Tai Lopez’s 5 Steps To ‘The Good Life’

Tai Lopez’s 5 Steps To ‘The Good Life’

tai-party-croppedI am a coach. But spirituality is a tricky thing: not much action: most things happen on the inside as a result of some shift.

But… but it is only possible to coach someone who is in action.

For decades I tried to coach people who weren’t… and it was a waste of my efforts. Decades. I hated my life… 🙁

Finally I wisened up when I myself bought Tai’s program and started to do it.

It was action. Daily or five times a week action. I either did it or didn’t do it. I either paid attention or I didn’t. I was either humble and soaked it up like a sponge, or judged it. I was either growing or shrinking. It had a what and it had a how aspect. Excellent.

I saw that it is the perfect thing for my clients and students to do: do the 67 steps… and then suddenly there will be sense in coaching them. 1
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There is no hurry on the creative plane…

There is no hurry on the creative plane…

there-is-no-hurryWallace D. Wattles said that. One Hundred years ago. 2

Of course he was mistaken in 70% of what he said; your thoughts do not create, etc. and yet. The 30% is worth its weight in gold.

I have been practicing being on the creative plane: no hurry, no competition, no scarcity, you can’t miss anything… Not easy to stay on it… wasn’t even easy to “climb” on it.

It’s been the best thing ever happened to my life.

I see it even clearer by observing my students who are always in a hurry.

Tai has this “patient-impatient” and “impatient-patient” going, and I have to admit that it goes right over my head… just like his PACE categories… but I completely get that if you start anything with the idea that it is going be fast, that it is going to be easy, you are going to make mistakes, and you are going to run out of steam.
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Do you understand digestion? The process?

Do you understand digestion? The process?

education-is-a-good-thingAs you know I do health consulting. Most of it is about how to eat and what to eat.

Yesterday I found out that my clients don’t know how digestion works, and therefore they guess at how to eat… Because this seems to be the general picture, that people never learned about digestion, I see that I need an emergency article…

In this article I rant about widespread ignorance, your ignorance… about how things work. Then I teach you stuff you want to know but never learned… about your body, about eating, about the secrets of being well…

If you want to skip the rant… click here…

If you went to school and have nothing to show for it: you are not alone.

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If you follow my instructions and don’t feel fantastic…

If you follow my instructions and don’t feel fantastic…

peanut butter

  • If you eat all/most of the foods on your food list in the right proportion,
  • don’t eat any of the foods that are not on your food list
  • eat only when you have an appetite
  • don’t eat more than what your stomach can handle at a time
  • sleep right at regular hours
  • drink only fully energized water
  • take your vitamins and minerals that you have discussed with me…
  • drink your Energized Water®

…and you don’t feel fantastic, and your numbers are not up to par…

then you are doing something wrong.

When something isn’t working, there is something that you don’t know

So what can be the hidden reason?
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Why you are unhappy when you are unhappy

Why you are unhappy when you are unhappy

This is a brilliant article… except one thing: I see this same thing across the board, across all ages. 20 to 70…

So this article is probably written about you, accurately, if you are not happy when you are not happy.

Why Generation Y Yuppies, and you! Are Unhappy By Tim Urban

Say hi to Lucy. lucy

Lucy is part of Generation Y, the generation born between the late 1970s and the mid 1990s.  She’s also part of a yuppie culture that makes up a large portion of Gen Y.

I have a term for yuppies in the Gen Y age group—I call them Gen Y Protagonists & Special Yuppies, or GYPSYs.  A GYPSY is a unique brand of yuppie, one who thinks they are the main character of a very special story.

So Lucy’s enjoying her GYPSY life, and she’s very pleased to be Lucy.  Only issue is this one thing:

Lucy’s kind of unhappy.

To get to the bottom of why, we need to define what makes someone happy or unhappy in the first place.

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The how of life… the school that you haven’t graduated from

The how of life… the school that you haven’t graduated from


Remember T. Harv Eker and his famous saying: How you do anything is how you do everything!?

This article is about that “how”… the all important, life defining, success defining how.

In this article, you and your life is considered a “business”… thriving or failing or stagnating.

If you are human your mind suggests that you already know everything…

If you think you know everything… and I bet you do… consider that in the “how” department, how you know, how you do, how you react, you are a babe in the woods… You know next to nothing.

Why is this?

Because, for some misguided reason, you consider learning a “what” activity… whereas most learning is a “how: activity. Learning how…

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I have been in a special place where words are not

I have been in a special place where words are not

whereof-one-cannot-speak-thereof-one-must-be-silent-quote-1I have been in a special place where words are not…

I remember in Landmark Education I heard “Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent.”~Wittgenstein

I had no idea what it meant… I felt it. I felt it solemn, I felt it exuberant, I felt it exhilarating, I felt it divine.

And then 20 years passed… lots of talking… words and more words. Continue reading “I have been in a special place where words are not”

The ability to be in awe. how will it matter for your life?

The ability to be in awe. how will it matter for your life?

aweSometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine~Alan Turing

I watched yet another movie about Alan Turing and how his machine won the war against Nazi Germany.

I would not be around without him. My parents, my race would have perished. And you would live a totally different life… The book (and the Amazon series) The Man in the High Castle approximates…

I am in awe. With what he did, with who he was, with genius winning, with goodness winning.

Continue reading “The ability to be in awe. how will it matter for your life?”

Do you have opportunities to break out from your routine?

Do you have opportunities to break out from your routine?

the-2-percentFor me holidays are important, because they are not routine. And because it is so easy to be in a routine, and not consider it a rut… even I need something outside to change to take a different look at my own life, at my own business.

This time around I finally was willing to admit that my site needs redesigning.

I am not willing to overhaul it completely, but I am willing to make it completely compatible with mobile devices: already more than 50% of all visits are from mobile devices. I have been acting in concert with the 5% tweak principle I learned from Tai
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Many ways to be stuck: people who move are all alike

Many ways to be stuck: people who move are all alike

all-happy-familiesThis is paraphrasing the famous Leo Tolstoy quote: ‘All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.’ This is the Anna Karenina principle… As all principles do, it applies to many, maybe even all areas of life. A principle is the same as a distinction… I say.

There are only about 50 different ways to get stuck… and your way is just one or two of those.
Continue reading “Many ways to be stuck: people who move are all alike”