What is your real self? Where is your real self?

What is your real self? Where is your real self?

in-search-of-selfEveryone, even the most shallow people, wonder who they are. Really.

By the time you are out of high school you have a constructed identity, but it is neither you, nor it makes you happy. But it may make it bearable to be with other people who don’t know who they are, who live out a script that is either compatible with yours or not. Continue reading “What is your real self? Where is your real self?”

Your use of language gives away your inauthenticity

Your use of language gives away your inauthenticity

Your use of language gives away your inauthenticity

The English language used to be quite precise in its tenses, but the language has been destroyed by the powers that be.

I learned English from teachers in another country, teachers who still remembered that your words express, or at least attempt at approximating accurately reality or our intention. Continue reading “Your use of language gives away your inauthenticity”

If you are not for you, who is for you? What does that mean?

If you are not for you, who is for you? What does that mean?

Unclarity, confusion about these two, wants and needs can and will lead to unhappiness.

Some people go so far as add demand to this confusion.

So let’s create some clarity in this area, so you can finally have some access to joy, fulfillment, contentment, and feeling good about yourself and your life, shall we?

Let’s start with a question:

What do you want more of in life but you can’t seem to get it?

Continue reading “If you are not for you, who is for you? What does that mean?”

Do you have boundaries? Do you even NEED boundaries?

Do you have boundaries? Do you even NEED boundaries?

One of the issues some of my clients come up with are about setting boundaries.

Preventing abuse, being used, being seduced from the path to do what other people want them to do.

This is not an easy question… but you can get closer to actually being free to be yourself and have the room, the energy, the clarity to move in the direction you want to move.

Because humans, their DNA is, on this evolutionary level, act on an either you or me chassis… Which means: people are going to pull you off your path, take up your time, and likely give nothing worthwhile in return.

The complainers, the needy, the wanty, the superior, the sick, etc. Or even the cat picture posters, the tik-tok video producers, the news channels, the enthusiastic, the cultish…

Almost everybody… Continue reading “Do you have boundaries? Do you even NEED boundaries?”

Why knowing your Self is the rock of change?

Why knowing your Self is the rock of change?

I have read Robert Fritz’s books… and took out one gem of each.

The oscillating structures from ‘The Path of Least Resistance’, I forgot what it was of ‘Creating’.

But the most valuable nugget was from the book ‘Corporate Tides’.

Even though it is about changing corporations, corporate culture, it felt more truthful about individuals to me.

It says, simply put, what some other sage said: When you want to change something, don’t deal with what you want to change. Instead build something you want to strengthen. Continue reading “Why knowing your Self is the rock of change?”

The Self, the spinal wave, intention, will, responsibility

The Self, the spinal wave, intention, will, responsibility

The Unconditional Love Activator is a simple activator. If you can allow it to work on you, it can silence the crew that is protesting. It can silence the ‘Precious I’ who you consider yourself to be, and allow the two selves to connect.

So what happens when you, who you consider yourself to be, and your Self, the core, the empty space connect?

Continue reading “The Self, the spinal wave, intention, will, responsibility”

The purpose of the Reality Challenge is to find your Self

The purpose of the Reality Challenge is to find your Self

If you ever tried to meditate. If you are a ‘meditator’. And if the idea of meditation brings up bile to your throat… like for me.

OK who else? Oh, those who couldn’t give a shriveled nut for the idea of mediation… so all people…

The only thing meditation wants you to do is to look within. You spend almost all your life looking outward, and have no idea about what is inside. Continue reading “The purpose of the Reality Challenge is to find your Self”

Rooted in reality, un-self-concerned, learning as you go

Rooted in reality, un-self-concerned, learning as you go

Some of the most important things I say in my Friday Podcast.

It’s not planned. And it is not being stingy. It is because until I see it I can’t see it.

What is special about that every Friday call is that the person I do it with doesn’t want to be coached. So I coach through her all the people who subscribe to the podcast.

Some of them don’t want to be coached either. But the ones that do get a great deal. Continue reading “Rooted in reality, un-self-concerned, learning as you go”

What is Transformation? How it’s like an onion…

What is Transformation? How it’s like an onion…

What is Transformation?

On the very outside of the onion called transformation, is the ‘wow’ layer. Wow… what just happened? Wow… that’s not how I’ve been seeing it… An experience.

It is miraculous. It is reality changing in front of your very eyes. Continue reading “What is Transformation? How it’s like an onion…”

The Desire Trap and how to release a life of wants

The Desire Trap and how to release a life of wants

The Desire Trap and how to release it… A life with greed, want, desire, or resistance cannot be a happy life

The book Feelings writes at length about the Desire Trap,

Quoting from the Feelings book by Margoczi:

Although the desire trap may look harmless at first sight, this is the trap the most people suffer from around the world.

Continue reading “The Desire Trap and how to release a life of wants”