Is this the world you intended to create with your word?

Is this the world you intended to create with your word?

Integrity: The Key To A Life That Works. Key to Peace Of Mind, Accomplishment, Satisfaction, And Happiness

When I measure your integrity, it is low. The average integrity of people on this planet is 1%…

Integrity is the relationship between your word and your actions, your word and your beingness, your word and your attitude… Continue reading “Is this the world you intended to create with your word?”

You are meal ticket and you don’t know it

You are meal ticket and you don’t know it

Religion, brainwashing, indoctrination, enslavement can be considered similar to an energetic attachment with one major difference:

I can’t pull it for you.

How did this issue come up?

One of my students, at the beginning of her participation, started to feel better and better. But since we started to activate Intention, about two months ago, she has been feeling worse and worse, weak, foggy, stupid…

So finally today I had time to look at that and see what the heck is going on. Continue reading “You are meal ticket and you don’t know it”

Case studies. Who will and who won’t grow and why?

Case studies. Who will and who won’t grow and why?

In this article I am going to point out the difference between students and clients who grew and those who won’t grow. Didn’t grow. Most likely will never grow.

The goal is so you can find yourself and if willing, change what there is to change about you, so you can change.

Here is the simple truth: what gives you being, doing, is what you see. Now, or in the future… for yourself.

So your main organ that initiates action that creates what you want is your eyes. Continue reading “Case studies. Who will and who won’t grow and why?”

There is no suffering, never anything wrong in reality

There is no suffering, never anything wrong in reality
There is no suffering, there is never anything wrong in reality. All suffering, all wrong is brought on by words…

We live in an imaginary reality… with literally no capacity, no ability to tell fact from fiction.

Humans can’t see much of anything without labeling it… so humans live in the world tainted with words…

For the purposes of this conversation we will define reality as something even a just landed Martian can see, a Martian who isn’t complicit in all the meanings and narrative. Continue reading “There is no suffering, never anything wrong in reality”

Your shadow and your spirit are at the same place

Your shadow and your spirit are at the same place

A whole new question is emerging.

Why do you do all the things you do to get better, or more, or different?

Are you doing it to fix something that you consider wrong? To compensate for it?

Or you are doing it to be liked? Well thought of? To belong? To become famous? Continue reading “Your shadow and your spirit are at the same place”

Where do commitments come from? Who gives them?

Where do commitments come from? Who gives them?

If you wake up because you have to. Or wake up because you need to pee. Or wake up because your pet needs you. Most likely you wake up because you didn’t die the night before.

One of the powerful moves you can do to wake yourself up is to cause a breakdown.

One of the reasons people don’t grow is because life is manageable. Even if it is full of low grade annoyance, it’s messy. Or it’s misery, dull, or full of scarcity, discomfort, or empty…

If the ‘bad’ is low grade and steady without undue peaks, people tend to relate to life as business as usual, like the frogs that don’t jump out of the slowly warming water. Continue reading “Where do commitments come from? Who gives them?”

There is no such thing as enlightenment… is there?

There is no such thing as enlightenment… is there?

There is no such THING as enlightenment.

There is moving to and living on the Tree of Life, raising your vibration. But enlightenment?

It is a concept to dupe the gullible billions into striving for enlightenment. Into believing in instant and permanent salvation. Into giving up personal growth and learning… These are ways of thinking, ways of being all OK on the Tree of Knowledge. Continue reading “There is no such thing as enlightenment… is there?”

Your vibration and your worldview. What do you expect?

Your vibration and your worldview. What do you expect?

Your vibration and your worldview… are you expecting to raise your vibration without changing your worldview?

I wrote this article eight years ago. It is good, but it still misses the mark. It misses the mark in seeing what is at the root level of humanity’s misery.

It is true that humanity can’t see people, can’t see persons, can’t see you as a person. Not even themselves.

But that is not the root level issue. Continue reading “Your vibration and your worldview. What do you expect?”

Unless you can play and play a lot you can’t grow.

Unless you can play and play a lot you can’t grow.

Unless you can play and do play you can’t grow.

What’s the difference between your regular life and play?

And is the wild competition of let’s say football… is that play?

Surprisingly what adults call play isn’t… It is just extending their serious competitiveness, their inclination to get status and deferred value by winning over another.

Real play is not about winning. Continue reading “Unless you can play and play a lot you can’t grow.”

I have been recently enamored by Mads Mikkelsen

I have been recently enamored by Mads Mikkelsen

OK, I’ll be precise. Enamored by his prominent cheekbones and his upper lip, his rubber face.

Absolutely magnetic. To me. I just wanted to watch it for hours and hours and hours.

First time I saw this dude was when I watched Casino Royale… and I was mortified when he tortured 007… who even wants to know the actor’s name… all I wanted is watch more of this Mads dude. Continue reading “I have been recently enamored by Mads Mikkelsen”