The entitlement anchor: what being ‘entitled’ really means

The entitlement is anchored deep, and unless it’s pulled, it will keep jerking you back and forth, like a puppet.

Because I never felt that I was entitled to anything. My entitlement genes turned off when they were supposed to. It was around age 2. That was actually a little early, but that’s when it happened for me.

I never suspected that the entitlement anchor is actually more predictive to the quality of your life, to your unvoluntary harmful actions than the anchor to doom. Continue reading “The entitlement anchor: what being ‘entitled’ really means”

Compassion… why a coach needs to have it or else…

learn from this pupI cry a lot. Most of the time not about myself. I cry with people.

When I pull an anchor, decades of misery and sadness spill out. And I feel it. I feel your sadness. I feel your longing to belong, to be appreciated. And I feel that you feel that you have been mistreated. And now that we have uncorked it… you can grieve.

I recommend that you do. Grieve. Continue reading “Compassion… why a coach needs to have it or else…”

How beliefs, worldview give you your actions, your life

I’ve decided that there are two kinds of people; those who solve real problems and those who create imaginary ones. ~ quote from the Monday Morning Memo.

This quote arrested me…

True or not if I look at yourself right now, are you solving real problems or are you creating imaginary ones?

Your life, when we look at it, will tell you. Continue reading “How beliefs, worldview give you your actions, your life”

I had been miserable for a few days till…

I had been miserable for a few days now…

So when this happens I pay attention.

Of course my attention is splintered: some of it goes into feeling sorry for myself, some of it to ‘fix’ the misery… or its seeming cause. and some of it to see what is REALLY going on.

I always say that if you can go through hell with your eyes open and with wide cone of vision, you are going to see what lead you there and what you can do to reduce the likelihood of going through hell again any time soon. Continue reading “I had been miserable for a few days till…”

Rebooting your brain, rebooting your life

Imagine this scenario: You look up your bank balance, see the number. And suddenly dread grabs your chest and you are off to panic-land.

You see that unless you start generating an income before the end of the month, you’ll be on the dole… at the mercy of others, at the mercy of social services… You’ve run out of money, and you have run out of time.

What do you do now? Continue reading “Rebooting your brain, rebooting your life”

Love is wanting for you what you want for yourself…

Maybe love is wanting even more for you than you want for yourself… but I am not sure about that.

Because of great love one is courageous. And coaching you is a lot like training tigers to act like pussycats… And as dangerous.

A coach wants for you what you say you want for yourself… Continue reading “Love is wanting for you what you want for yourself…”

How did the 1000 manage to become the 1000?

The book ‘The Art of Hunting Humans‘ calls them the Superiors.

The 1000 are the producers of the world… and believe it or not, they got there and stay there by CONSISTENTLY PRACTICING certain ways of being and behaving that are very different from how others behave. Continue reading “How did the 1000 manage to become the 1000?”

The secret to a meaningful life, a life you love

Humans’ tenacity to cling to life, even when it’s empty and meaningless is puzzling to me.

Life itself is empty of meaning… and if your life has meaning it is because you put it there.

Most people I meet have flimsy meaning, meaning that is temporary… or they have no meaning at all. Continue reading “The secret to a meaningful life, a life you love”

Prison Break… what is the prison? What holds you back?

Your prison has no walls… No fences. And yet you are not leaving. You know it well, and the devil you know is maybe better than the devil you don’t… But only maybe.

A good teacher’s fate is that some of the students will ‘fly’ higher than the teacher ever would… Continue reading “Prison Break… what is the prison? What holds you back?”

Life’s real purpose is self-actualization

Self-actualization is the process of becoming all you can become.

Who is to argue that ultimately that is what we all need. Innately!

There are two non-physical needs, according to Margoczi in the Feelings book.

  • The need to fulfill others’ expectations of us, and
  • the need to fulfill our own expectations of ourselves. Ultimately, optimally, what we can do… the realistic expectations.

Continue reading “Life’s real purpose is self-actualization”