Church And Dark Side, Religion and Dark Side

Originally posted 2011-08-04 14:22:50.

Church And Dark Side, Religion and Dark Side

In my conversations, people always refer back to religion, church, or ceremonies.

Our lives and our belief system has been shaped by religion more than anything else. In my case, I would dare say that the religion of matter over mind, the belief of it’s all random and accidental, ran my life for decades. 1

It is easier to see it on my brothers: one has a real hard time to see the back or their head, and belief is such: it is like seeing the back of your head, because it is ok, if you think it’s a belief, but what we think is not that, we think and know that it is the truth.

“Superstition is only a superstition when it’s not, and it isn’t when it is”

Continue reading “Church And Dark Side, Religion and Dark Side”

Raising The Vibration Of The Planet? why a human?

Originally posted 2011-08-03 10:52:55.

Raising The Vibration Of The Planet? why a human?

In the past 36 hours, I have been torn between wanting to have MY life, MY work to be witnessed, and getting the work done.

The question naturally rises: why does Source need a human to do that? Can’t it just do it, no human involved? The answer is “no.” The agreement between The Light and The Vessel was Free Will, Free Agency. But a representative of The Vessel CAN speak for The Vessel, however many souls there are (7 billion?) and that is why there is a need for at least ONE human to be involved. Continue reading “Raising The Vibration Of The Planet? why a human?”

What will You Do when, in a few weeks, you wake up with a higher vibration and suddenly you see…

Originally posted 2011-08-02 19:16:19.

You’ll realize that you have been a slave, voluntarily, never resisting, never protesting, like sheep, like cattle…

Here is a video that drives that home…

I’ll tell you in another article what you will do, once you really get your power.

Watch this video. It’s dramatic, it’s vague, but what it says is true, though it is not the whole truth… the whole truth is worse.

Continue reading “What will You Do when, in a few weeks, you wake up with a higher vibration and suddenly you see…”

The Dark Side… It exists. What Can You Do About It?

Originally posted 2011-08-02 09:54:40.

The Dark Side… It exists. What Can You Do About It?
The Dark Side… What is the Dark Side?

My concept of the Dark Side has, over time, gone through a lot of changes, from the mundane to the sophisticated.

If you look, we have approximately as much information and clarity about the Dark Side as we have about the dark side of the moon… we can’t see it. We know it’s there… but what’s there? Continue reading “The Dark Side… It exists. What Can You Do About It?”

Track How The Activation Is Advancing

Originally posted 2011-08-01 10:15:10.

activating all the countries of the world: track the activation It my be interesting to you to track how the activation of the Original Design is advancing. I made a page where you can see the country name, the population, and whether it’s been activated or not. I consider adding the starting vibrational frequency as well… may be a lot of work though.

There are a lot of unanswered questions. Why does the activation done in the order that it’s done? Why activate and why now?

I will answer these questions as the answers will become clear to me.

For now, just have peace about the fact, that it’s getting done, and that it’s time.

The more relevant questions would be: Now what? What’s next? Now that your vibration will be (91% certainty only, the missing 9% are dark side and refused to be activated) 299. How will you use this new capacity to forward your life, to forward humanity? And the next question: how do you go higher?

The first question is for you to answer. You can get help, and I’ll make sure I’ll create something that can provide that service to you. The second question, how to go higher, will be answered in an upcoming program, where you will be able to, bit by bit, crank your vibration higher. I can’t do it for you. That will be up to you to connect to Source, request the upgrade, and live it.

I’ll publish it here when I am ready to invite you to participate in the second phase of the World’s activation: in your own “ascension”. It’s a very conscious and a very enjoyable process, I am speaking from experience.

Let me know how you are feeling, and how I can help you by commenting below.

Activating Your Original Design: What to Expect?

Originally posted 2011-07-30 08:03:16.

Activating Your Original Design: What to Expect?
Full Activation of Your Original Design

In light of the test subjects that received their activation one-on-one and in the Tangerine state (theta) I am starting to see some startling things that can be expected after your full activation.

Although, your experience may be different, especially if you got your activation as part of mass download, it is still very educational to know what will happen. It will be probably slower, and maybe gentler, but I wouldn’t bet on it. 🙂 Continue reading “Activating Your Original Design: What to Expect?”

Journal Day 6, Entire USA Activated

Originally posted 2011-07-29 23:51:09.

I dealt with Dark Side intrusions all day. Finally I decided to cloak myself and stay quiet. Invisible, undetectable.

In the evening, after hours of procrastination, I activated the entire United States. I checked the vibration. 143. It will be interesting to see how fast or how slow it changes. And this is after activation of New York on Monday, and New Jersey yesterday. Very low… no wonder.

Central America was next. Starting vibration around 130.

China took a long time. They also had a very active first chakra region… but instead of animalistic, like India, it was aching. I don’t know what that is about, felt like it was reduced with a regulation… like in a mental institution: the patients are be drugged so they don’t act on their sexual urges. China starts at 120.

I went back and checked India. It is 100 today. I can only imagine how low it was yesterday when it started.

Oh, the whole world’s vibrational frequency is 102 today.

Continue reading “Journal Day 6, Entire USA Activated”

Day 1-5 of Activation of All Humans on The Planet

Originally posted 2011-07-28 17:33:32.

activation of your Original Design Project: Full Activation of All Humans on Planet Earth
Phase 1
Target vibrational frequency: 299
Standard vibrational frequency before the activation: 151

From my journal:

Sunday morning I called N. in desperation. I felt alone, I felt desperation and hopelessness. It didn’t seem possible to cause a planetary shift even if I prepared a network powerful enough to support millions of people participating in it, at any one time.

As I was sharing with N. it occurred to me that maybe I have been looking in the wrong direction. Maybe I have already had the way.

I tested it on her, and by God it worked. She is the first person to ever experience full activation of the Original Design. Suitably she got really ill… darkness won’t give up easily.

I repeated the process with 3 more friends of mine, and at 10:30 pm I did it with myself.

Continue reading “Day 1-5 of Activation of All Humans on The Planet”

Increase Your Confidence by Fully Activating Your Original Design

Originally posted 2011-07-26 17:23:47.

increase your confidence by increasing your vibrational frequency

Increase Your Confidence by Raising your Vibration

As part of my effort to support you in realizing your potential with your new fully activated self, I recommend that you watch this Star Trek, The Next Generation episode: you’ll be surprised how similar the phenomenon in this old movie is to what happens in real life once you are activated.

The only difference is: this is permanent. The one in the movie was temporary. Enjoy.

Star Trek Episode “Nth Degree”

When you increase your vibration, you’ll see a significant increase of intelligence, grace, harmony, a certain sense of invulnerability and certainty. When you increase your confidence as a result of activating your Original Design, you will increase your confidence to new levels without arrogance, or getting conceited.

You will need to re-learn to live life on this higher level… but your increased confidence and intelligence level will help you in that.

The first few activated people have raised their vibration by 50% in one day. Not bad for a one-minute process… heh?

When you know what happened, you will increase your confidence even more… as it is shown in the movie above.