Where do commitments come from? Who gives them?

If you wake up because you have to. Or wake up because you need to pee. Or wake up because your pet needs you. Most likely you wake up because you didn’t die the night before.

One of the powerful moves you can do to wake yourself up is to cause a breakdown.

One of the reasons people don’t grow is because life is manageable. Even if it is full of low grade annoyance, it’s messy. Or it’s misery, dull, or full of scarcity, discomfort, or empty…

If the ‘bad’ is low grade and steady without undue peaks, people tend to relate to life as business as usual, like the frogs that don’t jump out of the slowly warming water. Continue reading “Where do commitments come from? Who gives them?”

A new approach to free your spirit permanently

According to google this is a big issue for people… and it is rightly so. Living with the spirit languishing, living with the spirit playing possum is no way to live. And yet, to one degree or another each of us has this issue.

I have gotten through this issue… and my spirit is alive and well… and I am committed, COMMITTED to teach it to you, so you can have what I have, without getting to be my age. Continue reading “A new approach to free your spirit permanently”

For men are good in but one way, but bad in many

If you are like most of the people that visit my site, you came here in search of the best way to get what you want.

Healing yourself, feeling better about yourself and your life. Making money, finding love, or raising your vibration. Or maybe even becoming an Expanding Human Being.

And you, like myself, probably cannot tell one system from another.

  • good from bad,
  • effective from ineffective,
  • efficient from inefficient,
  • real or a fraudulent… we have no criteria by which to judge.

Continue reading “For men are good in but one way, but bad in many”

Sometimes the worst thing can become the best thing

Sometimes the worst things can become the best things.

At least in this case I hope.

George Bernard Shaw said: ‘Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.

Now, if you are here, on my site, in my courses to get progress, for yourself, for your life, then you need to change your mind. Continue reading “Sometimes the worst thing can become the best thing”

There is no such thing as enlightenment… is there?

There is no such THING as enlightenment.

There is moving to and living on the Tree of Life, raising your vibration. But enlightenment?

It is a concept to dupe the gullible billions into striving for enlightenment. Into believing in instant and permanent salvation. Into giving up personal growth and learning… These are ways of thinking, ways of being all OK on the Tree of Knowledge. Continue reading “There is no such thing as enlightenment… is there?”

Enlighten yourself… as often as you can

In a recent webinar the idea came up that…

…you want to look at your shortcomings, gaffes, and mistakes with kind eyes.

We all have those. Not the kind eyes, but the mistakes. The shortcomings. But depending on your attitude towards them they can mean that you are no good. they can mean that you need to explain, apologize, lie, attack, avoid responsibility. or they can mean that you made a blunder… no big deal. Continue reading “Enlighten yourself… as often as you can”

I am told by Source that I am enlightened

I am told by Source that I am enlightened. 🙁

And that there have been only 19 people, in all the history of humanity, that got enlightened.

I am very uncomfortable… maybe even embarrassed. Continue reading “I am told by Source that I am enlightened”

What is the best starting point to raise your vibration?

The person who sent this email is smarter than most. He asked a good question.

He said:

Hey Sophie,

I came across your website, your work is pretty impressive, keep up the good work.
I am interested about the vibration measurement but I am curious to know how to implement the outcome of the measurement into reality.

Why is it a good question? Continue reading “What is the best starting point to raise your vibration?”

How the culture trains you to be a non-achiever…

It seems like I have hit a nerve: yesterday’s article was read by more people than any of my other articles in a long time…

If you are not achieving, if you are not accomplishing much in life: you are not alone.

And it’s not your fault. But even though it is not your fault, if you wanted to change it… you could. with the right guidance and the right actions. Continue reading “How the culture trains you to be a non-achiever…”

The Tiny Steps Approach To Life, aka trimtabbing or Kaizen

Warning: the biggest learning is in the PS!

I could make enemies with this article. But don’t worry: I won’t, unless by accident.

The success or business gurus, whose business will suffer if you follow this path, aren’t in the habit of checking what people say about the stuff they teach. They are so sure they got you, hook, line and sinker, that they will never suspect that they lost you to some other theory of success.

And they will be right. Continue reading “The Tiny Steps Approach To Life, aka trimtabbing or Kaizen”