What does your pretense do to you and your life?

shark and seal I just had a conversation with a long-time student of mine who hasn’t been coming to any of my classes, but still follows my teachings..

She bought the Big Bundle of energies… for the second time, So instead of giving her a refund, I opted to adjust her predatory genes, and also her oldest son’s.

They both had 10 predatory genes active, and they were both miserable… trying to force life to fit them, instead of gently and naturally fit themselves to life… to reality. Continue reading “What does your pretense do to you and your life?”

Energy healing: how does the Big Bundle energy know what to do?

energy-healingIf you have been reading my articles… daily, for at least a month, you know that I have been working on extending my life by repairing in my body what has gone wrong. In the case of my body: everything has gone wrong.

For the past two years or so I had been declining to the inevitable conclusion about six weeks ago, that I was dying.

I still feel twinges of self-pity and sadness as I am writing this, even though in the past 32 days my health has dramatically turned around.

The main cause of the turnaround is an energy. The secondary cause is a very stringent diet decided moment to moment…

The energy is a knockoff of an energy healer’s “product” plus two other energies. Why three energies packaged in one audio? So it cannot be attacked by the Dark Side. What is the Dark Side? It’s people. Do I know who? It’s about three billion people… so no, I don’t know them.

This energy has been doing repair and cleansing in my body and my brain for a month now, and until just now I just allowed it to do its work, have gone through healing crisis after healing crisis, without questioning, doubting, inquiring… Continue reading “Energy healing: how does the Big Bundle energy know what to do?”

Unwillingness masquerading as confusion, fear, and a host of other “symptoms”

unwillingI don’t wanna…! You can’t make me… Nooo!

We expect these reactions from children, but more than 50% of all soul corrections’ foundational issue is this unwillingness, this resistance.

If you remember, all soul corrections are, fundamentally, about restricting desire to receive for the self alone (evil, negative energy).

Obviously, this resistance, this unwillingness is about you, and not something beyond you… What you are gaining from this behavior is only for you, and not for anyone else’s sake, and it serves only your lowest self… not anything else.

So we can say, safely, that it is one of the major enemies of you, personally, and us, humanity, become better, higher, a humanity of human beings… who don’t kill each other, don’t hate each other, who don’t use each other.

And because this unwillingness feels innocent, or it feels like procrastination, or it feels that it holds YOU back… you think that it is not evil… and that it is not mandatory for you to overcome it, if you want to feel good about yourself.
Continue reading “Unwillingness masquerading as confusion, fear, and a host of other “symptoms””

Magic Bullet… How To Make a Miracle

You wave your magic wand, and bada bing bada bang, a little magic dust, and you have a miracle.

  • Or you take a little pill, and you wake up beautiful, slim, sexy, and rich.
  • Or you pray that God gives you a miracle
  • Or you meditate
  • Or you buy that get-rich-quick scheme that promises overnight money with no work at all
  • Or you play it over and over in the theater of your mind… You feel it… you appreciate everything… still…

But all these don’t cause a miracle.

No matter how skillfully you wave the wand, or how fancy (and expensive) the little pill is, how passionately you pray… etc. etc. etc.

No. none of them work.
Continue reading “Magic Bullet… How To Make a Miracle”

Your Life’s Purpose Can Be Expressed in a Sentence…

Your Life’s Purpose Can Be Expressed in a Sentence… What’s Your Sentence?

Watch this video.

The first part, where he brings examples of the sentence: if you tune in deep inside you, you may be able to come up with your sentence, and then you can design your life around it.

That sentence will be your functional expression of your life’s purpose.

Good luck.

Continue reading “Your Life’s Purpose Can Be Expressed in a Sentence…”

Why you should breathe deeply… or else…

human stupidity is limitlessI am going to report here about my “Return to Health” journey…

Whatever I am going through applies to a lot of people… Or said differently: you’ll find value in my sharing, so don’t say you don’t need it…

Obviously, how you do anything is how you do everything.

Most people are spot-cleaners. Continue reading “Why you should breathe deeply… or else…”

It sounds a lot like science fiction… hey, it is science, but not fiction…

My Sunday calls

Here is a sentence that will cement your view of me as an arrogant b-i-t-c-h, or will make you curious, if you haven’t thought that I was an arrogant b-i-t-c-h…

If you don’t listen to my Sunday calls, then you are a lazy, good for nothing, slacker… lol Oh, you have known that? I apologize, I thought I was telling you something new.

But all kidding aside, my Sunday calls are the single most interesting thing I sell… to the right people… people who are ready. The one-percenters… Continue reading “It sounds a lot like science fiction… hey, it is science, but not fiction…”

Are you a user of the Big Bundle of energies?

Are you a user of the Big Bundle of energies?

OK, a new challenge is presenting itself: a bunch of people have bought the Big Bundle… and as usual, they don’t pay attention, they think that however they will use it will be OK.

Surprise: how you do anything is how you do everything, and if it had worked, you wouldn’t be here now… Would you? You would be out there enjoying your life.

So it is time to learn something new, you have NEVER considered doing before: do things the way they are supposed to be done.

One of the main and fundamental issues with Homo Sapiens is their immense arrogance.

Don’t be stupid… Please. Continue reading “Are you a user of the Big Bundle of energies?”

updated: Kabbalistic wisdom to create a turning point in your life

cause and effect... the boomerangIf you are reading my articles, you know that about a month ago I adjusted my predatory genes.

This happened after I read a thriller on human predatory genes… wrote about it, put it aside, let it simmer, and then returned to it a few months later when the idea came up again. Re-read the book, and decided to have a heart-to-heart with Source, and decide what to do about the issue.

Conversations with Source are like a 20 questions exercise: Source doesn’t quite speak like a person… although it does speak. It has, so far, four distinct and recognizable “words”: yes, no, somewhat, and maybe. Continue reading “updated: Kabbalistic wisdom to create a turning point in your life”

You are the dragon with the swishy tail. where is your tail?

You are the dragon with the swishy tail. where is your tail?

I have a new downstairs neighbor, after three whole years of no neighbor: that apartment sat empty.

I got used to no noise, no energies, silence… and now, suddenly I need to get used to a new configuration, energetically.

I don’t want to… baaaaah! lol

The new tenant is the landlord’s cousin, and though I have been tolerated thus far, so far for 16 years, I have only been a source of income for the landlord, not a person. Now I am someone who lives in THEIR house… at least that is how I translate her attitude towards me. A bother…

So I find myself, suddenly, needing my own course, the Playground. Now I am not just leading it, I am also a participant/client.

This situation is all about me… that is one of the wake-up questions you need to answer in the script: to what degree, what is happening, is about you. It is all about me.

I find myself feeling fear, really terror, I haven’t felt in years… I wake up when there is noise downstairs, or I can’t fall asleep: I am afraid. Very familiar from a long time ago… Continue reading “You are the dragon with the swishy tail. where is your tail?”