Brain health, brain power, brain usage…

For to the ones who use it, more will be given, and they will have an abundance, but from the ones who use it not, even what they have will be taken away

for those who use it well, much more will be givenBrain health, brain power, brain usage… how does it relate to your mood about your life? to the size of your life, to your happiness and fulfillment?

I am on the mend. It feels weird…

All my life I wanted to get sympathy for poor me… because I didn’t think I deserved anything more.

And I am noticing that I want to complain, that I am afraid that if I tell you I am getting well, you won’t want to give me anything… not business, not love, not anything. Weird. A strong pull. Continue reading “Brain health, brain power, brain usage…”

Pretense. authenticity. the zig-zag path to yourself

Pretense. authenticity. the zig-zag path to yourself
  • don't wish it was easier“Don’t wish it were easier: wish you were better. Don’t wish for less problems wish for more skills. Don’t wish for less challenge wish for more wisdom” said Jim Rohn
  • I want to be loved just the way I am… say most people.
  • You are already perfect…
  • The marriage of these three differing points of view is the state of humanity right now: rampant pretense… and utter misery.

The pretense prevents most everyone from becoming better. From building skills. From attaining wisdom.

The pretense is like a 2 feet by 4 feet jail cell… tight, restrictive, unpleasant. Continue reading “Pretense. authenticity. the zig-zag path to yourself”

How do you change the future? By changing the past…

opposable thumbsEver feel like you are just the thumb Source needs to get things done? Things that need a thumb… Physical things…

I used to have a cat. And cats teach you about yourself things you never wanted to know, like how insignificant and useless you are.

But one thing they also teach you that has served me well is teaching me that I have thumbs. Opposable thumbs. And in spite of their contempt for me otherwise, I can be useful because I can operate the can opener.

And god… whatever god is, is a lot like my cat. It needs a human with opposing thumbs to get things done in the physical universe. God doesn’t have a thumb. God is an energy, in all, through all, it is omnipotent… but lacking physical manifestation, it lacks a thumb… lol. So, us, humans, are here to make things happen.

For the most part, this has been my experience of that energy I call Source. Especially when I play Freecell.
Continue reading “How do you change the future? By changing the past…”

Can you count on yourself to be winning in life today?

Can you count on yourself to be winning in life today?

the light at the end of the tunnelQuestions, ordinary questions make you look for an answer. And getting that answer shuts down the looking.

Other questions, like the question in the title make you look… But the answer… oh, the answer creates an even bigger opening… it is like the abyss opened up in front of your feet… Fill your heart with dread.

And that is what was the purpose of the question… to open up the abyss…

Your self-view today is a tricky thing to predict. It will grow out of your seed level: of who you are that you are, whether you can count on yourself to be winning at life today, and other questions, very similar to the one in the title. All designed to confront you, to arrest you, to wake you up. Continue reading “Can you count on yourself to be winning in life today?”

Self-awareness: what is it and why is it crucial to have it?

Self-awareness: what is it and why is it crucial to have it?

Self-awareness is the rarest of all the human virtues. Why? because it is all inner. . . and unless you have it you won’t even know you have it. And unless you grow it, you can’t change.

This is one of the things I measure in the Starting Point Measurements.

The numbers I get are between 3% and 20%, with 20% is being rare: I only found, so far, one person with that level of awareness.

So what can you notice if and when you are self-aware? Continue reading “Self-awareness: what is it and why is it crucial to have it?”

Feelings, emotions… if you could just feel better!

Feelings, emotions… if you could just feel better!

Feelings, emotions… if you could just feel better! How to increase your emotional intelligence?

We talk about feelings and emotions as if they were the same…

But they aren’t. And like with everything, on the current level of humanity we have a really hard time holding it together. And a hard time even hoping for a life that is bearable.

But with knowledge can come power. And that is what I am offering in this article. Continue reading “Feelings, emotions… if you could just feel better!”

Moses made the Israelites wander in the desert for 40 years… that is how long it took to change their mindset

Nature or nurture is a big question, even though, in the big picture, it won’t matter.

  • What is part of nature can be changed. In fact it is being changed effectively all the time.
  • What is part of nurture is harder to change, but it’s possible. It just takes more work.

Just the opposite of what you thought, right?

I am a good example for nature being changed: I got smarter than when I started, smarter than my siblings and my parents… through application. High achievers in the world are mostly of this type: born with little or average, worked harder, accomplished more than what they would get if they didn’t grow what they earned.

In my muscletesting the more you were born with the less you think you need to work, the less you want to work on becoming all you can become. Continue reading “Moses made the Israelites wander in the desert for 40 years… that is how long it took to change their mindset”

The puzzle that is called “human”. Your theory matters…

Humans are an unpredictable mystery, and therefore have given rise to many many theories.

The way humans examine things to make sense of them is by taking them apart. It works relative well with people, but with a living thing, it is not that effective.

So humans make up parts and elements… and some seem to work to one degree or another, but nothing quite works perfectly.

The mechanical models medical “sciences” use doesn’t work well at all… we have more diseases than before…

The psychological models of ego, and subconscious, and beliefs, and such don’t work well either… How do we know? Because the results are temporary, or there are no results. Life is simple… The results are the shadow… showing that the method worked or didn’t work. Continue reading “The puzzle that is called “human”. Your theory matters…”

What’s your story? Your Troubles Are Repeating Themselves.

What’s your story? Your Troubles Are Repeating Themselves.
The Outcome Is Not Pretty. You Are Trying. You Fail. What’s Going On?

Your Troubles Are Repeating Themselves. your life is scripted. different locales, different characters, but it is the same repeating story. You Are Living Out A Script… The Outcome Is Not Pretty. You Are Trying. You Fail. What’s Going On?

I would dare to say, that repeating a script that only brings you trouble, pain, guilt, shame is the opposite of emotional intelligence.

  • The first “modality” for “emotional intelligence” I encountered was beating. By my mother, occasionally by my father.
  • The second modality I encountered was psychotherapy, by a psychiatrist, who, after two years of therapy, decided that sleeping with me is more fun. I was 16 at the time.

Continue reading “What’s your story? Your Troubles Are Repeating Themselves.”

You can have everything, but not at the same time…

Look how hard I try! Look how good I am!

You can have everything, but not at the same time…

In certain areas of life it is obvious… Like eating sugary stuff and weight loss…

But in this work, the work of causing human evolution, from human to human being, I don’t address many obvious things, because the secret of evolution is in the invisible domain. Continue reading “You can have everything, but not at the same time…”