Shoot holes into it… make it like a Swiss Cheese

Shoot holes into it… make it like a Swiss Cheese

shoot-holes-into-itDo what’s difficult when it’s easy.

This principle comes from Seneca, the elder, but it seems that it has another way to say it: do what you see, when you see it.

I am, in some way, still a child and crack up when I hear bathroom humor. I can’t talk about passing gas without laughing. Yours truly is about five years old in this regard.

One of my favorite such jokes is about the dude who goes to the doctor, and asks him to do something about his farting: it is silent and doesn’t smell… but it still bothers him.

The doctor scratches his head and gives him some pills… and tells him to come back a week later. The dude is back, enraged: your pills made my gas smell like hell, he says.

To which the doctor answers: good, we have cleared your sinuses, so you can smell. Now we’ll work on your hearing.

Now, why am I telling you bathroom jokes? To entertain you?

No, this is education.

Your body, your brain, Consciousness works the same “shoot holes in it before you can tackle it” way. Continue reading “Shoot holes into it… make it like a Swiss Cheese”

Before a breakthrough you’ll have immense suffering

Before a breakthrough you’ll have immense suffering

breakthrough‘There are people who take the heart out of you, and there are people who put it back,’ wrote author Charles de Lint. According to my analysis of the astrological omens, your heart will encounter far more of the latter than the former types of people in 2020. There may be one wrangler who tries to take the heart out of you, but there will be an array of nurturers who will strive to keep the heart in you — as well as boosters and builders who will add even more heart.’ my horoscope by Rob Brezsny came in the mail today.

It’s been hard to be me. Continue reading “Before a breakthrough you’ll have immense suffering”

Scarcity or abundance… the difference on the seed level

Scarcity or abundance… the difference on the seed level

I have to admit: I am going to muscletest my way through everything I say… so I become the first person on the planet who doesn’t disseminate bull crap about this topic so many people ask about. Almost 100% of the new visitors to the site come with a strong pull towards money, feeling good, really acting like puppets on a string…

Of course my site disappoints 90% of them, right away, 99% of them over the next week or so…

If you tell the truth, your filter when looking at things, at people, at yourself, hovers around abundance or scarcity… is all about having.

Does he have the looks?
Does he have the style?
Does he have the money?
Does he have the knowledge that will make you look good?
Does he have the friends, the job, the parents that will make you more? have more? appear more?

I admit that I hate this topic. I don’t want to think about it, I don’t want to know about it, because it is so low vibration. But because you love this topic, you want to hear about it, you want to know about it, because you want to have abundance, I am going to think about it, and now write about it.

Be prepared to say thank you… even if you won’t like what I find out.

Continue reading “Scarcity or abundance… the difference on the seed level”

How do I decide what to write about?

How do I decide what to write about?

how do i decide what to write about?Before I answer that question, I want to look at something closely related, but something I have only seen addressed one single time. And that is: how to be in a conversation where you listen in such a way, that everything you say will be delightful for to the other… where you are in a gentle and pleasant dance… instead of how you are now: separate, all about yourself… never dancing, never really having an experience of belonging to the human race, or even to that particular conversation. Wanting to win, wanting to dominate, wanting to be right, look good, etc.

And as a result you now have a life that you don’t belong with the closest people, family, lovers, children… co-workers, bosses, even friends, if you even have any. Continue reading “How do I decide what to write about?”

Self-awareness… is something tainting the water?

Self-awareness… is something tainting the water?

Two young fish are swimming in the lake and they pass by an older fish that is swimming the opposite way. The older fish nods at them in greeting, and says, ‘Morning, boys. How is the water?’

The two young fish swim on for a while, then one of them looks over at the other and asks ‘What the hell is water?’

OK, that is one story about water… and self-awareness.

2. The second story comes from a book I haven’t read and probably won’t. But the question is fascinating: Continue reading “Self-awareness… is something tainting the water?”

What to do if you are part of the 70% of humanity who are…

What to do if you are part of the 70% of humanity who are…

What are good questions to ask of me? tons, actually, but here are a few I just thought off looking at some of the pictures customers send me:

  • What is the cause of the bumps/blemishes on my face?
  • What is the cause of my bad breath?
  • What is the reason I have plaque on my teeth? In my arteries? In my brain?

And the question I want to talk about today is: Continue reading “What to do if you are part of the 70% of humanity who are…”

The magic of synergy: Bach Profile and Mustard Seed… together

The magic of synergy: Bach Profile and Mustard Seed… together

I got an email from a student who was watching my Mustard Seed video and also bought his Bach Profile.

Both are vehicles for deep insight, but together they are unbeatable, because how you go about deciding what is your higher power that you are going to honor, as in the 12 step programs, will come completely consistent with your Bach Profile. Continue reading “The magic of synergy: Bach Profile and Mustard Seed… together”

Reluctance to find out the truth about themselves.

Reluctance to find out the truth about themselves.

I have been noticing a strong reluctance from people. They don’t want to find out the truth about themselves.

There is, there are signals that you are not in perfect alignment with who you would need to be to be happy, to be fulfilled, to be healthy, vigorous, the world is my oyster kind of guy or gal.

And you hate it, because it niggles away on you, like the thought of getting a C diagnosis from a doctor, the diagnosis of almost certain death.

So you procrastinate. Continue reading “Reluctance to find out the truth about themselves.”

Oy vey there she is, ranting again…

Sunday RantI have two recordable calls every Sunday. Recordable means: I can or could sell it for at least a hundred bucks… because in the right hands they are worth ten times more than that.

In the right hands.

There are few who have the right hands.

I like to work with people who can get, who will get, at least as much value as much money I charge, but I’d love to work with people who could and would get the full value… ten times more.

Keep on dreaming, Sophie, and I do.

I totally overextend myself every Friday/Saturday and Sunday, so on Mondays I am literally spent. This Monday wasn’t an exception… Continue reading “Oy vey there she is, ranting again…”

Create yourself and your world with your WORD

Create yourself and your world with your WORD

We had our last What’s Missing workshop for the season yesterday.

What a learning experience it was! Again.

I found out that unbeknownst to me I was still hesitant to believe that I am going to live, that I am not on borrowed time, that if I save money, I’ll have a chance to use it. Continue reading “Create yourself and your world with your WORD”