What makes hell hell? Is it a place? Or what?

What makes hell hell? Is it a place? Or what?

I read one or two threads on Reddit every morning.

This is how I stay in touch with what people think, what people say, what people find funny, what grieves them.

Today the discussion was what could convince an atheist to become a believer. What could change their mind?

This is right up my alley… That is all I have ever wanted to know: what would change your mind? Continue reading “What makes hell hell? Is it a place? Or what?”

Shall I create a communication course for you?

Shall I create a communication course for you?
Communication… the power to create

Create through others…

So before we consider communication, we need to look what is power?

Simply, power is the speed with which we can take a thought or an idea to fulfillment.  Creation.

What idea? That is immaterial… Any idea. Continue reading “Shall I create a communication course for you?”

What is it like to be an empath and connect to you?

What is it like to be an empath and connect to you?

That I have never been asked, so I am volunteering the answer: What it feels like to intentionally connect to someone through their picture, so I can measure stuff about them?

I get to be paid ‘the big bucks‘ because connecting to most anyone is like going under the knife without anaesthesia. It hurts. It’s jarring. It is painful. And then, with some people, the pain doesn’t go away.

So first I am feeling my own feelings of being violated. Continue reading “What is it like to be an empath and connect to you?”

Emotional Intelligence: learning what emotions are…

Emotional Intelligence: learning what emotions are…

Given that I go deep inside humans… deep into the invisible… all the way to DNA, this article is different than what everyone says about emotional intelligence…

So if you want the same b.s. beware… It isn’t. Continue reading “Emotional Intelligence: learning what emotions are…”

For whom the bell tolls, It tolls for thee. I weep for you

For whom the bell tolls, It tolls for thee. I weep for you

I am having flashbacks.

I hoped I wasn’t going to live long enough to live it in reality, but there you have it… I am.

Nazism. Law of Attraction. Idol worship. Pipe dreams. Continue reading “For whom the bell tolls, It tolls for thee. I weep for you”

The rudderless, directionless, low energy, and the floater

The rudderless, directionless, low energy, and the floater

I had a conversation the other day with my core group. They felt to me rudderless, directionless, low on energy… like a floater.

What’s a floater, you ask? A floater is like stork sh!t… floats in the air and occasionally drops on the ground. Storks are known to poop while in the air… their poop dries out and starts its own rise and fall journey with the air stream… no innate motive power. A floater is like that. Continue reading “The rudderless, directionless, low energy, and the floater”

Reality is highly patterned. But do you see reality?

Reality is highly patterned. But do you see reality?

Reality is highly patterned… except that you don’t often SEE reality beyond getting an occasional glimpse.

Scientists know that reality is patterned… because they were looking for it. Continue reading “Reality is highly patterned. But do you see reality?”

The curious phenomenon of losing your vibration…

The curious phenomenon of losing your vibration…

…and then restoring it

Unless you understand what robbed you of your vibration, you won’t be able to restore it.

First off: what is the vibration measure measure?

I would say intelligence, if intelligence were a word that we all agree about. But we don’t. So I’ll dig deeper. Continue reading “The curious phenomenon of losing your vibration…”

Want to change your future? You’ll need to change your past

Want to change your future? You’ll need to change your past

Want to change your future? You’ll need to change your past… Your future will automatically change with it

The full title of the Playground course is: Playground: it’s never too late to have a happy childhood. Continue reading “Want to change your future? You’ll need to change your past”

Cheat sheet to conquer your wayward emotions. What?!

Cheat sheet to conquer your wayward emotions. What?!

One of my students is working on creating a cheat sheet for people who have difficulties in life.

Why a cheat sheet?

Because when you have difficulties in life you find it hard to even think, let alone look at the issue with sober eyes. Without emotions. Look at it like a math problem, or if you are not good at math, a missing ingredient problem in the kitchen.

And if you are normal, if your DNA is what 99.99% of people’s DNA, then you have many difficulties in life, even if no one knows about them. Sometimes even you don’t know… oops. Continue reading “Cheat sheet to conquer your wayward emotions. What?!”