Sweep The Floor, Wash The Windows, Vs. Move To A New House Or A New Country… Or The Different Modalities Of Self-Improvement, Self-Development And Transformation

Originally posted 2011-11-08 18:13:28.

sweep the floor Sweep The Floor, Wash The Windows, Vs. Move To A New House Or A New Country… Or The Different Modalities Of Self-Improvement, Self-Development And Transformation

I have been looking at some of my personal sticking points.

Addicted to milk, addicted to sugar, avoiding doing the laundry… these are just the tip of the ice berg.

Oh, you thought that I was beyond that? Oh, sorry to disappoint, you are never beyond that. Besides, if I were, I would not be writing these posts, it would be painfully boring.

Life is about growing, life is about being an advancing personality, not about comfortably teaching something that is a non-issue for me. Even if writing about it would potentially cause your growth: life is about each person becoming an advancing personality, not some teaching others to be that, so they can be off the hook…

Anyway, returning to my top of the iceberg imperfections: I am wondering what is the payoff.

Continue reading “Sweep The Floor, Wash The Windows, Vs. Move To A New House Or A New Country… Or The Different Modalities Of Self-Improvement, Self-Development And Transformation”

The Planetary Ascension Project Is By Design

Originally posted 2011-10-08 15:51:57.

The Planetary Ascension Project Is By Design

on Yom Kippur the sky is open and the light of the Creator is unobstructedWhy do I think I am on the right path?

This question comes up in people’s minds, and if it doesn’t, then it should. After all I could be a ‘false prophet’, a fake Messiah, or just a garden variety ‘guru’, a dime a dozen, been there, done that.

Continue reading “The Planetary Ascension Project Is By Design”

What Does Your Atlas Have To Do With Ascension? With Spirituality? With Connecting To Source?

Originally posted 2011-09-23 11:33:31.

what does the Atlas have to do with spirituality? Atlas 1

I have been having problems with my right leg. The pain, the frequent inability to walk, stand, or even to rest was extolling a price.

Life occurred to me this way: it would be perfect if only my leg healed.

Chiropractors didn’t have any answers.

Continue reading “What Does Your Atlas Have To Do With Ascension? With Spirituality? With Connecting To Source?”

Yoga Teachers, Yoga practice, The Yoga Alliance

Originally posted 2011-05-28 03:30:02.

Yoga is fashionable, it is an exercise for most. But yoga used to be a serious spiritual practice.

How and why? Yoga can give you superior control over your attention, over your body. Once you have control over what you can have control over, the next step is to recognize that you are neither your body, nor your thoughts, history, emotions, you are outside of all that: you are the Watcher. And you will recognize that the Watcher doesn’t participate in all the hubbub of the life… the Watcher observes it.

And that was the purpose of yoga, that has been completely dropped out.

But because context is decisive, without that context, none of the yoga practitioners can attain to that higher level of living, the living of a human being. Sad… but not irreversible.

Registering with the Yoga Alliance has many advantages for the yoga professional and offers more credibility to those who teach yoga. Their global registry acknowledges your training and knowledge and your ability as a yoga teacher. Being a member will also help when applying for a job, as being a member of the Yoga Alliance instills confidence and respect in your students. As a member of the Alliance, you will have achieved certain recognized standards, and those students who know of the Alliance respect its work and will seek out members as teachers. By using their designated registry marks – RYT or E-RYT after your name on business correspondence, business cards and advertising, your membership will be instantly recognizable.

The Alliance offers many networking opportunities, as the founders realize that in order to spread the word about the benefits of yoga, their members need to be able to communicate with others on a business level. The Yoga Alliance is very aware that those who run their own studios or those who are independent yoga teachers can become cut off from the main stream. Through their networking opportunities, yoga professionals can learn about opportunities for further education and interact with others on a professional level.

As many aspects of yoga are acknowledged by some in the medical community to help with weight loss, stress, high blood pressure and other medical conditions, having the designated registry mark RYT or E-RYT after your name, means you are more likely to be recommended by another health professional.

If you have a website you use for advertising purposes, those searching for a yoga teacher or studio in their area will also be more attracted to those with bona fide qualifications. By offering a link through to the Yoga Alliance website, the searcher will be given an in depth look at what the Alliance sets out to do, and be given salient information about the many benefits of practicing yoga themselves. It is a good selling point for those who have an established business and for those wishing to build clientele for a new yoga studio.

Registration fees with the Yoga Alliance are low, compared to the many benefits they offer. Schools that offer yoga teacher training can apply under a number of different programs within the Yoga Alliance, as long as a number of criteria are met by the school. The Alliance offers four basic programs: Children’s yoga, pre-natal yoga which is becoming a very popular choice for new mothers, plus either 200-hour or 500-hour certification and can take up to 90 days once the application is received.

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Top Five Regrets of the Dying and how to beat them

Originally posted 2011-02-21 16:36:47.

Top Five Regrets of the Dying and how to beat them
  • 1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
  • 2. I wish I didn’t work so hard.
  • 3. I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.
  • 4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.
  • 5. I wish that I had let myself be happier.

These are the top five regrets of the dying, and here is how to beat having these regrets, or any other

I have read articles about dying and I have read poems written by old-old people expressing their regrets. They are in death’s anteroom, and the view of their life and themselves is special from there: they are to the side and slightly elevated position from where they can both feel and see. Continue reading “Top Five Regrets of the Dying and how to beat them”

Reprogramming Your Mind For Peace, Happiness, Achievement, and More

Originally posted 2011-02-19 07:49:26.

reprogramming your mindReprogramming Your Mind

Huh? Reprogramming? For what? Why? How?

The biggest issues I encounter in my practice is the monkey mind. The noise. The morass. The voices you heed.

What am I talking about? I am talking about a busy mind, stuck in constant chatter, and unable to concentrate at the task at hand. Even to hear! When you are in this state, if you are like me, you are dreaming of reprogramming your mind.

Unless the task is a repetitive task, requiring no input from you, this may work, but if your input is required, especially if the input needs to be creative and complex, you are screwed! royally. Continue reading “Reprogramming Your Mind For Peace, Happiness, Achievement, and More”

The Wall, The Ladder, and Your Life’s Purpose

Originally posted 2010-12-11 10:25:59.

The Wall, The Ladder, and Your Life’s Purpose
How do you get Guidance from The Soul?

Many people walk around with an immense amount of knowledge.

Yet, in their professional life, they jump from one thing to the other. They’re directionless because they zigzag.

They go to this direction and then they go to that direction and they go in the third direction and then they return to the first one, and on and on it goes. Continue reading “The Wall, The Ladder, and Your Life’s Purpose”

Starting something new, especially if you need the results

Starting something new, especially if you need the results

Starting something new, especially if you need the results is an arduous process. Whether what you start is in health, wealth, love or fulfillment… the process is the same. Difficult.

Because the process requires several spiritual capacities, and abilities that most people don’t have.

I am going to assume that you already have some capacities…

you are Continue reading “Starting something new, especially if you need the results”

If I see you as beautiful… will you too?

If I see you as beautiful… will you too?

happy-babyIf I see you as beautiful… will you see yourself as beautiful?
If I see you as magnificent, great, awesome… will you see yourself like I do?

Muscletest and my experience says: no.

The most beautiful women spend hours in front of the mirror staring at their imperfections… trying to hide them.

There are also beautiful women who can say: so what. They are in search of some other imperfection.

We know ourselves intimately, and rare is the person who can leave it alone… who can refrain bemoaning their faults, and stop trying to fix themselves while keeping up appearances.
Continue reading “If I see you as beautiful… will you too?”

What else? Where else? A spiritual practice

What else? Where else? A spiritual practice

where-elseOne of my ‘favorite’ practices is this:

I find out that I misunderstood something. It cost me to miss something. It cost me to misunderstand. And it always does.

So instead of getting upset. Or angry. Or beat myself up. I do something constructive.

I expand my cone of vision. Continue reading “What else? Where else? A spiritual practice”