Mistakes, errors, failures… and happiness

Mistakes, errors, failures… and happiness

failures are necessary for growthI like challenge.

I believe that only failures, only mistakes teach me anything, so I make sure I set my life up, I set my business up to have a steady stream of failures.

My counter-intuitive approach to life allows me to be happy.

Continue reading “Mistakes, errors, failures… and happiness”

Resistance to new: fear. Fear of the unknown. How to win?

Resistance to new: fear. Fear of the unknown. How to win?

fearPart of being a good coach is to experience the scary stuff the client is experiencing or will experience on their journey… so I can have compassion, and maybe some tools to ease their bad experience and help them through some obstacle.

I am in the middle of exactly that… and I am quaking in my boots…

I was never a fan of new things… I am not an excitement junkie… not me… sorry. And now that I am old, it is even less tempting… and yet, it takes me less deliberation nowadays than it used to, to ‘jump’.

Jumping off the diving board is a very good analogy… but even getting into the pool or the lake. You don’t know if you can survive.

In fact, all fear is fear of death… The interesting thing about me: death itself doesn’t scare me as much as the path to it, the pain, the horror, the experience.

OK… even just writing those few words… Continue reading “Resistance to new: fear. Fear of the unknown. How to win?”

How and what can move you out of not moving?

How and what can move you out of not moving?

inertia renders you not moving aka stuckIsaac Newton was very famous… he invented the concept of gravity, he created laws of movement, and a lot of other things we consider laws… blah blah blah.

Newton formulated the laws of motion and universal gravitation that formed the dominant scientific viewpoint until it was superseded by the theory of relativity.

The most important laws he ‘formulated’ that have a day to day effect to understand ourselves are the laws of motion.

His first ‘law’ of motion can be expressed in many different ways, examples:

  • A stationary object with no outside force will not move.
  • With no outside forces, a moving object will not stop.
  • An object at rest stays at rest.

Continue reading “How and what can move you out of not moving?”

The human spirit and the predatory genes…

The human spirit and the predatory genes…

who wears the pants in this relationship? predatory genesI’ve done thousands of starting point measurements, muscletest 34 things about you, that measure the inner struggle between the predatory genes, the soul, and the spirit.

It is one thing to do thousands of these, and quite another to measure the same person monthly, or frequently. The insights come from seeing what behaviors, what moods, what results correlate with what measurements.

In this article I will talk about those correlations, in the context of power vs. force, spirit vs. predatory genes.

I’ll begin with a little history: the term predatory genes came from a book, The Cure by Douglas Richards.

Continue reading “The human spirit and the predatory genes…”

Inner authority? What does it mean really?

Inner authority? What does it mean really?

outer pressure to inner authorityI define someone who has that, Inner Authority, is this: they don’t need an outside force to entice them or to threaten them with some kind of punishment or doom to do what they have to do to get things done.

So, the year was 1987, and it was the end of an 8-year run of a good mixture where you could see what I am talking about.

In those years I worked as an architect in three countries.

Worked but wasn’t productive. There was no joy there. I wasn’t joyful, even though there were, here and there, interesting projects, but i wasn’t able to enjoy them.

There were as long as year long stretches where I literally suffered because I just didn’t want to do what i had to do, needed to do, wanted to do to survive, things I should have done. I was sluggish, heavy, and totally unmotivated. Continue reading “Inner authority? What does it mean really?”

The reason you are miserable… You are on the leash

The reason you are miserable… You are on the leash
you are on the leashHave to, need to, want to, and should: you are on the leash 24/7.

I woke up this morning and noticed that I haven’t been very busy. not much to do. I mean I am writing my articles, doing the services I promised, but not busy. I didn’t feel on the leash… delicious.

I wonder what I should do, now that I am not busy.

I came up with the idea to write a book: The empath’s job in a world where people are going numb.

Then I came to my computer and read a client’s email… and I had a flash of insight why humanity is going numb…

This is what this article is about. So you, at your place, in your person, arrest or maybe even reverse this seemingly unstoppable process that has resulted in your misery, carefully hidden, across the world, maybe even China. Who knows?
Continue reading “The reason you are miserable… You are on the leash”

Can we change the future of the planet by changing people?

Can we change the future of the planet by changing people?

Yesterday I spoke about the human condition, where moral rules, codes, and such are masking the predatory nature of humans…

Predatory simply means: me at your expense… and it is mostly, among animals, at the expense of another species, but there are exceptions.

I live on nuts, nuts are about 40% of the nutrition I take any given day. Why? I can’t eat much anything else and stay well beyond my expiration date… which, for all intents and purposes was in August last year.

So I got an extension, on conditions that I do life in a particular way… Continue reading “Can we change the future of the planet by changing people?”

Either write something worth reading, or be someone worth writing about

Either write something worth reading, or be someone worth writing about

Actually, the original Ben Franklin quote is: Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing (about). Leave the world a better place than it was before you were born, because of your actions.

I didn’t think it was in me… so I settled for something small. I decided to plant a tree every year… there are too few trees in my humble but accurate opinion.

Then my landlord cut them, not all but most… and I got disheartened. Continue reading “Either write something worth reading, or be someone worth writing about”

Driftwood? Why driftwood? Why do I talk about driftwood?

Driftwood? Why driftwood? Why do I talk about driftwood?
There’s Nothing To Get And There’s No Place to get to…

A Cup Of Tea
Nan-in, a Japanese Zen master during the Meiji era (1868 – 1912), received a university professor who came to him to inquire about Zen. Continue reading “Driftwood? Why driftwood? Why do I talk about driftwood?”

Removing Barriers to you being all-you-can-be

Removing Barriers to you being all-you-can-be

the subtle art of not giving a fuckI just read an excerpt of Mark Manson’s (vibration: 260) book, about the path to growing… The art of not giving a f*ck

Even the brief is worth reading…

Some people write better than me. Some people find solutions faster than me. Some people can teach ME things… Baah, right?

What Manson says is the essence of the Michelangelo Method of growing.

You remove everything that doesn’t work, everything that is not you, everything that doesn’t support you in living life you love and living it powerfully.

But the sticky part of this process is telling the truth about having been wrong. Continue reading “Removing Barriers to you being all-you-can-be”