What do your human predatory genes do? Make you do…

coyotes and predatory genesWhat do your predatory genes do? judging from what happens when some are turned off, and some are turned on?

Some things in reality are outside of our direct knowledge. but we can still glean an insight by observing what happens when we tweak them, turn them off, turn them on.

One of the most memorable things I have ever read was in a book The Terminal Man. In the beginning, scientists want to find out what area of the brain is responsible for certain behaviors, certain memories… Continue reading “What do your human predatory genes do? Make you do…”

Stuck? What does it really mean to be stuck? What is stuck?

Stuck is mostly a feeling, not a fact. It is coupled with an emotion.

It is unpleasant because feeling limited is what it’s about.

As if you didn’t have a choice, as if you were weighed down, or restricted by some heavy weight.

And some of those stuck feelings are accurate: you are kind of stuck… You could be in prison. Or you could be stuck in an iron lung. Maybe you’ve lost your legs. Continue reading “Stuck? What does it really mean to be stuck? What is stuck?”

What does the word content or contentment mean?

Many times it is near impossible to get what words mean…

Luckily I have learned other languages. With some of them have a deeper knowledge than just being able to use them, so I can use them to see in their etymology.

In fact, this article got triggered by a word, a concept, a distinction that is not clear to most people, and it wasn’t for me. Contentment. Continue reading “What does the word content or contentment mean?”

The uncatchable ball… did you just let it slip away?

uncatchable ballWe are definitely dealing with something that feels like an uncatchable ball.

We find something and it turns out not to be THE BALL… and we need to go and find another ball to catch… but instead of being able to catch it, it slips out of our grasp.

Why are we even trying?

Because unless and until we catch it and have it in our grasp, firmly, our lives cannot change, our performance cannot change, we cannot really get to where we love ourselves, love our lives, and live it powerfully.

This uncatchable ball is small, slippery, and evasive.

And we want to catch it… If nothing else, I am tenacious… And so help me god, I’ll catch it. Identify it, if it takes me a hundred articles… I will. For you, and for me.

This article is an attempt to catch it… The next article is already written and will come out later today…
Continue reading “The uncatchable ball… did you just let it slip away?”

My most influential teachers teach new expectations

can you, will you change your mind?
can you, will you change your mind?My most influential teachers teach new expectations through invalidating the ones that create a life of misery.

Ben Settle is one of those teachers.

I subscribed to his newsletter and then quit it after a year or two. Why? because for a time he was more interested in world building and world domination than what concerned me more: a healthy business that served me. And he was more political than I could stomach… so I quit.

I had benefited from my subscription… How? I managed to double my monthly income and at the same time reduced the amount of work it took. I also doubled my self-respect… hm. Continue reading “My most influential teachers teach new expectations”

Do you have enough energy to build a life you love?

I measure a ton of starting point measurements. People ask for their starting point measurements because they are experiencing something they don’t want.

Lack of energy, lack of aliveness, lack of inspiration… Continue reading “Do you have enough energy to build a life you love?”

Does Alex Jones, like children, believe his own B.S.?

Are humans even interested in transcendence?

Transcendence is growing through and beyond. And whether anyone says it or not, you always go beyond a stage when it is considered by you handled.

I am reading a book by the same author who wrote about the predatory genes in another book of his.

He is a novelist, a fiction writer, so anyone who takes everything he says at face value is like the people who listen to Alex Jones and take it like the truth… I even know one personally… ugh.

Anyway, I am reading this new book that just came out a few days ago. After a boring 110 page preamble he gets to the interesting stuff… about sentient life in the cosmos… Continue reading “Does Alex Jones, like children, believe his own B.S.?”

Fix Broken Sh!t First… AKA: remove what is broken

Fix Broken Sh!t First; I got an email with that title this morning, so I am using it. This is the perfect title for this article…

You see, human nature is weird… It tries to fix everything by throwing stuff at it making it more broken. Add stuff…

When you have indigestion, or when you are sick, or when you are tired… You want to put food on it. You buy stuff… You throw sex on it. Coffee on it. Complaining on it. The kitchen sink on it.

I have noticed that anything anyone says about you or your stuff triggers a self-protection mechanism, as if you have anything about you that is not perfect means you are wrong, or don’t deserve to live, or maybe deserve to die.

Totally out of proportion reaction to the size of the threat. Continue reading “Fix Broken Sh!t First… AKA: remove what is broken”

Adjustable genes leave you unable to change?

entitlement genes
Want to change your life but have been unable to change yourself?

Your WHO is producing all the WHAT… Unless the WHO changes, nothing will change permanently.

You seem inexorable, unchangeable… and misery is the result. Continue reading “Adjustable genes leave you unable to change?”

Confession Video? What are you confessing?

dance is divine. live your life like a dance

dance is divine. live your life like a danceYesterday I was on a zoom training with a known videographer.

He gave an assignment to us, participants, to make a five-minute ‘confession video’ of why we do what we do, being vulnerable, authentic, and firm in the declaration of the intention for what we do.

Each their own… not as a group. Continue reading “Confession Video? What are you confessing?”