Your Internal Guidance System: How To Interpret Your Gut Reaction To Stuff?

gut-feelingWe all want certainty, we all want reliable guidance, so that we make less mistakes.

Muscletesting while connected to Source is the best, but too few of you knows how to connect reliably.

About 50% of the population gets a gut reaction to things… 40% in their heart, and about 10% of the population just knows.

But what do the feelings of the gut mean? This article is about the gut reaction… and how to interpret it.
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Giving permission to yourself to feel what you REALLY feel

Giving permission to yourself to feel what you REALLY feel

fixit2Giving permission to yourself to feel what you REALLY feel is strong medicine

We live in a “fix-it” culture. Doctors, chiropractors, coaches, husbands, parents (especially mothers) are all about fixing what’s wrong with you. No wonder that you relate to everything that is going on with you as something to fix.

What is part of the “fix-it” culture, and is hidden behind it, but gives it the context, is that what is going on is INTOLERABLE, and MUST BE FIXED.

It feels like an imperative… like a straightjacket.

What is the problem with fixing stuff?

11915245-largeLet’s look at the action of fixing from a different point of view: what is your cone of vision when you are looking to fix something?

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Want to be happy? here are the steps

Want to be happy? here are the steps

Happiness is a function of accepting what is. Life is like this weird rose… doesn’t look the way it should… orderly, smooth, safe, winning, beautiful, etc… Hard to accept, hard to even tolerate… Right?

What is accepting what is?

Accepting is saying yes to. You could also say: when you are accepting something, you give it permission to be exactly the way it is, and not be what it isn’t.

There is no “it should be different”, and there is no “it should not be” or “should not be the way it is.”
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I don’t have time to think… it is easier and faster to just accept what others say

you_don_t_have_enough_time_to_pay_attentionYou complain that you don’t have time, but you are lying. I am not saying you mean to lie, but you are lying nevertheless. You think if you had more time, you would do your work, but the truth about you is that you would fill that extra time with meaningless busy-ness, just like you are doing with what you already have.

If I observed you for a day, I would find that

  • you do a lot of things that you don’t need to do, that contribute nothing of significance to your life, or
  • you do things that take a lot of time to bring any return on your time investment or
  • you do things slowly, with no energy, half-assed, belligerently, ineffectively or bored, never considering doing them better, faster, well

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If it is easy, it probably won’t do you any good!

staples-easy-buttonI had an insight today that will open up a can of worms…

I have had issues with my weight since age 9. I have found effective ways to manage my weight, apart from starving myself (I did that for about 15 years too…), one of them involves a breathing technique.

I did that method for about three years, first to reduce my weight and then to maintain it, without having to change my diet.

It worked like gangbusters… and I was surprised to hear that the originator of the method was sued, in a class action suit, that the method didn’t work.

She lost the suit, and paid millions in restitution.
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Financial Freedom: your gurus are fake and they teach crap

Busting Loose of the Money GameFinancial Freedom: Why Context is decisive, or why your gurus are fake, why they are miserable, and why what they teach is crap
The Money Game 1

One can get caught up in the “money game” on any levels of income. You can even get hooked in its tangles before you make any decision about what to do with your life… as in inherited from your parents, or getting hooked on the perks money gave you through stuff your parents bought you.

No matter when and how you got hooked, you can unhook yourself and be financially free.

What does “financially free” mean?
Continue reading “Financial Freedom: your gurus are fake and they teach crap”

Mastery: From aimless, directionless to fulfilling life

Mastery: From aimless, directionless to fulfilling life

Summary: In our hurry to be hip, to know more, to get some semblance of control over our lives we have lost what gives life meaning and texture, the context that is timeless and true: the pursuit of mastery. We have now whole generations of flunkies…

In the olden days people had the following choices in life:

  • become a master of some trade
  • become a master of some knowledge
  • become a flunky

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Your brain is broken… How long before you realize?


Ostriches Don’t Hide Their Heads in the Sand, humans do

One of the problems I see with any of the things that I teach is: they all require you to look. To get your head out of your arse, and look.

Get out of your mind and look. Look at your body, your feelings, your emotions, then look if that is true for you.

Ask yourself what you think… you’ll be surprised how different answer you get from that question than the dazed nodding machine that did the reading…
Continue reading “Your brain is broken… How long before you realize?”

Updated: Reclaim your life. When your desire is low your Life Force is Low

reclaim your selfSummary: you don’t know who you are, you don’t have access your real desires because of a sinister scheme perpetuated… But it is time you reclaim your Self, it is time to reclaim you Life.

When you ask people to locate themselves, point at themselves, most point at their chest. Why? Because they feel themselves there: most feelings you feel, most emotions you feel are in the chest. Your breathing is in the chest. So it makes sense.

Others hesitate between their head and their chest.

As an empath I can see the discrepancy between what they show, where they point, and where the energy goes.

It always goes to the head, mostly into the forehead, but often to the space under the nose.

About a year and a half ago (Christmas of 2012), in a connection meditation session, I asked the participants to first locate their “Self” and then move it, at will into their hand, belly, and then the Seat of the Soul.

It lead to an amazing insight, an amazing meditation experience, the Avatar State audios, and then something that no one expected, the Self actually coming alive.

One of the participants had lived her life counter to her Self’s, her Soul’s desire: she lived a life of brainy, mental activities. She was unfulfilled, and frankly, not good at it.
Continue reading “Updated: Reclaim your life. When your desire is low your Life Force is Low”

Courage, confidence, audacity? Which do you lack?

When something isn’t working then there is ALWAYS something that you don’t know

You_Dont_Know_What_You_Dont-knowRemember that pie chart of everything that is knowable in the Universe? A tiny slice of that pie is what you know, and you know that you know it. Another tiny slice is what you know that you don’t know… so you could ask questions, you could take a course, read a book, and then you would know it.

A slightly bigger slice is what you don’t know that you know… so when I ask a question, you are sure that you don’t know… so you don’t even think… 🙁
Continue reading “Courage, confidence, audacity? Which do you lack?”