It is hard to see outside of the trench you dug yourself…

It is hard to see outside of the trench you dug yourself…

The walls of the trench hide what the trench is really about.

I have two students with the same soul correction, both want attention. What they don’t see, what they will have a difficulty seeing is that attention is the wall of the trench… not the cause: an effect. The effect that prevents them from seeing the cause, and prevents them from living a full life.

Let’s look what could be missing? Continue reading “It is hard to see outside of the trench you dug yourself…”

The future you create with your words needs you to…

The future you create with your words needs you to…

You create your future with your words… spoken or unspoken.

What is a future?

A future is not real… and yet it appears real. There is no past in reality and there is no future. Only the present moment, how things are.

The past lives in your memory, 80% is words, 20% is perception organs information. But even those 20% are “colored” by what you said about it.

I have had quite a few Irish clients who were disciplined by their parents, mostly the mother. It was a ritual. Pull down your pants, fetch the paddle or the ladle or the hairbrush for your mother… lie over her knees, and there you went. You knew what you did that didn’t meet your mother’s expectations of you.

I was beaten out of anger… and I never knew what I did wrong. Didn’t even guess. Continue reading “The future you create with your words needs you to…”

What is a soul correction and why should you care?

What is a soul correction and why should you care?

carrying your soul correctionsIt seems that the body of a human is a vehicle for two “entities”, the Selfish Gene and the soul.

The Selfish Gene… that is only interested in preserving itself… the genetic material, even if and even while the family, the environment, the world is destroyed. Selfish gene is our physical nature, our lower self, and it is not very smart, has no foresight, none of the higher functions a human supposedly has. It has no interest even in the 160 spiritual capacities: in fact it considers them a nuisance, a hindrance. The Selfish gene is a brute.

The uncorrected soul, the soul you are born with, is the soul with an aberration. It has a behavior or a set of behaviors that are slanted towards ego.

The soul’s counterpart is the ego, not the Selfish Gene. Continue reading “What is a soul correction and why should you care?”

You never know where your learning will come from

You never know where your learning will come from

You never know where your learning will come from… bits and pieces

I put all the cash I had at hand, $25, in an envelope yesterday and wrote on it: to Frank the mailman. Today I found a Christmas card, the only one I got, from Frank the mailman, saying “Thank you for the gift.”

I cried. I am still crying. Big learning here… even though I don’t know what it is… Hopefully by the end of the article I will.


I just spent a few hours listening to really smart behavioral economists,

At the end, when they thought the microphone was already off, the interviewer and the interviewee said: “we should do this every day, we could get good at it.”


Then I watched the movie Two Popes… cried a lot. Identified with the two Catholic priests… surprised myself with that.
Continue reading “You never know where your learning will come from”

Self-Punishment, Self-Punishing Behavior, the why

Self-Punishment, Self-Punishing Behavior, the why

This topic comes from a reader, thank you. Without her prompting I would have never looked there. It would have been a big missing.

I am going to share only what I really know, from my experience, not some theories of some big names, like Freud… I am giving you only Tree of Life. Continue reading “Self-Punishment, Self-Punishing Behavior, the why”

Reluctance to find out the truth about themselves.

Reluctance to find out the truth about themselves.

I have been noticing a strong reluctance from people. They don’t want to find out the truth about themselves.

There is, there are signals that you are not in perfect alignment with who you would need to be to be happy, to be fulfilled, to be healthy, vigorous, the world is my oyster kind of guy or gal.

And you hate it, because it niggles away on you, like the thought of getting a C diagnosis from a doctor, the diagnosis of almost certain death.

So you procrastinate. Continue reading “Reluctance to find out the truth about themselves.”

Your soul correction and how you react to things…

Your soul correction and how you react to things…

Your soul correction and how you react to things… like being abandoned in a car as a child

One of the most interesting things to track is how much of the interpretation of an original incident depends on the person’s soul correction.

OK, let me explain: we come into the world with a supposedly blank slate… We don’t know anything, and we need to learn everything.

And yet, we seem to have a certain bend… as if humanity had sub-species… Continue reading “Your soul correction and how you react to things…”

When something changes in reality, what made it change?

When something changes in reality, what made it change?

doing the necessary, the possible, and then the impossibleWhat makes the difference? When something starts to work: what made it suddenly work? Do you know? Chances are: you don’t. And neither do so-called scientists. It is a guess… the guess that makes them seem right. We are wrong 99% of the time. Why?

We do the same thing when something doesn’t work. We guess why… and we are wrong 99% of the time. Why? Continue reading “When something changes in reality, what made it change?”

Unwillingness masquerading as confusion, fear, and a host of other “symptoms”

unwillingI don’t wanna…! You can’t make me… Nooo!

We expect these reactions from children, but more than 50% of all soul corrections’ foundational issue is this unwillingness, this resistance.

If you remember, all soul corrections are, fundamentally, about restricting desire to receive for the self alone (evil, negative energy).

Obviously, this resistance, this unwillingness is about you, and not something beyond you… What you are gaining from this behavior is only for you, and not for anyone else’s sake, and it serves only your lowest self… not anything else.

So we can say, safely, that it is one of the major enemies of you, personally, and us, humanity, become better, higher, a humanity of human beings… who don’t kill each other, don’t hate each other, who don’t use each other.

And because this unwillingness feels innocent, or it feels like procrastination, or it feels that it holds YOU back… you think that it is not evil… and that it is not mandatory for you to overcome it, if you want to feel good about yourself.
Continue reading “Unwillingness masquerading as confusion, fear, and a host of other “symptoms””

Your soul correction and commitment: What is the connection?

Your soul correction and commitment: What is the connection?

As I have said before, soul correction is a set of character defects, specific to your soul correction, that you need to overcome in a lifetime.

Track record through written history shows, that unless someone has guidance, expert guidance, they will not overcome the character defects: it is as if the character defect protects itself.
Continue reading “Your soul correction and commitment: What is the connection?”