Debunking the myth of fast… fast and in a hurry

Debunking the myth of fast… fast and in a hurry
going nowhere fastEverything that is valuable is invisible… when things are fast

In my  Playground program (Playground: it is never too late to have a happy childhood) some people are in a hurry to get through…

How you do anything is how you do everything… they are in a hurry to get through life to get to the good stuff.

They are missing life, they are missing the partner call and benefits it can give them: getting present to the invisible.

What is invisible for you now becomes visible when you slow down.

Unfortunately to all of us, today’s lifestyle with the movies that have quick cuts, with social media, with fast cars, slowing down feels counter intuitive, so we take pride in being fast… and faster.

But being fast makes you miss everything.

The psychologist, Paul Ekman. who discovered micro expressions slowed down the film to see the emotion that gave the suicidal woman’s hidden despair away.

Slowing down your reactions will show you your real emotions… so you know, so you know what you are running away from.

The envy, the glee, the hate, the despair, the ugly… that you are not willing to share on the partner call because you have an image to uphold.

People who are putting makeup on their fake persona… prettying it up… but never show, never touch their real persona… and therefore they continue living an unreal, fake life… with the unavoidable consequences in the hidden regions of health… More about that later…

slow downSlowing down you may be able to find your strait and narrow… your path to your own happiness and fulfillment… your soul correction.

Fast isn’t going to cut it.

The fence that is built fast will fall down fast… This is a principle, it is true for everything.

And everyone is looking for fast, push button, rapid… and everyone is unhappy. No accidents there.

f8d7460f36309949349c9ea9e8b22ff8The most important turning point for me was losing my privilege to drive. Not having a car completely eliminated the previously normal reaction to anything that was confronting, unpleasant, challenging, or hard: running away. Going shopping… lol. I am still reacting… but staying put.

I  am still confronted a lot, but because there is no place to run, I am more and more choosing to look at what seems to be unconfrontable… and look at it. Look at it and going deeper, at the root issue.

For example, I have a real issue with violence, both in movies and in books. And of course in life.

I am deadly afraid of physical pain. I feel it in my groin. And I lose out on a lot of things that most everyone in my place could have, because I am reacting to that fear… I have even built a life on that: instead of having to ask people to do something for me, I have learned to do many many things, so I don’t have to.

I have an originating incident of asking and accepting help and being hurt, badly hurt. Pain so strong I passed out.

I am working on learning to ask… it is not going well… The fear is still a whole lot stronger.

Stare the tiger in the face.

I am also catching and taming a lot of knee-jerk reactions. As a company owner, I used to be the Firing Queen… hired fast and fired even faster. No prosperity as a result never knocked me conscious. Only slowing down has.

sidebar-largeIt’s uncharted territory to be patient, to give the benefit of the doubt, to allow all the answers to come to me, to emerge, as if from deep water. It is more alien from my personality and my persona as anything I do or have ever done… I am looking at myself with amazement as I am changing.

All movies are fast nowadays, so the only way for me to slow them down is to stop them to give myself time to catch up, and to take a contemplation break… sometimes longer than the movie itself.

quote-63Anything you do “in order to” is too fast. Life is not about speeding through it… it’s about living it. Living it in the moment you are living it.

In order to removes you from the present… and makes life NOT LIVED…

I have a rich life… in spite of the fact that I only leave my house on Tuesdays… grocery shopping, chiropractor, exercise class…

2fe86edf00f3bb6dd5c1228d6c9c9cccEverything else happens in my apartment… and yet I have an experience of living fully, or maybe even fuller than before. Sometimes I have urges, like wanting to go to my 50th high school reunion… But today I wrote my 50-year story, and it feels that I now don’t have to go. I can just enjoy the 30 or so similar stories my classmates wrote, and have a full experience, probably more pleasant. I don’t have to eat what they eat. I don’t have to travel. I don’t have to worry how I look. I don’t have to feel all those feelings… that I can handle one by one, but not all at once.

When I look what I would do if a ton of money fell on me… I would not have much use for it. Money has a tendency to burn a hole in people’s pocket, demand you to deal with it.

I’m free with no money. I value my freedom. More than money.

i-caution-writers-all-the-time-to-slow-down-and-pay-more-attention-to-the-work-in-front-of-them-quote-1The world is rushing you. The world includes your parents, and your spouse… maybe even your teacher, your coach, all the courses…

There is no hurry on the creative plane. The creative plane is where meaningful life is lived. A life worth living.

I wrote this article in 2016.

direction vs going fastMuch has changed since then… the most important of all those is the price I have been paying with my health has come to the forefront.

It seems that hurry, taking pride in being fast is the number one reason people erode their health.

I am looking at myself, looking at clients.

Eating without tasting, eating without chewing. Talking without reflection, without pauses.

I have been measuring people’s biological age. And getting intensely curious what makes them age faster than they should.

I am starting to come to the conclusion that hurry is even more important than what you eat, your eating style, or your nutritional deficiencies.

That is, at least, what Source is telling me, through muscletesting. I’ll keep asking this question… and see if my current insight is accurate or not.

Get your Health Measurements

Will reversing aging make your life better?

Will reversing aging make your life better?

Balding, graying hair, thinning hair, brittle hair, lifeless hair… ugh, limp hair, limp d1ck…

All signs, supposedly, of aging, but what if aging is really a loss of something that is there in abundance, and then life, living, the way you eat, the way you spend your time, the way you think, feel, enjoy or not…

I remember, back in Hungary, a whole different world, at least when I was young, there was a lot of talk about psychosomatic illnesses…

That is to say: it is all in your head… The way you use your brain, the way your brain uses you.

I already know a whole lot about how we are making ourselves miserable, a loser, a never do well, a dumb sh*t… but it seems that I knew a lot less than there is to know. Continue reading “Will reversing aging make your life better?”

Your biological age. are you younger than your calendar age?

Your biological age. are you younger than your calendar age?

how old are you and your behaviors?I have been looking at biological age as an overall indicator of how a person is doing health-wise.

Including myself.

At this point, please forgive me, I am more interested in myself, my own health than in yours. Selfish? Yeah. Selfless? yeah.

How can it be both selfish and selfless?

I am interested in getting a second lease on life, so I can do more of what I’ve been doing: pump Source for solutions for you, for your health, for your peace of mind, for your fulfillment, for you becoming all you can become.

So if I didn’t have you as a “client”… I would not be interested in extending my life either. So thank you… very much.

I would not be interested in most of the things i am interested in… I can thank my life to you. Continue reading “Your biological age. are you younger than your calendar age?”

Do I need to like you to love you? What is love? What is like?

I have a call on Sundays with a guy whom I’ve never met. We did a course together back in 2007, were in the same mastermind on Sundays, and we just continued talking ever since…

I work through a lot of my stuff on those calls. I also get to insight I cannot get to, when my mouth is closed, i.e. I am not talking.

It is hard to be silently brilliant, lots of thought occur when you open your mouth.

And occasionally I talk about my students, and other people. Continue reading “Do I need to like you to love you? What is love? What is like?”

How old is your body? Your biological age…

I had my usual Sunday call today… and the issue of how old is your body came up. My friend’s body is 90 years old… and though I am only four or five yours younger, my body checks as a 50 year old…

As I have shared before, some time in the beginning of August I realized that I was dying.

It had been a process that started a year earlier… with some dramatic happenings, including falling and breaking my left arm. It wasn’t the cause: it was a symptom. And by this August the future was obvious: I had a short time to live, with very restricted movement…

I have no health insurance, I trust in no doctors, I have no savings, I have no family to bail me out.

I had a choice to make: to live or not to live.
Continue reading “How old is your body? Your biological age…”

Your soul correction and how you react to things…

Your soul correction and how you react to things…

Your soul correction and how you react to things… like being abandoned in a car as a child

One of the most interesting things to track is how much of the interpretation of an original incident depends on the person’s soul correction.

OK, let me explain: we come into the world with a supposedly blank slate… We don’t know anything, and we need to learn everything.

And yet, we seem to have a certain bend… as if humanity had sub-species… Continue reading “Your soul correction and how you react to things…”

Strong emotions or consciousness… choose!

Strong emotions or consciousness… choose!

One of the measures I muscletest in the Starting Point Measurements is to what degree you consider your emotions reality.

From my point of view it says everything about you I need to know: how happy and satisfied you are with life, how curious you are, how astute you are, how high is your consciousness.

The higher that number is the lower you are in the totem pole of life, the lower your chances are to live a life you can love. Continue reading “Strong emotions or consciousness… choose!”

The runt of the litter and predatory genes

The runt of the litter and predatory genes

In nature when a mother has a litter, there may be one or two that will not grow up to be adults… because there is just not enough tits, food, energy, attention is for them.

That is life.

Nature doesn’t like to waste energy… Humans do.

Humans invented morality and the right to live, regardless whether it makes sense or not, so we have an upside down world, where we live in a should world. The selfish gene is not happy…

One of the things that make one the runt of the litter is not enough Life-Force… Life Force, at least partially, is expressed in the number of predatory genes, where you would push away another puppy from the food, so you can eat more. Continue reading “The runt of the litter and predatory genes”

It takes courage to become all you can be. Most, 99.99% don’t have it.

What is courage?

The dictionary says: “courage is the ability to do something that frightens you”.

Or said in another way: do something in the face of fear…

I simply call this TLB, the Twitchy Little Bastard score…

If you are not courageous, you are a Twitchy Little Bastard. You run, you hide, you lie, you manipulate, you blame, you do all kinds of things other than a courageous person would do.

There is a tale that illustrates this: Continue reading “It takes courage to become all you can be. Most, 99.99% don’t have it.”

Intrapersonal emotional intelligence, looking within and see

Intrapersonal emotional intelligence, looking within and see

Intrapersonal emotional intelligence, the ability and willingness to look within and see accurately

People with intrapersonal emotional intelligence are adept at looking inward and figuring out their own feelings, motivations and goals. They are quintessentially introspective. They analyze themselves and seek understanding. People with intrapersonal intelligence are intuitive and usually introverted.

A year or two ago I saw a rather amateurish but good Singaporean TV show (The Truth Seekers) that shook me to my core… and woke me up.

I may be a conspiracy seeker… but I have a hunch that we, humans, have been trained, for millennia,  by society to look the other way, to deny human nature, and escape into nice-nice, and sugar and spice, instead of confronting head-on what we call human nature. Continue reading “Intrapersonal emotional intelligence, looking within and see”