Why can’t you love yourself? Any idea what’s missing?

Why can’t you love yourself? Any idea what’s missing?

Why can’t you love yourself? Any ideas what’s missing? Prepare to be shocked…

I woke up and it was almost 6 am. My plan is to get up between 3 and 5 am…

I wasn’t upset. I didn’t think I should have gotten up earlier.

The question here is to ask: who is driving my life? My shoulds or me?

Reactive… Continue reading “Why can’t you love yourself? Any idea what’s missing?”

Do you live your life without preparation? Winging it?

Do you live your life without preparation? Winging it?

There is a saying ‘Always be selling’, but I think ‘Always be preparing’ is a better saying.

It doesn’t just apply to everyone, it also is more useful.

There’s a quote famously attributed to Alexander Graham Bell: ‘BEFORE anything else, preparation is the key to success.’

Today’s parents, today’s people don’t think they are unprepared. I have read about a woman who homeschools her children, and decided that they don’t need to learn basic maths… Continue reading “Do you live your life without preparation? Winging it?”

It is hard to read the label when you are inside the bottle.

It is hard to read the label when you are inside the bottle.

OK, Sophie, but what is the bottle you are in? And what is the label?

Most everything that is about you is the bottle and most everything that would clue you in why you are stuck, why you don’t feel well, why your life works the way it works is the label.

To read the label, you need get outside of the bottle… while you are also in it.

I call it bilocation… but not in the physical or esoteric sense…

I mean it in the intellectual sense. Continue reading “It is hard to read the label when you are inside the bottle.”

But what about fear? What shall I do if I am always afraid?

But what about fear? What shall I do if I am always afraid?
Alexander the Great supposedly said:

Through every generation of the human race there has been a constant war, a war with fear. Those who have the courage to conquer it are made free and those who are conquered by it are made to suffer until they have the courage to defeat it, or death takes them.

Now, looking at it from the viewpoint of the fixed mindset versus the growth mindset you can see that the fixed mindset promises you to keep you safe. Continue reading “But what about fear? What shall I do if I am always afraid?”

What kind of soil are you for the seeds I plant?

What kind of soil are you for the seeds I plant?
soil-types-who-you-are will grow or notWho is listening? Who is listening that you are unwilling or unable to move towards your dreams?

Warning: without the concept in this article, you can read 100 books, take 100 seminars, and they will not matter… chances are you have never heard about this concept.

In this article I am writing about a little known aspect of life… I couldn’t even find pictures for it… I will be using a gardening analogy,

What kind of soil are you?

Continue reading “What kind of soil are you for the seeds I plant?”

There is more than one way to skin a cat or solve a problem

There is more than one way to skin a cat or solve a problem

We are in the middle of Passover. Passover or Pesach is a Jewish holiday, celebrating braking out of the prison of slavery. Being a slave how it has always been, how it is, the fixed mindset…

The process of reframing, and thus the Reframing Challenge is a PrisonBreak program. It is designed to take you from the misery of slavery to the joy of freedom. Please give it respect by treating it as that, not as MY good idea… Continue reading “There is more than one way to skin a cat or solve a problem”

How can a statement: ‘I cannot’ be a lie and truth as well?

How can a statement: ‘I cannot’ be a lie and truth as well?

How can a statement: ‘I cannot’ be a lie and truth as well? And how can you tell the difference?

Most ‘I cannot’ statements are lies. They actually say ‘I will not’. I won’t even try. I didn’t care to do it.

The speaker may be you, someone else, or the little voice. Continue reading “How can a statement: ‘I cannot’ be a lie and truth as well?”

If you can’t appreciate slow… you will never get anywhere

If you can’t appreciate slow… you will never get anywhere

If you want to go from zero to money, for example, fast, you’ll never do what it takes to make money.

But why? Why would you not do what it takes?

Almost any good why question takes you to an invisible dynamic, more often than not the invisible dynamic of the backroom dealings of an innocent looking deli.

In the front honest business is conducted, while in the back room anything goes.

You suspect it right: it is a Mafia type of business. And you are the mafioso. Continue reading “If you can’t appreciate slow… you will never get anywhere”

How you keep yourself the same, even when you want to change

How you keep yourself the same, even when you want to change

I have been doing energy healing, healing with energies for 23 years now.

In the first six years I used man-made energies… What?! Yeah. All energies healers use are man-made. On average they are placebo… or 10% effective. So a client with no faith won’t get healing…

I started the healing regimen of a woman on Monday. Distant healing.

I normally do my healing after I go to bed… It also helps me fall asleep, and healing while naked and on my back is easier on my body.

Except… Continue reading “How you keep yourself the same, even when you want to change”

The purpose of the Reality Challenge is to find your Self

The purpose of the Reality Challenge is to find your Self

If you ever tried to meditate. If you are a ‘meditator’. And if the idea of meditation brings up bile to your throat… like for me.

OK who else? Oh, those who couldn’t give a shriveled nut for the idea of mediation… so all people…

The only thing meditation wants you to do is to look within. You spend almost all your life looking outward, and have no idea about what is inside. Continue reading “The purpose of the Reality Challenge is to find your Self”