Coherence, incoherence, and your vibration

Coherence, incoherence, and your vibration

The lotus is the symbol of coherence… it grows from mud… incoherent… and turns it into beautiful coherence.

If you lotus could speak it would say: ‘I want the world to be the way the world is‘.

OK, so what is coherence and what is incoherence?

Oh… and why should you care? Continue reading “Coherence, incoherence, and your vibration”

What gives you wings? What do you hope will give you wings?

What gives you wings? What do you hope will give you wings?

When I was a kid I read a book about Sam Small, The Flying Yorkshireman. I read it in Hungarian… It was easier to read in Hungarian than in English… Ugh… that Yorkshire accent in writing… impossible to tolerate.

Anyway, this Sam Small could fly. And I decided that I wanted to fly too. I spent all my imagination… what it would be like to fly.

Unfortunately all my fancies were about escaping… I don’t know what it is about me: I still have nightmares about escaping, and there is always flying. Continue reading “What gives you wings? What do you hope will give you wings?”

Is it the volleyball that saved that man’s life at open sea?

Is it the volleyball that saved that man’s life at open sea?

A man survived at open sea adrift clinging to a partially deflated volley ball

What allowed him to survive? It was the hate of the idea of dying.

Yesterday I watched, again, the amazing Danish movie ‘After the wedding’.

The dynamics were played out with good acting and good directing: The one with strongest hate wins. You hate to die, but you hate to leave your loved ones with no father figure more than death. Continue reading “Is it the volleyball that saved that man’s life at open sea?”

Your relationship to reality, your brain, and your life

Your relationship to reality, your brain, and your life

Reality has everything it has. And what it doesn’t have isn’t real. It isn’t part of reality. It’s added.

This is the hardest part of reality: understanding that speaking, the observer, populates reality with things that don’t belong, and then turns around and grieves the things it spoke as reality. And the truth.

All suffering comes from this speaking. Continue reading “Your relationship to reality, your brain, and your life”

What squatters can teach you about life, about you

What squatters can teach you about life, about you

Why can’t doctors, pharmaceuticals heal cancer?

Cancer is like squatters… they move in when there is no one living there… and then use all the facilities, all they find to wreck the home, like a parasite.

You can kill them, you can burn them, and kill and burn the house/apartment/body with them.

So doctors, similarly, can cut cancer out, they can burn it with chemicals, radiation, but they can’t heal it. Why?

Because cancer is a spiritual disease, not physical in its cause. Just like squatters. Continue reading “What squatters can teach you about life, about you”

All the current methods you use won’t give you what you want

All the current methods you use won’t give you what you want

Sometimes I have the good fortune to watch other business people bet on something and not get the result they hoped to get.

Most of the time you have no idea what someone wants… so this is a gift.

Life isn’t a series of winning bets… Life is a series of losing bets that teach you something if you are willing to learn. Continue reading “All the current methods you use won’t give you what you want”

How to make sure your communication has no power?

How to make sure your communication has no power?
Without integrity you can’t communicate…

You can talk, but your word has no power. It doesn’t get things done.

Communication is making things happen… making what you intend to happen happen.

Communication is having people want to do what you want them to do. Anything less is not communication. It is merely talking. Continue reading “How to make sure your communication has no power?”

What makes hell hell? Is it a place? Or what?

What makes hell hell? Is it a place? Or what?

I read one or two threads on Reddit every morning.

This is how I stay in touch with what people think, what people say, what people find funny, what grieves them.

Today the discussion was what could convince an atheist to become a believer. What could change their mind?

This is right up my alley… That is all I have ever wanted to know: what would change your mind? Continue reading “What makes hell hell? Is it a place? Or what?”

Why all you’ve learned hasn’t made life good for you

Why all you’ve learned hasn’t made life good for you
You learned rules… and they didn’t make life good.

All rules, moral or otherwise, serve one purpose and only one purpose: to kill your inner guidance. To kill your spirit.

Some exceptional people, most of them part of the 1000, live by their inner guidance… This means they must have, at some point, said no to rules, regulations, commandments, common wisdom, laws, and make up their own minds. Continue reading “Why all you’ve learned hasn’t made life good for you”