Teaching the way a fig tree grows… from the top down

Teaching the way a fig tree grows… from the top down

fig tree: growing top to bottomFor 17 miserable years I was an architect in three countries. Unfortunately I brought myself with me…

I was, for a time, part of a team that introduced a new building method: building from the top down…

I won an architectural competition with it, I also won an award of excellence for a building built that way.

The method may work in architecture, and it definitely works for the fig tree… Continue reading “Teaching the way a fig tree grows… from the top down”

My experiment offering you to bid on an energy audio

My experiment offering you to bid on an energy audio

WE all heard of energies, healing energy, hands on, maybe even remote energy transmission. But some energies cannot come from a human, they can only come from the beyond, the god realm. So what’s in the audio? Continue reading “My experiment offering you to bid on an energy audio”

The tail of the dragon… or wherein hides the power.

The tail of the dragon… or wherein hides the power.

I started this topic, the dragon tail, in the third of today’s mini podcast episode… It is going to require a lot of looking to flash it out, so I am turning to the modality that can bear thinking, and doesn’t complain if between two sentences hours or days pass… like audio and video would. And maybe even private conversations. Continue reading “The tail of the dragon… or wherein hides the power.”

Look for it where it is, not where the light is on

Look for it where it is, not where the light is on

Everyone is looking for the lost key under the lamppost…

The current state of humanity is: no one is looking…

Instead, if they do anything, they try to think it out.

It is like trying to think out soup… no ingredients, none.

The only way to be effective in life is through looking IN REALITY, where the ingredients are… and not just for soup, but for everything.

The Streetlight Effect Continue reading “Look for it where it is, not where the light is on”

What is the shelf-life of your word? Any idea?

What is the shelf-life of your word? Any idea?

This is part two for whatever day it is. Thursday.

So what I said in the previous segment is that until you can tell the difference between what you say and what the machine says, there’s no chance that you can change your context.

Now, it’s a little bit deeper than that. Because … and that’s why without integrity nothing works. Continue reading “What is the shelf-life of your word? Any idea?”

Prison break! or a battle cry that wakes the spirit

Prison break! or a battle cry that wakes the spirit

A battle cry is a saying…

Joel Salatin had a lot of sayings. That was the first thing Tai Lopez noticed about him.

One of his sayings is: I want just one thing from my people: ‘no mistakes‘.

Or here is another: The worst thing in life is to get older and realize you got good at the wrong thing.

I also have a lot of sayings… One of them is ‘it is all in a day’s workContinue reading “Prison break! or a battle cry that wakes the spirit”

Without a new context your life will remain the same

Without a new context your life will remain the same

Okay. This article is still going to be about context.

I am getting requests to help people change their context or create a new context, such that life starts turning with this new context. So what am I talking about?

Life is co-created and life happens inside the context that you live in. Continue reading “Without a new context your life will remain the same”

Where attention goes energy goes. Attention can cause

Where attention goes energy goes. Attention can cause

attention energyThe question is: are YOU causing your attention? Are you causing what you want to cause?

I always thought I was curious, but I am finding out: you cannot be curious if you are not open.

One of the issues of my soul correction is not being open. Self-protection, personal-reality protection. Continue reading “Where attention goes energy goes. Attention can cause”

What can a 100 vibration person teach you that is useful?

What can a 100 vibration person teach you that is useful?

I used to shy away from trainings and videos, people whose teaching I deemed inferior.

I noticed that I did that.

It was self-protecting at its best.

So today I clicked on an email and in it a video that I was certain was inferior, and I wasn’t mistaken.

The dude’s vibration is 100.

Why so low? Continue reading “What can a 100 vibration person teach you that is useful?”

The cabbage didn’t become cauliflower without training

The cabbage didn’t become cauliflower without training

Just one more thing: the cabbage didn’t become cauliflower without training…

And you cannot become cause without training either…

So if you think DNA activation by itself will make you a human being, you’ll be sorely disappointed. Even though you’ll have the capacity… and now with the 14 second audio you do, you still need TRAINING in using it. Continue reading “The cabbage didn’t become cauliflower without training”