How does the brain work? And what does the mind do?

A number of years ago I bought a home study program, and then I did the live course. It was a super fast reading method, PhotoReading. In that you look behind the pages, flip them one page per second, and voila, you’ve read the book. Truth be told there are other steps, but this was the step I had a problem with.

I didn’t trust it. I didn’t believe that the brain, or whatever it was doing it, would actually see something I don’t consciously see.

Hell, it was a long time ago… I just looked it up and I did the course in 2007. Continue reading “How does the brain work? And what does the mind do?”

Love. Loving. Can you love more? Less? Can anyone?

Loving is like being pregnant. You can’t be more pregnant than pregnant. Even pregnant with two babies is just that, pregnant.

And, by the same token, you can’t love someone more. You either love them or you don’t.

Pregnant, love, respect, are intrinsic in nature. They also have no opposites, like values on the systemic level of value. An they don’t have a scale…

Life is easiest to navigate, easiest to understand, and easiest to ‘dance with’ if you know that values have three tiers. Each tier with its own rules of engagement. Continue reading “Love. Loving. Can you love more? Less? Can anyone?”

Can humanity be saved? Saved from itself… Let’s look

I had a birthday conversation with my big brother yesterday.

I love my big brother. He is two years older than me, and until I was six years old we slept in the same bedroom, and we were the best of friends, even though he occasionally tortured me…

I have two brothers. I never developed a relationship with my younger brother, even though for three years he did work for me, and yet. Continue reading “Can humanity be saved? Saved from itself… Let’s look”

What is frustration? And what does it say?

All emotions speak!

I have, until a few minutes ago, thought that to be frustrated something needs to be block or hinder you in an action…

I am finding out that frustration is actually synonymous with disappointment. Continue reading “What is frustration? And what does it say?”

Let’s redefine who you are for yourself, permanently

Observe yourself. Look up at the sky. What do you notice? The clouds. The color of the sky? Or the stars?

Do you know know that behind the clouds the sky is always unchanged, regardless its color?

Depending on what you pay attention to, your life will be different. Continue reading “Let’s redefine who you are for yourself, permanently”

What is the path to getting what you want?

You get what you want by playing according to the rules of reality.

But what are the rules of reality?

You may have a delusion or two regarding those rules.

We are born young and little… and the rules for the young and the little of any species are different than the rules for adults. But we humans didn’t get that the rules change… So we live as if the rules for infants and toddlers were still the rules for us, no matter how old we are. In our self-image, in our sense of self we are still young and little… About three years old, when the rules were changed on us. Continue reading “What is the path to getting what you want?”

Is it curiosity or intellectual indigestion?

Human Design, the company, has many suggested ways to eat, except what is missing for most people: Eat when you are hungry.

Why wouldn’t they have that eating style? Because today’s spoiled rotten humanity doesn’t know what hunger is.

With the size of portions that can feed a family… hunger is not possible.

So today’s human eats to mitigate discomfort, most of which is caused by too much food. Continue reading “Is it curiosity or intellectual indigestion?”

Why is this happening to me? Why? Oh Why?

Why is this happening to me? add the whiny voice… and you can hear that this is not a useful question.

On the other hand, when you can answer that question (without asking it first), it has the same effect as a light switch flicked in a dark room.

So, how do you get to the answer without first asking that whiny question?
Continue reading “Why is this happening to me? Why? Oh Why?”

You are delusional… or maybe you are just a liar?

liar3I observe people, I observe you. I observe your behavior, I observe your emotional state. Here is what I see with most of you:

You don’t trust anyone. You don’t trust me.

You also think that you don’t need a teacher, you have been so disappointed.

You are going to try it on your own.

You read my articles… sorry, precisely said: you misread my articles. Your actions therefore will be misdirected.
Continue reading “You are delusional… or maybe you are just a liar?”

Reality? collective hunch at best. Choose your delusion

Reality? collective hunch at best. Choose your delusions wisely.

What does this mean for you? That you, by necessity, live in an illusion, or delusion: you live in your own interpretation of what reality is… and your actions will be consistent with that delusional reality. Continue reading “Reality? collective hunch at best. Choose your delusion”