How to make coherent water in four simple steps?

How to make coherent water in four simple steps?

Preamble: When your cells have no energy… your body is weak, or gets sick, or dies.

Aging is largely a symptom of your cells drying out. Why? Because the water you drink cannot, will not get into the cells beyond what the cells allow it to… And in essence, the cell only allows coherent water into it.

Coherent water comes from live cells from another live thing… or you need to make it. Most of us don’t eat enough live things to provide enough coherent water for our cells.

Want your drinking water to raise your cell hydration, rejuvenate you and heal you? Here is how to make it.

Continue reading “How to make coherent water in four simple steps?”

Can you count on yourself to be winning in life today?

Can you count on yourself to be winning in life today?

the light at the end of the tunnelQuestions, ordinary questions make you look for an answer. And getting that answer shuts down the looking.

Other questions, like the question in the title make you look… But the answer… oh, the answer creates an even bigger opening… it is like the abyss opened up in front of your feet… Fill your heart with dread.

And that is what was the purpose of the question… to open up the abyss…

Your self-view today is a tricky thing to predict. It will grow out of your seed level: of who you are that you are, whether you can count on yourself to be winning at life today, and other questions, very similar to the one in the title. All designed to confront you, to arrest you, to wake you up. Continue reading “Can you count on yourself to be winning in life today?”

Diet cults vs. HOW to prepare your food your body will love

Diet cults vs. HOW to prepare your food your body will love

how-to-chop-onion-800-dmI just finished reading the book “Diet Cults”.

I mostly hated it, especially when he is elaborating on his non-cult cult rules… ugh. Just as unnatural as the diet cults he criticizes.

What is most striking in all the diet-cults, to me, is their ignorance of the fact that food, unless it is prepared in a tasty, mouth-watering way, isn’t nourishing for most people.

Food prepared and offered pleasing to the mind is not nourishing, not edible for the body.

Continue reading “Diet cults vs. HOW to prepare your food your body will love”

How is your life-satisfaction? Want it to go higher?

How is your life-satisfaction? Want it to go higher?

Everyone wants to be smarter, or if it is too much to ask: wants to look smart.

But why? Because of what? To what end? What would smart get you?

For some people it would help them produce results in whatever they are doing… For others it would get the promise, the mirage of being able to produce results… and they hope that they won’t need to actually produce anything.

Because you only get your rewards, with actual results. In a normal world, in a world where people act rationally. Obviously we don’t quite live in a normal world…

Very few people do what it takes to become someone who can produce.

Continue reading “How is your life-satisfaction? Want it to go higher?”

Moses made the Israelites wander in the desert for 40 years… that is how long it took to change their mindset

Nature or nurture is a big question, even though, in the big picture, it won’t matter.

  • What is part of nature can be changed. In fact it is being changed effectively all the time.
  • What is part of nurture is harder to change, but it’s possible. It just takes more work.

Just the opposite of what you thought, right?

I am a good example for nature being changed: I got smarter than when I started, smarter than my siblings and my parents… through application. High achievers in the world are mostly of this type: born with little or average, worked harder, accomplished more than what they would get if they didn’t grow what they earned.

In my muscletesting the more you were born with the less you think you need to work, the less you want to work on becoming all you can become. Continue reading “Moses made the Israelites wander in the desert for 40 years… that is how long it took to change their mindset”

Signs, God, Revelations, Numerology, Astrology. are ALL BS?

Signs, God, Revelations, Numerology, Astrology. are ALL BS?

Signs, God, revelations, numerology, astrology, dreams, magical thinking

It’s all invented, it is all some rules or some laws to make sense of what cannot make sense… life, the Universe, this whole thing we were born into. Continue reading “Signs, God, Revelations, Numerology, Astrology. are ALL BS?”

The empath’s guide to: How to not feel alone, isolated, abandoned, not belonging…

You look around. Everyone seems to have it better than you. They laugh, they hug, they walk hand in hand, kiss… or have friends who like them… but you? If feels like you have no one, no one cares about you, no one responds well to you… You are not getting enough “strokes”… from others.

A “stroke” (in Transactional Analysis) is a unit of social transaction. A hug. A nod. A smile. A hello, a thank you, a “how are you?”, or an f… you…. these are all social transactions. The more strokes you get the less your spine will shrivel up on you…

Continue reading “The empath’s guide to: How to not feel alone, isolated, abandoned, not belonging…”

You can have everything, but not at the same time…

Look how hard I try! Look how good I am!

You can have everything, but not at the same time…

In certain areas of life it is obvious… Like eating sugary stuff and weight loss…

But in this work, the work of causing human evolution, from human to human being, I don’t address many obvious things, because the secret of evolution is in the invisible domain. Continue reading “You can have everything, but not at the same time…”

Focus on the things you can control… but what can you?

Focus on the things you can control… but what can you?

things you can controlYou can only control what belongs to you… Your thoughts, your feelings, your emotions don’t belong to you. Your actions, your attitude, what you actually heed, what you say… they do belong to you.

They are interestingly difficult to see… they are hidden from your view, overcrowded by noise.

We call these here: invisible dynamics. They are tiny machines, their behavior is predictable, manageable, and their effect on your life are detrimental. Continue reading “Focus on the things you can control… but what can you?”

Where every student of mine is lacking is communication.

Where every student of mine is lacking is communication.

One area where every student of mine is lacking is communication.

When suddenly they do something that I consider communication, I cry. Tears of joy. One of my recent articles brought a flurry of communication… but it was a ‘fluke’, an accident, a one time event.

What is communication, really?

The dictionary says: conveying information. Bah humbug.

The purpose of communication is to get what you want, from life, through other people.

Continue reading “Where every student of mine is lacking is communication.”