The curse of understanding… It adds nothing…

The curse of understanding… It adds nothing…

If I know you well, your relationship to life is mainly through understanding. Which you either have or not.

When you do, you are happy, even though you are just as unsuccessful at living well, being fulfilled as you were before. Continue reading “The curse of understanding… It adds nothing…”

Updated: This year be your own Valentine

Updated: This year be your own Valentine

Energetically you show up in the world much like a person who wears several outfits, one on top of the other.

Why would you do that? Because you hope that one of those outfits will make you look good enough and help you make it in the world, also known as survival.

We live in the age of looking good and making it.

Each layer of clothing has a different vibration, an intent to make you look and feel different to different people. Continue reading “Updated: This year be your own Valentine”

Shoot holes into it… make it like a Swiss Cheese

Shoot holes into it… make it like a Swiss Cheese

shoot-holes-into-itDo what’s difficult when it’s easy.

This principle comes from Seneca, the elder, but it seems that it has another way to say it: do what you see, when you see it.

I am, in some way, still a child and crack up when I hear bathroom humor. I can’t talk about passing gas without laughing. Yours truly is about five years old in this regard.

One of my favorite such jokes is about the dude who goes to the doctor, and asks him to do something about his farting: it is silent and doesn’t smell… but it still bothers him.

The doctor scratches his head and gives him some pills… and tells him to come back a week later. The dude is back, enraged: your pills made my gas smell like hell, he says.

To which the doctor answers: good, we have cleared your sinuses, so you can smell. Now we’ll work on your hearing.

Now, why am I telling you bathroom jokes? To entertain you?

No, this is education.

Your body, your brain, Consciousness works the same “shoot holes in it before you can tackle it” way. Continue reading “Shoot holes into it… make it like a Swiss Cheese”

Are you running on empty? Spent? No energy?

Are you running on empty? Spent? No energy?

running on empty,depletedI have been looking at the state of your adrenals to decide and see, not so much into your experience… but your experience matters.

Are you running on empty? By the middle of the day, by Thursday you are ready for the bed or the weekend respectively.

The other day, while leading a workshop, one of the students said something, and I started to laugh uncontrollably. I laughed for minutes, it seemed, and could not stop for a long time. I wept more from laughing than most people cry from sadness, lol.

I have been observing myself the past week or so, and my joy of life. My satisfaction level, my experience of being alive has been going down steadily with every passing day. Yesterday I got close to the breaking point. Continue reading “Are you running on empty? Spent? No energy?”

What is your time worth? What does it have to do with your worth?

what is your time worth? do you value your time?If you are in business… or even if you are only selling your time/work at a job or freelancing, pricing your merchandise, friendship, advice, companionship, your time, your service is going to be something worth looking at.

A few decades ago I published a magazine. The magazine was free, the income came from advertising.

A girl whom I knew from before, who worked at the same architect’s office I worked, called me and asked if she could trade cleaning my office for advertising. Turns out she was turning tricks…

She came to the office, worked for an hour and expected it to cover the price of a quarter page ad, $200 at the time.

Why? Because that is what she got paid by her johns. lol Continue reading “What is your time worth? What does it have to do with your worth?”

You have moments of brilliance… anything to show for it?

You have moments of brilliance… anything to show for it?

your holy grailSometimes you need someone else to tell you what you did right, what was the reason so that you succeeded

And if you don’t have that someone else, or if they are half-blind like you

… you most likely misidentify the cause… and the success goes away.

This has happened to me countless times… I did something, it created a huge result, I tried to duplicate it and it was a flop…

But, on the other hand, I have now been sustaining a success “streak” for a few months now… Chances have been that it was going to end… until today… because…

I stumbled on Jim Rohn’s little known talk on youtube… Continue reading “You have moments of brilliance… anything to show for it?”

Today’s solution is tomorrow’s bigger problem… if you are not connected to Consciousness

your holy grailI have updated this post… clarified some things, so read it again…

Humans, YOU, want to fix things…

Fixing is forceful, and narrow cone of vision.

Fixing is low consciousness…

Today’s solution is tomorrow’s bigger problem.

frankenstein... cobbled togetherYour identity, the things you are known for, your typical behavior have all been fixes… solution to some perceived problem and now you are like a puppet on a string… powerless, inauthentic, and incapable of being happy, peaceful, joyful, and fulfilled.

1. For example, as a kid, I experienced getting hurt because I trusted someone… so I decided to never ever ever ever trust anyone again… I became fiercely independent… in everything. Continue reading “Today’s solution is tomorrow’s bigger problem… if you are not connected to Consciousness”

Witnessing = noticing. Noticing = giving value. Appreciation

Witnessing = noticing. Noticing = giving value. Appreciation
Without witnessing nothing happens.

Witnessing is noticing. Noticing is giving value. Giving value is appreciation… The word comes from precious: valuable.

So witnessing is giving value.

Why does something need to be GIVEN value? Continue reading “Witnessing = noticing. Noticing = giving value. Appreciation”

Pattern recognition… or how widely and how deeply do you see?

From time to time I watch an animated feature movie on Netflix.

Those movies have the most clues for inner world patterns of all the movies… even though they are clearly designed to distribute memes… to train the next generation to become sheep.

But the artists that make the movies unwittingly, or defiantly, place some fundamental guidance and truth in those movies.

So it is with this little movie: Leap. (In other languages it is called the Ballerina)

It’s about a little orphan girl who lives in an orphanage, but dreams about becoming a dancer… a ballet dancer. She escapes the orphanage and goes to Paris to enroll in the famed ballet institute… to fulfill on her dream.

Through unpredictable events, she does… and though she can’t dance… a cleaning lady she finds turns out to be an ex famous dancer, until an accident made her an cripple. And she will become her mentor.

OK, here are the principles in the movie that stirred my inside up and explained a lot of things to me about me: Continue reading “Pattern recognition… or how widely and how deeply do you see?”

Do you talk too much? and no one wants to hear it?

Do you talk too much? and no one wants to hear it?

talking too much, talking AT the otherWhat’s going on?

Quite a few of my students and clients are in this predicament, I even found myself feeling starved for “companionship”… for someone to hear what I have to say.

What is this about?

The answer, the elegant answer comes from a movie, Shall We Dance? where Susan Sarandon hires a private detective to find out what her husband does every Thursday night, and why he is acting so different.

The private detective asks why Susan Sarandon’s character married this guy.

The answer is the answer to your question: “I wanted my life to be witnessed.” Continue reading “Do you talk too much? and no one wants to hear it?”