Finally I decided to end hope and start a side-hustle

Finally I decided to end hope and start a side-hustle

Finally I decided to end hope and start a side-hustle… or why you aren’t growing.

My favorite part of the book, The Science of Getting Rich isĀ  where he says: Start where you are.

Most people do their life half-assed, build half-assed projects, hoping that doing that they can have what they want: success, love, fulfillment… but that is not the way to go. Continue reading “Finally I decided to end hope and start a side-hustle”

What makes something worthwhile to do, put energy into?

What makes something worthwhile to do, put energy into?

I learn a lot from some people, and next to nothing from others.

This teacher I have, a teacher whom I don’t like as a person has taught me more than maybe all the other teachers combined with just a sentence here and a sentence there.

Why? Because he doesn’t teach anything that he doesn’t personally need, uses, and find useful.

It is hard to imagine why I’d like to follow someone’s example, a person’s whom I don’t like, but there we are: I am following his example in many different ways. Continue reading “What makes something worthwhile to do, put energy into?”

The Masterskill… the secret nearly everyone misses

The Masterskill… the secret nearly everyone misses
Mental Bandwidth and what to do to increase it

If you ordered a large pizza but you had to share it with everyone in your neighborhood, then even after ordering a hundred of those, you would barely get a slice, right? Some teenagers can eat half of a large pizza themselves, so unless you protect your pizza, you’ll remain hungry.

If an internet company sells you service, but they have all their thousands of customers want to watch a movie, you’ll get a spotty connection and miss half the movie.

That is bandwidth… it is limited and the more people use it, the less remains for you. Continue reading “The Masterskill… the secret nearly everyone misses”

There are fixers and there are are creators. Producers.

There are fixers and there are are creators. Producers.

If you look fixers want to fix the world. You, me, things. Everything. They are most people. The campaigners, the reddit, twitter, etc posters… They want to fix you, and they want to fix the world.


Because it is not the way they want you to be, they want me to be, things to be.

They are never happy, they are never fulfilled. They just complain, and label, and go around telling you, me, things, the world how we should be. Continue reading “There are fixers and there are are creators. Producers.”

You have a chip on your shoulder… help me take it off

You have a chip on your shoulder… help me take it off

You are offended. Most everything offends you.

Things don’t go the way they should: they take too long, they are hard, they don’t pan out.

People do things they are not supposed to. And even you do things that you consider wrong, and that offends you. You don’t know how to do it… arrrgh. Continue reading “You have a chip on your shoulder… help me take it off”

The secret why the 8 billion isn’t successful and can’t be

The secret why the 8 billion isn’t successful and can’t be
If the caterpillar planned to become a butterfly, there would be no more butterflies.

What does that mean?

Planning to become, having a goal is counter productive. It takes your eyes off the here and now, and fixates them on some future pie-in-the -sky idea… Continue reading “The secret why the 8 billion isn’t successful and can’t be”

You can live your life randomly, or consciously, by design

You can live your life randomly, or consciously, by design

living by-designCharles M. Schwab was one of the ‘robber barons’ of the early 20th century. He was, at the time, one of the richest men in the world. He was president of Bethlehem Steel, but his ambition to become more and more was insatiable.

He hired famed productivity consultant of his time, Ivy Lee… Ivy charged nothing for his service.He requested 15 minutes with each executive of Bethlehem Steel, and said: at the end 90 days (13 weeks) write me a check for what it was worth to you. Continue reading “You can live your life randomly, or consciously, by design”

Are you managing time, energy or results? how is it going?

Are you managing time, energy or results? how is it going?

getting things done. become a producer We all have the same amount of time, 24 hours a day, and yet some people get more stuff done in that time than others. Getting things done makes you a producer… and that is a superpower.

People with more accomplishments have a secret. I am going to share this secret with you.

I had this secret, but truth be told, it was a secret hidden from me too until about an hour ago. Continue reading “Are you managing time, energy or results? how is it going?”

Fun Monday… How inspirable are you?

Fun Monday… How inspirable are you?

In today’s article I am switching gears. We’ll be funny today…

Maybe even ha-ha funny.

Why this change of heart?

In the Starting Point Measurements there is a question: how inspirable are you and how inspired are you now? Continue reading “Fun Monday… How inspirable are you?”

Why some people can be trained while others can’t

Why some people can be trained while others can’t

In my starting point measurements there are a few measures that predict whether you can be trained or not.

I have found that two measures are most telling: the size of one’s ambition and the size of one’s rigidity.

  • Ambition is an interesting phenomenon:

Ambition needs you to have some kind of vision of a future you are working towards. In my experience, this measure needs to be higher than 10%, and the higher it is, the more likely you’ll do what it takes to be trained. Continue reading “Why some people can be trained while others can’t”