Does your worldview keep you from knowing yourself?

Does your worldview keep you from knowing yourself?

Before I write the meat of the article, I am sure you have a question: what the heck is a worldview… and how do you know what YOUR worldview is, if any.

The Three Umpires

A little anecdote comes to the rescue, about a radio interview of three umpires on how they call ball or strike (in baseball, for those who don’t know).

The three umpires are different ages.

Umpire number one asked first. He is a rookie umpire. He is asked, as will be his colleagues: How do you call ball or strike?

The rookie umpire answers: It’s obvious. I call it the way it is. A ball is a ball, a strike is a strike.

The journeyman umpire, has a few years of judging the game, answers: I do it differently. I call it the way I see it. I see it’s a ball, I call it a ball.

The old, wrinkled seasoned umpire, when asked the same question, grumbles… You are both rookies. Because I know that it ain’t nothing till I call it.

The three umpires represent three worldviews… A worldview is your relationship to what is happening in the world… 1 Continue reading “Does your worldview keep you from knowing yourself?”

Yesterday’s Talk to Me webinar

I have one or two opportunities every week to be taken way way beyond what I know. It is triggered by a certain listening… with a fertile echo.

I have a lot more conversations that those one or two… but most people’s listening is so narrow, or so muddled, or infertile, that nothing new can come out.

Yesterday I was lucky and I had a person with an incredibly fertile echo on the call… and I took advantage of it.

This, in the face of most people not even hearing what I was saying… they were already thinking about some thing… So I kept going back to Baheej for nurturing… to be heard.

I am attaching the recording of that call for your pleasure

Turning back the clock from misery to a life worth living.

Turning back the clock from misery to a life worth living.

Imagine that you find yourself in Los Angeles… and then you find out that your meeting was in Seattle… and you took the wrong plane.

If it happened, you would hop on another plane, or in the worst case rent a car and zoom up parallel to the Pacific Ocean, and voila you would arrive to Seattle… tired, but you would be there.

When evolution has taken the wrong “airplane”, let’s not worry if it was hijacked or not, you don’t have the luxury to take another plane, or rent a car…

You have to go back to where evolution took the wrong turn, and take a different path.

The grand experiment I am engaged in, is about that. Continue reading “Turning back the clock from misery to a life worth living.”

Change your perspective to change your experience of life

Change your perspective to change your experience of life

Life looks different the moment you look from a different place, in a different way.

This article is about those different ways… Tiny actions, big big big effect. On your life, on your mood, on your experience.

The first step is to look at things from others’ point of view. To reduce the size of “mememe” by getting out of your way.

  1. People aren’t against you; they are for themselves.

When you can see that, clearly, without judgment, you are looking from the sideways position. You are not in the picture, only as another representative of “people”… neither the protagonist, nor the victim. Continue reading “Change your perspective to change your experience of life”

Do you meet others’ expectations? There is a price to pay

Do you meet others’ expectations? There is a price to pay

If you are on this site, you will find yourself, more or less, in this article. And it may change your life.

A student writes

Hi Sophie, I think I take trivial and superficial things too seriously. How can I let go of these immaterial incidents or people and focus on important things that truly matter to me?

this was my answer

“This is the sign of two things: 1. your map of reality isn’t very similar to reality. 2. you have too much importance attached to nice words about you… i.e. you want to be defined by words not by your actions.
Continue reading “Do you meet others’ expectations? There is a price to pay”

If you just stopped doing what you know is bad for you…

If you just stopped doing what you know is bad for you…

I am not a scientist, not a doctor, but…

I pay attention. I experiment. And I muscletest while I am connected to Source.

It’s cherry time in the United States, and Aldi had a special price on cherries. I could not resist.

I bought a big bag… two and a half pounds… and as predictable, I ate it all in one sitting.

The insights I’ll share in this article are very important knowledge that I have suspected, but haven’t seen it this clearly before. Continue reading “If you just stopped doing what you know is bad for you…”

Love, Hate… what is going on? Can you see under the hood?

Love, Hate… what is going on? Can you see under the hood?

I had a weird experience a few minutes ago.

I was working on something for a student of mine and I felt hate. Or maybe disgust.

Then I looked at people I know. I have felt that same feeling towards a lot of people. Like my favorite brother: but I felt that same feeling AND yet I love my favorite brother. WTF, right?

Then I tried it on with my mother, who died this month 24 years ago.

I said: I love my mother and I hate the behavior… and then cried. Really cried. It’s been bottled up for decades, Continue reading “Love, Hate… what is going on? Can you see under the hood?”

More Bach Energies discovered…

Oy… I didn’t intend this…

As I was muscletesting the Bach Profiles for my students, I ran into a snag: the “no matter what I do” attitude/feeling doesn’t have a matching Bach energy… yet.

Source “says”, no such flower. So I’ll break tradition, and I’ll call it what it is, “no matter what I do”

Now, that statement is, of course, a lie.

Why would anyone lie about that? It is because they don’t want to do what they claim they are doing… Do the work. In that regard it is similar to the “being imposed on” feeling, but it is really a strategy to avoid giving… giving anything. So what is underneath is stingy. And a big “f… you”

I can download it individually, and it is now part of the Heaven on Earth, the energy bundle I infuse in your remedy.

It is not part of the HOE audio… I would have to re-record it… and I don’t have time for it now. Continue reading “More Bach Energies discovered…”

Astute, accurate diagnosis is 90% of success in any area of life

bach flower remedy bottlesI am working on the overwhelmingly too many foodlist orders I received in the last two days of June.

This triggered a feeling I don’t often feel any more: feeling imposed upon.

Doing things I don’t want to do. It is the energy of the Elm… a Bach energy®. “Don’t tell me what to do” reluctance, maybe even belligerence. A very forceful, suffocating, brittle energy. In fact, it’s worse than actually doing the darn thing…

What is underneath is a desire to win every time. Damn the torpedoes… lol.

Not very good for business. And no matter how hard on my hands to do so many food lists… More than a thousand muscletest each… I said I would do it… so now go do it, dammit. lol.

I didn’t know that about me. I don’t like the energy when I feel it from others, it is very selfish: desire to receive for the self alone. Suffocates me. Continue reading “Astute, accurate diagnosis is 90% of success in any area of life”

Why feeling your feelings is a good thing?

Why feeling your feelings is a good thing?
Almost all Source energies, almost all my energy products are co-creative

co-creative examples: in the ham and eggs dish the ham and the dish co-create. A male and a female co-create the offspring.. Continue reading “Why feeling your feelings is a good thing?”