What is your life-raft that helps make sense of it all?

What is your life-raft that helps make sense of it all?

Most people have no usable knowledge, knowledge that would take them from A to B.

The kind of knowledge that is useful everywhere, that acts like the foundation, so they can have an experience of standing on two feet. Two feet to feel grounded, to feel powerful, to feel that they can do anything.

Religion used to give that, the sense of who I am. Something you are certain. And nothing can change that. Nothing can dislodge that.

And then, to that foundation, one can attach other things. It is like a life-raft, you can grow it…

Mine was that I was a Jew. Continue reading “What is your life-raft that helps make sense of it all?”

The Evil Eye and the soul correction workshop

The Evil Eye and the soul correction workshop

Why the soul correction workshop isn’t for you?

The workshop is starting today.

As I am preparing, emotionally, for the course, and the challenge to crack some hard nuts, difficult issues on the call, I have amped up my awareness, and I am starting to see stuff that I could not see before.

Now, in every interaction, the background intention I have: can I take someone all the way to SEEING soberly and clearly what the correction is, based on what I see in that conversation? Continue reading “The Evil Eye and the soul correction workshop”

The filter of expectation… what should be there but isn’t

The filter of expectation… what should be there but isn’t

I woke up unhappy. I woke up from a dream where I was framed and was struggling for my life.

Even though waking up freed me from the struggle, the unhappy state hung out for a few minutes after awakening.

I went to bed last night, and didn’t fall asleep for two and a half hours. I wasn’t unhappy then… Instead I was musing. About worlds. About humanity. And about history and alternate history. I was fascinated and enjoyed it. Continue reading “The filter of expectation… what should be there but isn’t”

Your level of your consciousness vs that of your culture

Your level of your consciousness vs that of your culture

Your birth is accidental. You are born into a family, into a culture and unless the culture is very conducive to a happy life, you may want to emulate a different culture. (Emulate: match by imitation.)

It is one thing to emulate a person… but unfortunately it is all guessing. You’ll see what someone does, even hear what they say through a filter. And because of your filter you’ll pick and choose what to emulate. You probably will emulate what you agree with, what YOUR culture agrees with. And consequently your results will not be what you were aiming for when you picked who you wanted to emulate. Continue reading “Your level of your consciousness vs that of your culture”

Are You Jinxing Your Success or Expressing Gratitude?

the israelites the reed sea the pharaoh's chariots Are You Jinxing Your Success By Sharing About It?

There is a curious phenomenon, that sounds really counter intuitive. It also sounds counter to the teachings of teachers that teach how to become prosperous, etc.

The phenomenon is as follows:

You have a little bit of success. So quickly you tell everyone about it. You write home about it. You celebrate. Then you watch as it dissipates, fizzles out, goes away. Flash in the pan. Continue reading “Are You Jinxing Your Success or Expressing Gratitude?”

If you play to win, always, you can’t get good at anything.

If you play to win, always, you can’t get good at anything.

You may think that you want… That you really really want something. But the truth is: you really really NEED it… because you feel that without it you are… what? dead? a loser? what are you really afraid of?

Real want is energizer, real want is nurturing. You have no real wants. You have needs…and you are pitiful.

What happens if your ‘needs’ are dominating your life? If you are the 8-billion? Continue reading “If you play to win, always, you can’t get good at anything.”

How do I keep my humility high and my about-me score low?

How do I keep my humility high and my about-me score low?

How do I keep my humility high and my about-me score low… day to day to day to day?

This question came from one of my students in a class. Interestingly none of the other students in the class asked this question. They didn’t ask, even though this may be the most important question to ask, and the most important skill to master.

You see unless you master this skill… unless you can reduce your about-me score to under 10%, your chances to interact with reality are slim… and for many people the chances are none. Continue reading “How do I keep my humility high and my about-me score low?”

You live in a machine. The machine lives your life for you

You live in a machine. The machine lives your life for you

You live in a machine. The machine lives your life for you

But don’t feel suddenly innocent… you are running this machine as much as this machine is running you.

We could maybe even say: what is your vibration? Your vibration depends on to what degree this machine is running you and your life. The more often it does the lower your vibration.

The only real enemy of this machine is responsibility…

Without responsibility, at this time, and maybe forever, the machine is running unimpeded. Continue reading “You live in a machine. The machine lives your life for you”

You need to see what you said so you can say no to it

You need to see what you said so you can say no to it

Do you remember the pie chart of all knowledge? The circle, the pie, represents all facts in the universe?

  • A tiny slice you know and you know that you know it. It is your address, it is your name, it is facts that you can prove.
  • Another tiny slice is all the things you know that you don’t know. For example you know that you don’t speak Japanese, unless, of course, you do.
  • The rest of the pie is the things that you don’t know that you don’t know. Some of it you think you know, but what you think is just isn’t so.

Continue reading “You need to see what you said so you can say no to it”

Feeling yourself is the key to personhood

Feeling yourself is the key to personhood

Alienation… not feeling yourself… rigidity

One of my students sent me her collage.

A collage is an artwork where the hidden surfaces. We think one things but what is the truth, what is underneath it come out in a well-done collage.

We all feel disconnected, isolated, not quite belonging, lacking intimacy, and we think that it is from circumstances, like COVID or the other person, or maybe even you. Continue reading “Feeling yourself is the key to personhood”