Being scammed: One of the consequences of not seeing reality from unreality

scammedAnother one of the consequences of not seeing reality from unreality is a life that doesn’t amount to much

Let’s clarify a few things before I start:

Scam… every time you really expect to get something… and therefore you believe unreality…

Reality is reality, consistent, and congruent. A is A, as Ayn Rand and his famous character, John Galt (In Atlas Shrugged) say. Continue reading “Being scammed: One of the consequences of not seeing reality from unreality”

Is cheerfulness good for you? Is it a virtue?

Is cheerfulness good for you? Is it a virtue?


Portrait of family outdoors, close up

This article was inspired by an article against cheerfulness as a virtue

cheerfulness: noticeably happy and optimistic.
causing happiness by its nature or appearance.

I am taking that concept to its conclusion… So here we go…

The mantra of the world-class thinker is: “I am responsible.”

That quote is from Mentally Tough leader, Steve Siebold…

I get his one-sentence emails, and I read them. They are all wakeup calls, and they are all telling me the many ways your TLB, Twitchy Little Bastard score manifests.

I teach that the most valuable ability, capacity, aspiration, maybe even virtue is to interact with reality.

Continue reading “Is cheerfulness good for you? Is it a virtue?”

Always misjudged, misunderstood? No one sees your genius?

Are you always misjudged, misunderstood, or mistreated? No one can see how bright you are?
misunderstood genius... slightedThe art of being heard, being known the right way

On one of the webinars the topic was “Not being heard… Being misunderstood”

Every person on the call had at least one painful childhood incident where their speaking wasn’t getting for them what they intended to get, instead their speaking was earning them grief and heart ache.

They wanted appreciation, understanding, equality, or love, validation, significance, or at least agreement.

When something doesn’t work, one would expect, next time you’ll try something different. But no… in real life it seems that the more something doesn’t work, the more you, humans are trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.

When we looked, each and every one of us were repeating and repeating and repeating the incident in our lives, the same way, expecting a different result. Insanity, right? Continue reading “Always misjudged, misunderstood? No one sees your genius?”

How to get out of the cave of your mind to live in reality?

How to get out of the cave of your mind to live in reality?

I just had an email conversation with a client. She wanted my review on a marketed healing program, and I reviewed it for her. The person doing it: personal vibration 100, truth value of that program: 3%

The things you are attracted to cater to where you are in your evolution as a human… They talk to your ‘identity’, to your worldview, to who you are.

If you are attracted to a 3% truth value program it is because your worldviews truth value is about 3%. 97% not reality, not truth, 97% b.s. These programs sell like hotcakes… Because this is the level that most humans live on now. And it is getting lower. Continue reading “How to get out of the cave of your mind to live in reality?”

Yesterday was one of my worst days and one of my best days.

Things were falling apart on me. Both my computers misbehaved, and threatened me with a situation of no computer… not good, not good.

Two partner calls I listened to showed me that half of my students didn’t, don’t get what is supposed to be done in the Playground.

You can only imagine how it felt…

My home page, using the terminology from Transactional Analysis, is devastated… So I felt devastated… as if my life were destroyed.

I have a devastated/discouraged machine

I have seen this enough time to know that it’s the machine… so I chuckled… Continue reading “Yesterday was one of my worst days and one of my best days.”

If the invisible reality is invisible, how can you see it?

If the invisible reality is invisible, how can you see it?

This article is about one of those invisible dynamics mainly: the distinction: listening

All power is in the listening.

If you aren’t getting as much out of your participation with me and my stuff, then consider that it is not the stuff: it is you. You unconsciously or consciously block, invalidate, judge, agree or disagree with what I say.

I often catch myself with hate and grief arising when I read or study someone’s stuff… and it takes a little bit to resolve that before I can get any benefit out of the reading or studying.

But I do it… Do you? I didn’t think so. Continue reading “If the invisible reality is invisible, how can you see it?”

When you argue for your limitations and ‘win’ the argument

When you blame other people… When bad things always happen to you… When you won’t be happy unless… When winning is the goal…

Why is it that some people consistently choose being right… when the question is being right or being happy?

The underlying dynamic is invisible to the naked eye. It is like an iceberg: only tiny bit of it is showing, and the bulk of the iceberg is under the water level, waiting for your life to kill it… like an iceberg sunk the mighty Titanic.

The visible part is almost always presenting you as the good guy. Nice guy. Hurt, angry, taken advantage of, innocent like a freshly born lamb. Harmless. Continue reading “When you argue for your limitations and ‘win’ the argument”

The Pebble In Your Shoe… Have Your Cake And Eat It Too

Many people tell me that I should not give it all away in articles, after all who is going to buy my stuff if I give away all the ‘knowledge’.

But the truth is, all the MIND knowledge we can ever have will NEVER help us to live a better life, to be healthier, etc. Doctors are an unhealthy bunch, psychologists / psychiatrist are a wimpy bunch, energy healers come to me for healing…

Why? because the mind considers knowing, i.e. information sufficient… and …

…As long as we identify yourself with the mind, you consider information/insight sufficient as well… But in life it isn’t sufficient… not by far.

Just look at weight: we all know what we should be doing, and we have known it for ever. We read, we learn… and yet the number of obese people is growing by the minute. Or worse than that, people losing and regaining the weight, hating themselves, and are totally POWERLESS… and they don’t know what they can do to become POWERFUL.

There is a difference between knowing and KNOWING. Continue reading “The Pebble In Your Shoe… Have Your Cake And Eat It Too”

Are Psychopaths happy? Psychopathy and predatory genes

It seems that the notion of predatory genes has stirred up some turmoil… and questions.

  • Some were arguing that it doesn’t make sense that I carry no predatory genes: i seem to you aggressive.
  • Some were worried that their lack of success is from their lack of predatory genes.
  • Some were sure Jews had many predatory genes. Why else would they be so successful!
Want to know how many predatory genes you have? I can measure it for you…

Continue reading “Are Psychopaths happy? Psychopathy and predatory genes”