There are many many ways to play the game of Life

There are many many ways to play the game of Life

There are many many ways to play the game of Life

I experiment with some myself… so in addition to observing others, I also get additional data. Like how Life responds to the different ways. Continue reading “There are many many ways to play the game of Life”

Positivity, positive thinking is a mental illness.

Positivity, positive thinking is a mental illness.

  • Positivity, positive thinking is a mental illness.
  • Setting rules is also a mental illness.
  • Doing only what seems to have the highest chance to succeed: ditto.

You treat yourself as if you were a nincompoop, but when I call you that you are offended.

You treat yourself a feeble minded toad, a never do well… and expect others treat you as a prince, or a genius. Continue reading “Positivity, positive thinking is a mental illness.”

Love: are gurus loving? Did the Buddha really smile?

Love: are gurus loving? Did the Buddha really smile?

Is what they say about love and high vibration true? Or is love the way its represented is huey? As in B.S…

The following email exchange happened today:

6:09 am:
Paypal: Hello Shortcuts Inc.,
This email confirms that you have received a donation of$2.00 USD to measure the vibration of X…

10 am:
I have recently requested a measure of my vibration, just wondering when I will get response?
Continue reading “Love: are gurus loving? Did the Buddha really smile?”

Meditation: separate yourself from the mind

Meditation: separate yourself from the mind

I have started the Osho meditation series with Day One.

Lots of talk… very meditative for me. Participants complained that there was no meditation.

When you meditate, that doesn’t mean there is silence outside. The silence is inside. When you meditate it doesn’t mean you cannot listen to someone talk: it only means you listen and hear it, but not through the busy mind, that compares, argues, tries to understand, criticizes and judges. No, the mind simply allows it to be, allows it in, in a meditative state.

It is like when you are in the shower. The mind doesn’t argue with every drop of water… and you can get wet without the mind interfering.
Continue reading “Meditation: separate yourself from the mind”

Do you spend time with yourself? Or are you too busy?

Do you spend time with yourself? Or are you too busy?

Do you spend time with yourself? Or are you trying to be busy all the time? What does that say about you?

Your soul, your spirit, knows right from wrong

If your soul only had an opportunity to talk to you. To be heard. You’d probably consider stopping doing the wrongs, the unproductive, the irrelevant things that you do. If only to have peace inside, to have less tension, to have more joy. Continue reading “Do you spend time with yourself? Or are you too busy?”

Life’s real purpose is self-actualization

Life’s real purpose is self-actualization
Self-actualization is the process of becoming all you can become.

Who is to argue that ultimately that is what we all need. Innately!

There are two non-physical needs, according to Margoczi in the Feelings book.

  • The need to fulfill others’ expectations of us, and
  • the need to fulfill our own expectations of ourselves. Ultimately, optimally, what we can do… the realistic expectations.

Continue reading “Life’s real purpose is self-actualization”

How to build a life worth living, if yours is not like that

How to build a life worth living, if yours is not like that

cathedral built of matchsticks, a life built of habitsToday I got struck with an insight.

I have written 613 articles on building, that is roughly 10% of all my articles, and yet I have noticed that building didn’t, hasn’t become part of the vocabulary of clients and readers of my articles.

Why is that?

I am not sure, but I think that it is a mindset issue. Continue reading “How to build a life worth living, if yours is not like that”

Do you have a friend you can discuss things with?

Do you have a friend you can discuss things with?

Occasionally I am struck with the sense that I have no one to talk to.

Some things, like should I do this, should I say yes or no, would be great for me to talk through.

Choice is: selecting freely, after consideration. Choice is when it is not your reasons that choose but you, yourself. But often it is not easy to choose… and a conversation helps.

Choice is selecting freely, after consideration…

That consideration is a conversation. Either with yourself, or with someone who is willing to be a sounding board. Continue reading “Do you have a friend you can discuss things with?”

It’s completely predictable. It always happens without fail.

It’s completely predictable. It always happens without fail.

predictableIt wasn’t always… It is getting worse… In my generation, in my country of origin… in my ethnicity it wasn’t predictable…

But America… it is. In California: it is. In the South: it is. In New York: it isn’t. In England: it isn’t. In South Africa: it isn’t. In Canada: it is.

What is it? What is that predictable thing?
Continue reading “It’s completely predictable. It always happens without fail.”

The courage to be yourself, Your TRUE self

The courage to be yourself, Your TRUE self

know your true selfI had an insight yesterday that was completely driven home today by my guidance system.

We see something, and then it’s gone.

It is gone, and it didn’t have time or a receiver to impart the important learning in what we saw.

This happens with such frequency, that we stop paying attention to our inner guidance, our bodies talking to us…

We see the the feeling for a moment from the corner of our consciousness, and the guidance is lost… again.
Continue reading “The courage to be yourself, Your TRUE self”