most… even if it takes killing them. Continue reading “The #2 backdrop and its cost on the life. How to selfcorrect”

What creates the warped worldview that keeps you the same?

What creates the warped worldview that keeps you the same?

How you look at today comes from a worldview that you created for yourself at or around 3 year old age.

You can go and learn anything, philosophy, theology, Marxism, and yet, at the root of your worldview, the way you look at everything was created by an upset 3-year old.

At age 3, with very rare exceptions, we are all, when I compare you to an adult, dumb.

Even geniuses, like the little boy who played chess… emotionally, even these young geniuses are little kids… no sign of mature sensibilities. Continue reading “What creates the warped worldview that keeps you the same?”

There is a secret to mastery most people will never know

There is a secret to mastery most people will never know

There is a secret to mastery most people will never crack.

Most people will never see… because it is in plain sight and yet invisible.

The movie Karate Kid gives away… and still no one gets it

There is a turning point in the movie Karate Kid 1984. The original movie. Continue reading “There is a secret to mastery most people will never know”

If you want more, better or different from what you have

If you want more, better or different from what you have

envyIf you want a better future.

This is a long article. Don’t just skim it… it has no value that way. Please…

Most people want different, and they want to change.

You are an employee? You want to be a business(wo)man.

And you start hating what you are doing, and start dreaming about what you are going to do. Continue reading “If you want more, better or different from what you have”

There are two major types of backdrops plus a mix of the two

There are two major types of backdrops plus a mix of the two

There are two major types of backdrop, and, of course, everything in between.

The two major backdrop types are:

The secret life of the superiors also called the 1000

The secret life of the superiors also called the 1000

If you managed to listen to the whole two hours of Alex Hormozi answering questions video, you can tell that there is a common way 1000’s think and behave.

One of these is to avoid doing things in order to… Agenda replaced the joy of doing.

The joy of doing?

Yeah. Continue reading “The secret life of the superiors also called the 1000”