Your ignorance in the area of health is killing you

Your ignorance in the area of health is killing you

grm_newI have a simple, cheap, and accurate report you can order… and I’ll be able to tell you some 20 health measures… and also where your problems are coming from.

Lately I have had a slew of people with cancer of all kinds asking for this report. Continue reading “Your ignorance in the area of health is killing you”

Are you growing or dying? How would you know?

Are you growing or dying? How would you know?

Would you agree that life is either boring… nothing is going on, or suddenly everything is going on?

And no matter whether it is boring or a lot going on… you remain the same… and nothing much gets done.

If you can’t waste your time shopping, because it is lockdown… you shop on the internet, for stuff, for excitement, for gossip… whatever… just to waste time.

It’s only the circumstances that change, you remain the constant, the same.

The same is the situation in relationships. You are the common denominator, and no matter how much you wish you could change, you don’t. Continue reading “Are you growing or dying? How would you know?”

Everything and its opposite is true or a lie… oh my!

Everything and its opposite is true or a lie… oh my!

It’s hard to make sense of things… because everything seems to be true, and then the opposite seems to be true too.

This is especially true nowadays, in the year of Covid whatever it is, and the election year. Global warming, and rapidly approaching uncertainty about the economy, about the future, about our ability to make a living.

Is this a conspiracy to enslave humanity?

Is this an accident? Is the virus manufactured and released? Are the face masks do anything worth doing? Should we worry, or should we look for the silver lining, and use the time as a way to become our best self?

If you were prepared like very few have been, this Covid thing can be, could be an opportunity… but very few ever does anything that prepares them for an opportunity.

And even the ones that could use these new circumstances as a springboard to go higher, don’t. Continue reading “Everything and its opposite is true or a lie… oh my!”

Why some people can be trained while others can’t

Why some people can be trained while others can’t

In my starting point measurements there are a few measures that predict whether you can be trained or not.

I have found that two measures are most telling: the size of one’s ambition and the size of one’s rigidity.

  • Ambition is an interesting phenomenon:

Ambition needs you to have some kind of vision of a future you are working towards. In my experience, this measure needs to be higher than 10%, and the higher it is, the more likely you’ll do what it takes to be trained. Continue reading “Why some people can be trained while others can’t”

Shifting gears

Shifting gears

As I said yesterday, I am now shifting gears.

As painful as it is, I have learned that most people’s brain, and most people’s brain that I deal with are so weakened, that they drop the proverbial ball as soon as sometimes within minutes.

The ball that people are dropping is a new activated DNA capacity.

It is different with capacities you activated with your activity… I am talking about capacities I activate in your DNA.

In order to keep those capacities alive, you need to do the activities that would have activated it in the first place.

On Sunday, that is two days ago, I stumbled on a pdf on my computer that lead me to an audio recording with one of my favorite people, Michael Senoff interviewing Michael Lavery. Continue reading “Shifting gears”

Your brain is shrinking from not enough use…

Your brain is shrinking from not enough use…

They say you use all of your brain… but it is still shrinking… My testing shows that you are only using 1% of what your brain is capable of.

You live and learn… but not necessarily from books

Sometimes one thing happening doesn’t drive things home. You need a jackhammer… Or two, seemingly independent occurrences.

This is what happened yesterday.

A little bit of preamble: I have noticed that hordes of people come to my site looking for ’emotional intelligence’ and I was puzzled. I didn’t understand what the expression means, but instinctively knew that it had something to do with recognizing emotions, expressions of emotions accurately. But little did I know… Continue reading “Your brain is shrinking from not enough use…”

Why you feel lost when you feel lost, find yourself…

Why you feel lost when you feel lost, find yourself…

What does it mean feeling lost?

When you don’t feel at home in your body, when your feelings, your thoughts pull you out of yourself, you have a sense that you are, somehow, lost in the shuffle. That you don’t have any say in the matter of your life, what you feel, what you do, what you say…

You feel you are put on a roller coaster, and it wasn’t you who put you there…

How did it happen and what can you do about it? How can you find your way back home, to your own self? this is what this article is about.
Continue reading “Why you feel lost when you feel lost, find yourself…”

Synergy is a lot like alchemy… seemingly something from not much

Synergy is a lot like alchemy… seemingly something from not much

Synergy is when two or more otherwise inactive or insignificant elements are combined to great effect.

A clothing outfit… each piece is just a piece of clothing, but together they look like a million bucks.

Or the heated mattress and the blanket… neither of them will stop the cold from killing you, by itself, when it’s a really really cold night, but together they keep you toasty hot.

Or tea and milk…

Once I distinguished these, I hope it will be easier to see, using your Sight capacity, to see it everywhere.

In this article I am going to show examples that are not as easy to see as the ones above. Continue reading “Synergy is a lot like alchemy… seemingly something from not much”

Busy? Move your operation to the creative plane!

Busy? Move your operation to the creative plane!

I am normally not busy. I hate busy-ness, in fact I despise busy-ness.

Busy-ness is a move to avoid doing what is yours to do, anything worth doing, and doing it well.

But… That famous but… Continue reading “Busy? Move your operation to the creative plane!”

You don’t actually create your own reality

You don’t actually create your own reality

Yesterday I had one of the rare one-on-one calls, and the client said: “You create your own reality”

You’ve heard me say: truth repeated is a lie… and most of the time I don’t know how to explain why it is… but this is one of the times when I can.

You see, reality is the same no matter who is looking at it. What you create is not reality. What you create is your vantage point. Your attitude. The context inside which you look at reality.

But not reality.

So what really changing is is the occurrence.

Occurrence is a technical term for reality plus what you say about it. Continue reading “You don’t actually create your own reality”