The measure of intelligence is the ability to change

The measure of intelligence is the ability to change

the measure of intelligence is the ability to changeSpecies-wide, the ability to change is called adaptability. Species that can adapt survive. Species that don’t… don’t.

Adaptability as a skill refers to the ability of a person to change his actions, course or approach to doing things in order to suit a new situation. We constantly change our lifestyles because our world is changing always. … That is an example of adaptability.

But what happens if you don’t recognize that it is a new situation… when you look at everything exactly the same way as before? Then you are stuck. Continue reading “The measure of intelligence is the ability to change”

Everything you ever wanted comes to you through people

Everything you ever wanted comes to you through people
Bad News? Good News?

Everything you ever wanted comes to you through people. Love, belonging, being heard, appreciation, validation, money, sex, teaching, learning, enjoyment… everything… Unless you have someone witness your life, nothing gives you pleasure…

OK… maybe on a desert island this is not 100% true… unless we consider that you for yourself is also “people”… and unless you give it to you you won’t have it. That is witnessing, that is validation, etc.

In order to truly give it to yourself, you need to learn to bi-locate. To be at two places at once. Not physically, but mentally, experientially.

That capacity is also the cornerstone of being able to sell… The only way to make money, by the way. Continue reading “Everything you ever wanted comes to you through people”

How you stop everything You Ever Wanted from Coming To You?

Everything You Ever Wanted Is Coming To You Through Other People.

Henry David Thoreau wrote

The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation.

What does it mean desperation?

Desperate means “having lost all hope.” … If you are in a desperate situation, it means things are really, really bad. Desperate… Both desperate and despair come from the same Latin verb as despair.

I remember clearly what that is like. It wasn’t long ago where I was wholly resigned and therefore had nothing to look forward to…

It was about 10 years ago that I had a turning point.

Continue reading “How you stop everything You Ever Wanted from Coming To You?”

The puzzle of human evolution, how are we doing?

The puzzle of human evolution, how are we doing?

Almost any puzzle worth its name has a “catch”… that doesn’t look anything worth exploring.

It looks innocuous, unimportant, just like anything and everything else.

Whether it is physical puzzle or a mental puzzle, it has one catch…

In my growth I have faced and solved many puzzles. Continue reading “The puzzle of human evolution, how are we doing?”

Behaviors that hold you back from success

Behaviors that hold you back from success

behavior icebergThere is a behavior that I used to have, and have successfully beaten.

The behaviorĀ  is the “out of sight/out of mind”, “now that I am doing something else, I don’t remember the things I have been doing, promised, supposed to do…”

The behavior of a person who cannot keep 2-3-4-5 habits going concurrently.

If they are busy looking at something, they are so busy, that their water is not energized, their food list is not honored, they don’t practice their guitar, they don’t read, nothing. Just do that one thing.

With social media, smart phones, this is getting even worse… and I didn’t think it could get any worse than it was before.

What is the cause?

Continue reading “Behaviors that hold you back from success”

On a personal note… Is Sophie dying?

I have been a mad scientist. More mad than scientist… šŸ™

My style of science is experimentation… taking things to extreme, and for a long time to boot. So doing this in the past 60 or so years has done a lot of damage to my body.

I would test diets, I would test theories, I would test methodologies, healing methods, you name it, I have tested it or something similar.

I am in the middle of several experiments, some you have heard of, like the predatory genes experiment, and some you haven’t…

A few weeks ago I got really clear that my days were numbered. I could barely walk, no energy, pain in my heart, left arm… bad.

So I buckled down and started to “diagnose” the problem. Continue reading “On a personal note… Is Sophie dying?”

Cancer is Like A Human: desire to receive for the self alone

Cancer is Like A Human: desire to receive for the self alone

how cancer thinks like a human... desire to receive for the self aloneIf you want to understand cancer…

If you want to understand cancer watch yourself and people you know. You will understand more about the condition than through any other “information” source.

If you think you should only watch other people, it only means you are worse than others…

What is the similarity between cancer and humans?

Cancer is not part of an organization, it doesn’t even know about the organization. It knows only about itself. Cancer doesn’t care about the big picture. Cancer is driven exclusively by its mind, which tells him that he is to reproduce itself exactly the same way as its parents: all new members of the “family” need to be exactly the same, no individuality, no variations, not deviation. The new ones need to have faith, be Jewish, Christina, Hindu, Mohammedan, or whatever the “parents” were, no alterations.

The new cells are trained that it’s a competition out there, and their loyalties need to lie with the family, right or wrong, loyalties are your number one concern. The survival of the “family.”
Continue reading “Cancer is Like A Human: desire to receive for the self alone”

Human Predatory Genes experiment… 26 hours in

Human Predatory Genes experiment… 26 hours in

An experiment is not an experiment unless there is diligent and detailed feedback. And to make it very different from all the human experiments: this one is reversible.

You like yourself and your life better before the adjustment of the number of Predatory Genes, I’ll ask Source to reverse it to what it was before. After all: you have free will.

I have asked Source to adjust the Predatory Genes for each person who asked for it, and in addition to a handful of people who I feel will do better with it… And people I can observe, directly or remotely.

Some students can already tell the difference.

Sandra writes: Continue reading “Human Predatory Genes experiment… 26 hours in”

Human Predatory Genes revisited and looked at again

Human Predatory Genes revisited

I am a Manifesting Generator…

It means that you are supposed to follow leads, ideas, invitations coming at you… instead of acting on your “good ideas” that always turn out not to be so good.

I don’t know what it is I talk to, what it is I connect to when I say I connect to Source… but it seems, often, that that “thing” is sentient. It wants what it wants, it doesn’t want what it doesn’t want, it has definite preferences, in sees, like chess master many steps ahead, it strategizes, it changes strategy when the one going on isn’t working: meaning: I am not getting the clue, not getting the hint.

It’s a dance. Every area of life. We are like an odd couple… lol. Continue reading “Human Predatory Genes revisited and looked at again”

Transcendence is going beyond right and wrong…

What is real? What is made up? How can you tell?

HAPPINESS is a function of accepting what is
LOVE is a function of communication
HEALTH is a function of participation
SELF-EXPRESSION is a function of responsibility
~Werner Erhard

Sounds amazing, doesn’t it? But, to begin with the phrase “a function of” is slimy… because it doesn’t say it does that… not at all.

So in my work with a bunch of normal people, ordinary people, neither smart, nor stupid, neither diligent nor too lazy, neither brave, nor too cowardly, blah blah blah… I am proving that what Werner Erhard said is largely b.s.

The truth value of Werner’s famous statements is 10%…

Just like 99.5% everything you read on the Internet. That means only one thing out of 200 things, book, article, meme, quote, video, etc. has a truth value higher than 10%.

But 10% truth value means: 90% hogwash. Mistaken, misguided, narrow cone of vision, wearing blinders, or outright lie.

    • The Old Testament: truth value: 30%
    • The New Testament: truth value: 3%

Continue reading “Transcendence is going beyond right and wrong…”