Self-Awareness and the The Sideways View…

Self-Awareness and the The Sideways View…
How Self-Awareness is the Key to Happiness, Effectiveness, Intelligent Decisions… The Sideways View

self-awareness-2I thought I was going to have a domestic day. you know laundry, dishes, stuff. and watch myself, my emotions, and have a good old time.

The weather is gorgeous. My neighborhood is even prettier in the fall than in the summer. you can see far. and the contrast of the blue sky and the rusty color of the leaves and branches is really beautiful.

The thought: ‘I could actually be happy‘. The though of being cured. These thoughts were very present there for a few minutes. I made myself a nice cup of tea, and checked my email.

There was a note there from Youtube that I have a comment on my ‘Why are Jews smart?‘ video, so I went to check it out.
Continue reading “Self-Awareness and the The Sideways View…”

What is Transformation? How it’s like an onion…

What is Transformation? How it’s like an onion…

What is Transformation?

On the very outside of the onion called transformation, is the ‘wow’ layer. Wow… what just happened? Wow… that’s not how I’ve been seeing it… An experience.

It is miraculous. It is reality changing in front of your very eyes. Continue reading “What is Transformation? How it’s like an onion…”

If you need encouragement to become X you’ll never be X

If you need encouragement to become X you’ll never be X
  • If you need encouragement to become X you’ll never be X
  • Work sets you free
  • If you need encouragement to become an entrepreneur you’ll never be an entrepreneur.

Context, of course, is decisive… Arbeit macht frei is true… but…

On the gates of hell, on the gates of Auschwitz, Dachau, Theresianstadt that principle feels like mockery. The slogan: Work sets you free through Crematorium number 3. Sob, sob. Weep, weep.

If you need a reason to work, then you’ll never do work.

Continue reading “If you need encouragement to become X you’ll never be X”

Your real self is impervious to attacks, and slights

Your real self is impervious to attacks, and slights

You have two selves. Everyone has two selves. One is your real self, impervious to attacks, slights.

‘That is not true’, you say. ‘I feel like I am attacked, I feel every slight is an attack on me.’

Yeah, this is all true what you say if you identify yourself with your precious I, the second self.

The precious I is an invented self, and it is the sum total of all your aspects.

Continue reading “Your real self is impervious to attacks, and slights”

How bad news can be a godsend or how to eliminate neediness?

How bad news can be a godsend or how to eliminate neediness?

bad newsBad news. On my way home, climbing the long stairway off Euclid Avenue, I was listening to Step 21 of the 67 Steps. It’s about the superpower of being able to get into a relationship with people. Get into a relationship because you can see how their machine works. and because you see it, therefore you can speak their language.

Everything comes to you through people… and…

…you cannot get more abundance than what your people skills allow you to have.

I have been resigned about my ability to get better at dealing with people.

Resigned means: I have a fixed mindset about it, that says: it may be possible for you, but it’s impossible for me. Continue reading “How bad news can be a godsend or how to eliminate neediness?”

Guiding feelings. Are you guided to look away? Run?

Guiding feelings. Are you guided to look away? Run?

Do you know the difference between a feeling and an emotion? You don’t? I hadn’t, until recently.

So I would have never thought of asking this question prior to reading Margoczi’s books, Feelings and Words a few years ago.

Before, I learned in Landmark Education that regret, remorse, resentment, the ‘infamous’ three R’s are useless, and harmful.

But today I dare to differ. Continue reading “Guiding feelings. Are you guided to look away? Run?”

What prevents you from becoming all you can become?

What prevents you from becoming all you can become?

what prevents you from learning?If you were a cabbage… would you allow yourself to be trained to become a cauliflower? Roman Cauliflower… like the picture to the left? What prevents you from that?

You want to be more, know more, but you prevent yourself from it… But how?

But how do you prevent yourself from learning, being trained, getting better, growing as a person? Continue reading “What prevents you from becoming all you can become?”

How did you get to be the way you are? Do you know?

How did you get to be the way you are? Do you know?

When you ask that question, How did you get to be the way you are? people say: my family, my religion, my past, what happened to me.

But maybe not. Maybe what makes you, every moment, the way you are is not the past, but the future you are living into.

What future? The future you decided on back when you were little…

Let me explain: Continue reading “How did you get to be the way you are? Do you know?”

When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging

When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging

We used to think that if we invented ourselves as something great, we could be great.

In essence, that is what we thought Landmark Education was teaching, and maybe on some level they did.

The formula was ‘Invent a possibility for yourself and your life… so you would say: I am the possibility of being smart (whatever)…’

But what our ego heard is this is how to fix our puny, worthless self, and we either said ‘nah, can’t do it!’ or we got again entangled in the fixing cycle… Continue reading “When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging”

Without hate you can’t have love. Or is it the other way?

Without hate you can’t have love. Or is it the other way?

Without great love you can’t have hate.

And without great love you can’t have courage.

Most of my clients, and I suppose most people are cold fish. The don’t feel deeply, there is no great love and there is no great hate in them.

Are the people who are ‘pro-life’ lovers of life, and haters of death? No, they have no love in their hearts, therefore the hate they espouse is fake. They just want to be right.

The enemy of love is indifference. And the enemy of hate is indifference.

And what allowed for every single evil to happen in the world is indifference. Continue reading “Without hate you can’t have love. Or is it the other way?”