Why Is It So Hard to Change? A look under the hood

Why Is It So Hard to Change? A look under the hood

changeWhy is it so difficult to change?

I am in the business of causing change… Causing you to cause change for yourself…

I, for a period of time, declared that the context of my life was to be an inspiring leader of leaders.

How did that go? Not very well, I must admit. Continue reading “Why Is It So Hard to Change? A look under the hood”

Look for it where it is, not where the light is on

Look for it where it is, not where the light is on

Everyone is looking for the lost key under the lamppost…

The current state of humanity is: no one is looking…

Instead, if they do anything, they try to think it out.

It is like trying to think out soup… no ingredients, none.

The only way to be effective in life is through looking IN REALITY, where the ingredients are… and not just for soup, but for everything.

The Streetlight Effect Continue reading “Look for it where it is, not where the light is on”

How to build a life worth living, if yours is not like that

How to build a life worth living, if yours is not like that

cathedral built of matchsticks, a life built of habitsToday I got struck with an insight.

I have written 613 articles on building, that is roughly 10% of all my articles, and yet I have noticed that building didn’t, hasn’t become part of the vocabulary of clients and readers of my articles.

Why is that?

I am not sure, but I think that it is a mindset issue. Continue reading “How to build a life worth living, if yours is not like that”

How we spend our days is of course how we spend our lives…

How we spend our days is of course how we spend our lives…

I am reading a book, The One Thing. Tai Lopez recommended it, but I had been resisting.

But like most of the books Tai recommends, it does have a kernel of gold… Maybe more than one kernel.

One of these is what he says about will power. Quite fascinating and very useful. Continue reading “How we spend our days is of course how we spend our lives…”

What is the greatest motivators of all? Can you guess?

What is the greatest motivators of all? Can you guess?

what is inspiration?If we were talking directly, I would let you guess… but I am sure you wouldn’t guess right… It wouldn’t even occur to you…

Because the greatest motivators of all is being inspired by yourself.

What does it even mean, Sophie? Continue reading “What is the greatest motivators of all? Can you guess?”

See ME. Not a thing… ME as a person! Look again!

See ME. Not a thing… ME as a person! Look again!

I see you as a personSee me as a person. See me for what’s great in me, and have room for what isn’t…

Secretly we all want to be acknowledged for what WE feel is great about us… not what YOU think is. But because we, humans, don’t see who others are… we only see who we are… we never feel seen, we never feel acknowledged for what we feel is good about us. Continue reading “See ME. Not a thing… ME as a person! Look again!”

Is ‘talking about’ a type of mental illness?

Is ‘talking about’ a type of mental illness?

This morning something pulled me back to bed after I got up.

I considered it guidance, and I got back to bed.

What came next was amazing: trips down memory lane, all centering around mental illness, mental stability, your TLB, and what was in common among the many people I remember so clearly, people I spent time with in mental institutions.

As an empath, other people’s feelings, emotions tend to tug at me. today 99% of what I feel is not mine… But before I became conscious, before I started to climb the consciousness tree, 30% of the feelings I felt were mine. I also had a lot more voices in my head… all talking at the same time.

The only reason I know, with 20/20 hindsight, that I was hospitalized not for what I felt, is that none of the medication worked… I wasn’t the person who was crazy, I just felt the craziness of others.

My theory of mental illness has always been that it is an escape… a hiding place.

Continue reading “Is ‘talking about’ a type of mental illness?”

The tragedy that happened to humanity in the last Century

The tragedy that happened to humanity in the last Century

What happened to humanity, starting at the beginning of the 20th Century is a big tragedy.

Success literature happened.

And success gurus, success writers, motivational speakers, and the whole industry of the Lottery Approach.

The same thing happened in spirituality and in healing. Even religion had been kinder to people… Even religion had robbed them less that this new wave of success literature. Killing Life… for most people. Continue reading “The tragedy that happened to humanity in the last Century”

Are you talented? Is talent wasted on you?

Are you talented? Is talent wasted on you?

are you talented?This morning I have been experiencing an emotional roller coaster… as I am cycling through tens of people as I accidentally connect to them. Some gurus, Murakami, his wife, a marketing guru, my next door neighbor, my brother, some students, a site visitor from Hungary, my architecture school friend.

I can feel my face, my mouth… and I can recognize the micro expressions and identify them.

And then, of course, the emotions of my own reaction to their internal state… judgment, compassion, pity, sympathy…

I could write an article, a whole article, about each of them, but I’ll write about a word that screwed up countless lives… and probably still is.

As you know, a large period of my life I was an architect. Architecture school, in Hungary, is something you choose after high school, and it’s a five year study, every person takes the exact same classes.

The favorite or dreaded word of an architecture student was ‘talented’ or ‘not talented’.
Continue reading “Are you talented? Is talent wasted on you?”

How I got myself unstuck on a project to double my income…

How I got myself unstuck on a project to double my income…

get unstuckI have been working on the project of doubling my income by adding a new revenue source.

This article is my private process. I wrote it to document how I got myself over the hump. To clarify some things. To get unstuck. And to be able to do it again and again.

At some spots it’s sketchy… it is my process and it has fulfilled its purpose: I have gained the clarity from doing it, the clarity that will help me to get to over the next hump when I want to or need to do it again… because that is how life works.

If life is smooth sailing, then you are not growing.

Then you are not challenging yourself. Then you are most likely going down on a greased chute. Continue reading “How I got myself unstuck on a project to double my income…”