The invisible difference between a producer and you…

The invisible difference between a producer and you…

your precious i covers much of your cone of visionDon’t be mistaken. The only way to feel good about yourself, to have a life you love and a life you live powerfully is by being a producer.

The secret of producers lies in the invisible dimension. The dimension that is invisible to both to you and them. They do something differently (not different, differently!) from you… and they don’t even know it. I am an empath… and I feel what you do, and I feel what they do… I feel your how…

One area where the two how’s are strikingly different is your self-image. This is crucial… by the way. So please pay attention.

I won’t charge you a million dollars, even though it could be worth it.

Continue reading “The invisible difference between a producer and you…”

How did you get to be the way you are? Do you know?

How did you get to be the way you are? Do you know?

When you ask that question, How did you get to be the way you are? people say: my family, my religion, my past, what happened to me.

But maybe not. Maybe what makes you, every moment, the way you are is not the past, but the future you are living into.

What future? The future you decided on back when you were little…

Let me explain: Continue reading “How did you get to be the way you are? Do you know?”

When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging

When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging

We used to think that if we invented ourselves as something great, we could be great.

In essence, that is what we thought Landmark Education was teaching, and maybe on some level they did.

The formula was ‘Invent a possibility for yourself and your life… so you would say: I am the possibility of being smart (whatever)…’

But what our ego heard is this is how to fix our puny, worthless self, and we either said ‘nah, can’t do it!’ or we got again entangled in the fixing cycle… Continue reading “When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging”

What do I intend to leave behind as my legacy?

What do I intend to leave behind as my legacy?

You live a sheltered life. Either restricted to a small area of the world physically, or to a small area of the world experientially.

So you, just like your cone of vision would predict, have a very narrow slice of reality (the pizza pie) ever seen, heard of, played in, experienced.

One of my 67 step coaching clients says in her reports, on average 10 times each report ‘Wow! I have never thought of that’. ‘I have never considered that’. ‘Hm, I’ve never heard that before’.

Each time she says that her slice of pizza becomes just a little bit bigger. Continue reading “What do I intend to leave behind as my legacy?”

Depending on how you look at something, it has many facets

Depending on how you look at something, it has many facets

What you see is what you see. What someone sees when they look at what you are looking at, likely that they will see something else.

Some two decades ago I participated in a two-hour workshop where the leader began with asking the audience what color the notepad she held in her hand was… Obviously it was white. And every moron could see that it was white.

But then she flipped it over, and now we saw her side, and it was brown cardboard… Darn…

I just learned something. I have stopped arguing then and there… Continue reading “Depending on how you look at something, it has many facets”

What do you think: can you learn from someone you despise?

What do you think: can you learn from someone you despise?

Yesterday I found out more than I wanted to… all bad news.

It’s all about what people can achieve working with me, working with my products.

The good news would be that they get exactly where they want to get… Which is what I teach: Feeling and being.

    • feel/be free to be yourself,
    • feel that you and your life is in harmony with all of it, with Life, with the Spirit, that you and your life are OK
    • have a sense that you are growing… a sense that you are alive, that life is beautiful, and it is worth to be alive
    • feel that even though you are not exactly where you would like to be, but life is a process, and you are in motion towards what you want

Wherever you are in the process, you are successful. Continue reading “What do you think: can you learn from someone you despise?”

Digging even deeper. The concept of transferable skills

Digging even deeper. The concept of transferable skills

If you have watched what I do for longer than a minute, you know that my whole work is to find a process that can enable an ordinary homo sapiens to evolve into a human being, the next evolutionary state for the species.

This work has, so far, taken me 35 years, and I am not done. It is possible, but something is missing, but what?

Every week I find something that unless it’s taught, people can’t follow the instructions, and cannot get to where they are instructed to go. Continue reading “Digging even deeper. The concept of transferable skills”

If you play to win, always, you can’t get good at anything.

If you play to win, always, you can’t get good at anything.

You may think that you want… That you really really want something. But the truth is: you really really NEED it… because you feel that without it you are… what? dead? a loser? what are you really afraid of?

Real want is energizer, real want is nurturing. You have no real wants. You have needs…and you are pitiful.

What happens if your ‘needs’ are dominating your life? If you are the 8-billion? Continue reading “If you play to win, always, you can’t get good at anything.”

Coherence, incoherence, and your vibration

Coherence, incoherence, and your vibration

The lotus is the symbol of coherence… it grows from mud… incoherent… and turns it into beautiful coherence.

If you lotus could speak it would say: ‘I want the world to be the way the world is‘.

OK, so what is coherence and what is incoherence?

Oh… and why should you care? Continue reading “Coherence, incoherence, and your vibration”

What is the difference between you and someone smarter?

Do you think it would be worthwhile to learn what is the difference between you and someone really ‘smart’? So you can become smarter, maybe even really smart?

Someone really smart makes fewer mistakes in every area of life. They know what to take personally and what not to. They know how to spend their money. And they also make smarter choices. They get paid more because they spend more of their time with what produces value. Etc. Etc. Continue reading “What is the difference between you and someone smarter?”