Is it self-sabotage if you never intended to succeed?

Is it self-sabotage if you never intended to succeed?

Is it self-sabotage if you never intended to succeed? Only to HAVE?

Asked in another way: can you sabotage your success if you just dream about success, as a destination, but never about the path, the work, the effort to get there.

Or can you sabotage your dreams? Continue reading “Is it self-sabotage if you never intended to succeed?”

There are fixers and there are are creators. Producers.

There are fixers and there are are creators. Producers.

If you look fixers want to fix the world. You, me, things. Everything. They are most people. The campaigners, the reddit, twitter, etc posters… They want to fix you, and they want to fix the world.


Because it is not the way they want you to be, they want me to be, things to be.

They are never happy, they are never fulfilled. They just complain, and label, and go around telling you, me, things, the world how we should be. Continue reading “There are fixers and there are are creators. Producers.”

Why am I harping on the shoulds… is there any more to see?

Why am I harping on the shoulds… is there any more to see?

Today I got to go deeper in the shoulds.

I actually saw that every single thing that causes you, causes Man to be miserable, is a should in one form or another.

What lead me on is this:

I woke up, as planned, at 3 am.

But I didn’t immediately get up. I wanted to measure if my healing client has maintained the healing I worked so hard last night on.

She didn’t. So I grieved a little… and then fell asleep. Next time I woke up it was 4:30. I heard in my head: I should have gotten up when I woke up. Continue reading “Why am I harping on the shoulds… is there any more to see?”

Talk a good talk? Know what’s the right thing? You doing it?

Talk a good talk? Know what’s the right thing? You doing it?

Valentine’s day is another ‘should’ we have been resistant to…

If you pay attention, Big Brother is even more vigilant than your mother was… or your god supposedly is. Every single moment of yours is ‘structured’ by this Big Brother… Continue reading “Talk a good talk? Know what’s the right thing? You doing it?”

You can’t catch what you can’t see AND recognize

You can’t catch what you can’t see AND recognize

You can’t catch what you can’t see. And to recognize: you first need to catch it to see it.

And if you can’t see what is at the root of a problem, you can’t help the client with it.

It is 100% in the invisible. They themselves don’t know it. And even when they see it, unless they have the distinction (i.e. recognize it for what it is), it is as good as if they have never seen it.

Recognition and distinction go hand in hand. Distinction is not a name, not a word, not even a sentence. It is a phenomenon. Continue reading “You can’t catch what you can’t see AND recognize”

Dynamics of self-sabotage: I will always I will never

Dynamics of self-sabotage: I will always I will never
The all-or-nothing attitude (Gentian). The ‘I will always/I will never’ attitude.

We have been working with the machine. The machine we all live in. It is alive… and yet it’s a machine.

This, the self-sabotaging Gentian attitude is the most frequent move of the machine. Continue reading “Dynamics of self-sabotage: I will always I will never”

Will Practicing Compassion Make You A Better Human?

Will Practicing Compassion Make You A Better Human?
How To Raise Your Vibration? Become A Better Human Being, Practice Compassion

What is gooD? wHAT IS the definition OF GOOD?

The first question that you should ask when I suggest you become a better human being, is ‘what do you mean: better?Continue reading “Will Practicing Compassion Make You A Better Human?”

How you can go from being a rough diamond to finely cut gem

How you can go from being a rough diamond to finely cut gem

My soul correction (Forget Thyself) is hasty. Jumping in, and making mistakes, getting in a mess, scrambling to get out.

Nowadays that we are hunting for the should shouldn’t spouting little voice, I am forced to realize that for me it is not words… it is a push. Or is it a pull?

I am also seeing that many of may I hate that come from that push

So let’s hunt for some hates… and let’s see if this is personal to me, or across the field. Please, I will need your feedback.

There are a few things I can’t tolerate, would not tolerate. Continue reading “How you can go from being a rough diamond to finely cut gem”

He got some last night… yes. But how would you know it?

He got some last night… yes. But how would you know it?

I have been wondering if I could tell if a person can be trained or not. What would I see that would tell me yes or no?

I watched a little Grantchester on Amazon Prime yesterday. In one of those episodes the vicar gets laid. His pal almost instantly knows.

A few years ago I saw a woman come out of the hotel elevator in Las Vegas. To me she looked like she had always looked, but a man in our group instantly knew she just got laid.

I verified it with her… But how did he know? Continue reading “He got some last night… yes. But how would you know it?”

Have the ‘why bother?’ attitude? A Big C symptom

Have the ‘why bother?’ attitude? The Big C symptom

I overslept this morning. Whenever you oversleep, or allow comfort to set in, something sinister happens in the invisible.

Your brain takes your behavior as an instruction that you want to practice for death.

You could call it hibernation, but it is only hibernation if that is what you meant to do. Otherwise it is the state where there is no future.

The first signs are hopelessness. There is no hope. There is no future. Just blah. Continue reading “Have the ‘why bother?’ attitude? A Big C symptom”