Most of us have two modes when we think about things:

Most of us have two modes when we think about things:

Most of us have two modes when we think about things:

  • 1. the urgent, the right now, the emergency, the having to, needing to, wanting to, and the should. Pay the bill, pick up the kid, what to have for dinner, what am I forgetting?
  • 2. the some day one day future. Retirement. Summer vacation. Getting married. When I have lost all this weight. When I’ll have my horse farm. When I have my retirement community that I built and I will be significant, and rich. When I’ll be a rock star.

I remember when it was like that for me. And, to be quite hones, it is still work to dislodge myself and think of the in-between.

Without working TOWARDS something, it is natural to fall into the same old, same old, or good enough is good enough. The rut.

I only have to observe myself for a day to see how fast it sets in, and how automatic that is. Continue reading “Most of us have two modes when we think about things:”

What is a soul correction and why should you care?

What is a soul correction and why should you care?

carrying your soul correctionsIt seems that the body of a human is a vehicle for two “entities”, the Selfish Gene and the soul.

The Selfish Gene… that is only interested in preserving itself… the genetic material, even if and even while the family, the environment, the world is destroyed. Selfish gene is our physical nature, our lower self, and it is not very smart, has no foresight, none of the higher functions a human supposedly has. It has no interest even in the 160 spiritual capacities: in fact it considers them a nuisance, a hindrance. The Selfish gene is a brute.

The uncorrected soul, the soul you are born with, is the soul with an aberration. It has a behavior or a set of behaviors that are slanted towards ego.

The soul’s counterpart is the ego, not the Selfish Gene. Continue reading “What is a soul correction and why should you care?”

I woke up unhappy. Seeing only bad stuff…

I woke up unhappy. Seeing only bad stuff…

I woke up unhappy.

And you know, when you are unhappy all you can see what doesn’t work. and see it as big, monumental, maybe even tragic.

In my dream I attended a seminar. Lots of things were as I remembered: the people, the teacher, the girl sitting next to me. Only I changed. I got dumber, fatter, and with a whole lot less hair. One dude sitting behind me in the class even remarked me. The teacher called on me and shamed me in front of the class.

In one word: it was terrible.

So this is the mood I woke up in, and, of course, carried it into my morning routine. 1 Continue reading “I woke up unhappy. Seeing only bad stuff…”

Most people, you, over time, prove untrustworthy.

Most people, you, over time, prove untrustworthy.

It is really hard to decide who to trust. Most people, over time, prove untrustworthy. Doctors, lawyers, accountants, friends, spouses.

Oh, and the so-called teachers and gurus.

But Why? It is all because the level of ‘morality’ of homo sapiens is controlled ‘desire to receive for the self alone’ and the ‘fat dog syndrome’. Continue reading “Most people, you, over time, prove untrustworthy.”

This mouse KNOWS what I am going to do…

This mouse KNOWS what I am going to do…

I live on the edge of a forest in the middle of a city. There is wildlife, deer, skunk, raccoon, millions of squirrels, lots of birds, including birds of prey.

So, of course, we have field mice. No, let me correct that: I have field mice.

So I have a stash of 12 mice cubes, they have proven themselves over and over again in the 16 years that I have lived here.

And I have peanut butter for bait… Continue reading “This mouse KNOWS what I am going to do…”

I discovered sous vide. The French words mean: under vacuum.

I discovered sous vide. The French words mean: under vacuum.

In sous vide style cooking you put the raw food in a vacuum sealed bag, immerse it in water with temperature comfortable for your hands, and let it cook for a while. How long? There are recipes on the internet…

My Human Design eating type, eating style is “separator”. I am not allowed to mix foods in my meals. Why? I guess the original humans didn’t… Or maybe my stomach is weak and can’t figure out what to do with mixtures.

My be it is like a juggler who says: one thing is OK, two is a mess…

And because I am in the process of tricking death that was ready to take over back in August, and I am escaping in one inch at a time, being rigorous about my eating type seems very important.

How do I know when I made a dietary mistake? You don’t want to know! Oh, you do… the undigested mix tries to come back, causing me distress, sleepless nights, and bad taste in my mouth. Continue reading “I discovered sous vide. The French words mean: under vacuum.”

The Tao of attraction, of anything. Business, love, respect, money…

The Tao of attraction, of anything. Business, love, respect, money…

I love watching movies, I love reading, I am a half introvert half extrovert person.

I have met someone (Ben Settle) with similar personality, to adopt as a teacher. I start my day with reading his email. And I always find some way to become bigger from it.

On some level, in some aspect, you need to be the same as your teacher, or you won’t let them get through to you… My parents were both so different from me, that I learned only two sentences worth from them, both from my father.

One of his teaching was a sentence that I misunderstood for at least 50 years… until I got what he meant.

He said:

let it go… it will pass that much sooner.

Continue reading “The Tao of attraction, of anything. Business, love, respect, money…”

I just watched the Oscar nominated documentary

I just watched the Oscar nominated documentary

minding the gapI just watched the documentary, Minding the Gap. It’s about three boys who bond over skateboarding, and a shared childhood of abuse.

The documentary is made by one of the three boys. 15 years of their lives you get to witness.

You can’t avoid to look at your own life. No escape.

There is so much grief, in everyone, and it is so hard to recover from it. It took me a lifetime… And grief is not just beating, or molestation, it is everything that lands as abuse, not letting you wear what you prefer to wear, not letting you eat what you prefer to eat, not helping you with your homework, belittling every effort you make, forcing you to visit with your father even though you don’t want to, complaining to your child about things that a child can’t handle, the way to abuse is so many, that there is probably not a child who wasn’t abused one way or another.

The Playground has a subtitle: It is never too late to have a happy childhood. Continue reading “I just watched the Oscar nominated documentary”

I show you mine if you show me yours…

I show you mine if you show me yours…
Code book discrepancy?

As a kid, my teacher said about me that I was amoral. Not immoral… amoral. Immoral: not conforming to accepted standards of morality. Amoral, on the other hand is lacking a moral sense; unconcerned with the rightness or wrongness of something.

Now, whether that was true or not: I don’t know. In fact, I have no idea. I think every child is amoral: we haven’t been indoctrinated in a moral code… aka code book.

My code book is probably different from your code book. Continue reading “I show you mine if you show me yours…”

Go beyond where you NORMALLY stop… Go to where…

Go beyond where you NORMALLY stop… Go to where…

Go beyond where you NORMALLY stop… Go to where the sun shines, no matter what the season is

I woke up disgruntled… (=angry, dissatisfied) almost ready to go into devastation (which is my “home page”) but it all changed as I sat down and began to write. What was going to be a rant, became a celebration.

I guess I am not stuck with, neither am invested in, nor am I resisting being someone who rants when I feel beaten, or slighted, or hurt…Most of my students either are invested (i.e. known for) or resist being angry… i.e. stuck with being angry. Continue reading “Go beyond where you NORMALLY stop… Go to where…”