Muddling through… muddle till you get there

Muddling through… muddle till you get there

There are many ways to get things done. My way is to muddle through it.

By the way, according to muscletest, this is the way 70% of humanity can get things done… if they can break through the barrier I am experiencing now.

I don’t do well with planning and working my plan… Why? I think a wheel has dropped somewhere from my four wheel drive… I can’t do it.

I have tried. The moment there is a plan, I become stilted, and all creativity, all inspiration. all my connection to Source and the beyond go out the window, and I am remaining: bored, stiff, and boring.

I am 72 years old. I have had four, maybe five businesses if you count my years being a massage therapist, countless projects, and my only way to be having a good time is when I am muddling through. Continue reading “Muddling through… muddle till you get there”

In life you get what you get. Want more? Negotiate for more

In life you get what you get. Want more? Negotiate for more

A child is self-referential, self-centered, considers everything personal, and sees everything through this vantage point: everything is because of me, about me, for me…

By age three the child is able to see that some things are not related to him, some things have nothing to do with them.

And by now, that you are reading this article, it would be a sign of maturity, a sign that you grew up, if you take nothing personally.

But you do, don’t you? And it makes you miserable, reactive, and ineffective in life. Continue reading “In life you get what you get. Want more? Negotiate for more”

Find the Growth Method That Matches Your Personality

Find the Growth Method That Matches Your Personality

There are two big categories of humans from the aspect of personal growth.

  1. sheep, victim, the effect… not in action, hoping, praying, visualizing, etc.
  2. the climber

Climber can be someone who climbs the Tree of Life… and can be the type of person I want to talk about in this article. The politician. The ruthless user. The win-lose type of person. The either/or person who cannot even imagine, tolerate, or stomach the you AND me model of thinking.

Why do you want to know them? Because you need to know evil intimately to fight evil. Both outside and inside.
Continue reading “Find the Growth Method That Matches Your Personality”

Take away from longevity studies regardless your age

Take away from longevity studies regardless your age

Ever since I discovered that I can measure numbers about health, the health of different organs, and even biological age, I have been interested in listening to anti-aging, longevity “experts”.

I admit, my grasp, my understanding is sketchy at best, and yet some of the health measurement numbers and my knowledge about the person they belong to start making more sense, than not.

So I am going to share with you, here, some of the valid insights I have gained. I say valid because I muscletest and Source says “true” “not true” “truth value” Continue reading “Take away from longevity studies regardless your age”

Guilt, shame, and panacea

Guilt, shame, and panacea

Here is something that we can all learn from. It happened to me. When? Today.

I have ordered a portable washing machine, apartment size, and it was due today by Fedex. I left a note on the door downstairs asking the Fedex person to bring it upstairs: with my broken heart I didn’t see myself dragging it up to the second floor.

The Fedex person delivered it and left it before the door of the house… in fact he or she sneaked up to the house: I didn’t even hear the truck… OK… I didn’t hear the truck… the rest: I made it up. Oops.

There I was with this big bulky box… outside on the stoop. Continue reading “Guilt, shame, and panacea”

If you don’t know what you want you end up with…

If you don’t know what you want you end up with…

One of the things people have a difficulty with, in my experience, is creating a vision for their lives.

When I ask what they want, what they are up to, they draw a blank.

And even when and if they have some answer, it is not something that even if they got it, would make them happy, fulfilled, joyful, connected, loved, etc.

Every aspect of you has a different ‘agenda’…

  • The Selfish Gene
  • The ego
  • the soul/spirit or whatever you want to call it, the high minded aspect of you
  • the body
  • the mind
  • the Witness/Consciousness

these all want something different… and you, who you consider yourself to be: you are like the person in the middle of the ball game where the ball is thrown in a circle, past you… and you are always left without a ball. Continue reading “If you don’t know what you want you end up with…”

Everyone wants respect. No one gives respect. But why?

Everyone wants respect. No one gives respect. But why?

The biggest issue is: no one understands what respect means. Do I respect or disrespect my student I shout at? Do I respect or disrespect the visitor I tell to bug off when he is asking me questions, even though he hasn’t even understand what he is talking about?

Do you respect others or yourself when you buy up the toilet paper stocks in your local supermarket? Do you respect yourself or others when you keep on taking the bus, coughing at the exercise class?

In my city, about 140 thousand people, it is eerily quiet this morning. It is as quiet at 8:40 am, as it normally is at 4-5 in the morning. I can hear a bus here and there… but hardly any traffic, non in my street. Even the garbage collectors haven’t arrived… I hope they are still working. Continue reading “Everyone wants respect. No one gives respect. But why?”

Do you respect money? If not, you pay the price…

Do you respect money? If not, you pay the price…
Why is respect hard and rare?

Because respect includes the capacity and the willingness to look again, but this time look from a different vantage point, preferably from the point of view of the other person. Of the big picture, away from the wishful thinking, the inflated self-image, and your expectations.

I remember, that all my life, all I ever wanted is to be considered a person. In a world where people consider themselves things in the world of things, being treated, being looked at, being listened to as a person is so rare that I can remember every time it happened. Or every time I detect that energy in a book… I tear up.

And yet, everyone wants to be treated like a person, and everyone treats themselves and others like they are things.

One of the big prices we pay is with our money.

I had this conversation this past Sunday with a friend who is working on becoming a millionaire: he is at minus lots-of-money, lots of zeros right now. Continue reading “Do you respect money? If not, you pay the price…”

If you saw that, your life would change to the better?

If you saw that, your life would change to the better?
One sign of low intelligence  is thinking that you see everything that is relevant.

And when someone shows you something new: that doesn’t change your thinking… you think: now I really see everything. I even catch this last one myself… although not as frequently as I used to…

from Quora: Most low IQ people tend to almost be Fundamentalists and take things very literally due to lack of imagination, intuition, open-mindedness, cognitive flexibility, comprehension, critical thinking and are always relying on very direct impressions because of the lacking of depth in their thoughts and understanding of things.

It’s normal to think that you see everything but normal is also stupid. Because a person who thinks that doesn’t even look. And definitely won’t look differently… Won’t ask different questions. Will be more interested in what they have to say than what others have to say. Continue reading “If you saw that, your life would change to the better?”

What can you see and hear in the sideways view?

What can you see and hear in the sideways view?
little red riding hoodEven if you have the driftwood capacity activated… Even then you have to learn to be looking that way.

Yesterday’s article about assumptions should clue you in: you mostly are stuck with your assumption: you have never really looked and seen the facts… Reality defined in the simplest way: reality is facts.

It seems that to observe, to look, to look until you see something is not a low-vibration person’s activity, and most people ARE low vibration… so most people never look.

The ones that do are famous at least in what they do for a living.

Quentin Tarantino… Albert Einstein, Ayn Rand.

It really seems that this capacity to look and see is very rare. Continue reading “What can you see and hear in the sideways view?”