Ask Source: Leptin Resistance, is it a racket?

Ask Source: Leptin Resistance, is it a racket?

What is up with the ever growing number of sales videos pushing Leptin resistance supplements?

Leptin is sometimes called the satiety hormone.

First guestion to Source: is leptin resistance real? yes, says Source. It is.

Source says that people who never diet, have never dieted, don’t get fat.

The next question: even if they eat the same food that makes us fat? the answer was ‘no’. If they eat the same food as dieters eat, everybody gets fat.

WTF? Continue reading “Ask Source: Leptin Resistance, is it a racket?”

You can’t hurry learning, you can’t hurry growth or healing

You can’t hurry learning, you can’t hurry growth or healing

One of the sins humanity is perpetrating and has been maybe forever is hurry.

Hurry puts you out of sync, out of harmony with Life. Hurry means you want something faster than it is.

While some things can be done faster without a price. You can run faster, but if your heart goes faster too, you’ll drop dead. You can throw a ball faster. You can make an engine faster. But most things move at the speed of the thing, and making them faster will have a price higher than the thing you want. Continue reading “You can’t hurry learning, you can’t hurry growth or healing”

Are you a lone wolf? The capacity of inclusivity…

Are you a lone wolf? The capacity of inclusivity…

Some animals are lone rangers… hunt alone. Maybe eat their young when hungry. Other animals hunt in a pack. Humans are supposedly pack animals, but individuals dare to differ. I am not a pack animal, although when I find a group of people who welcome me, I get all teary eyed… but even then: I’ll do my own thing, and ‘belong’ to the pack as a leader. And if I can’t be a leader, if I can’t have a voice, I don’t want to be there.

Which means: humans vary in many regards, and this is just one of them.

As a kid I was the black sheep. For years I wasn’t even included in family dinners… my mother sent my food in on a tray with my little brother.

I felt excluded. Thrown out. Left out. Continue reading “Are you a lone wolf? The capacity of inclusivity…”

Work and effort: what’s the connection to vibration?

Work and effort: what’s the connection to vibration?

Occasionally I check in with google to see what brings people to my site.

It’s still the two main topics: ‘your eating style’ and ‘the vibration of money’.

I’ve been busy with checking people’s water energizer setup, trying to guide them to success, sustainable success, so once they are beyond the ‘work’ phase, they can just invest a little bit of work to remain hydrated.

I read somewhere Edison quipping: Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work

Almost all your questions are about avoiding work. Continue reading “Work and effort: what’s the connection to vibration?”

Gratitude, appreciation is a context. even coherence

Gratitude, appreciation is a context. even coherence
You either live in a context you create, or you live in a context that is given to you.

The more you live in a context created by you the more you have a Self.

It can even be said: Self is a context… or maybe it is the sum total of the contexts you live in, you live through.

The reason my own numbers are consistent is because I live my whole life, public, private, unconscious, even my dreams, out of a consistent sets of contexts: gratitude, appreciation, expanding, service, joy, curiosity, flying the spirit, etc. Continue reading “Gratitude, appreciation is a context. even coherence”

Unless you know what growth is, you have the illusion

Unless you know what growth is, you have the illusion

When I suggest that someone should grow, it is obvious to me that they have no idea what it means, or how to grow, or what it feels like.

The reason I measure someone’s accurate vocabulary is to see to what degree words mean for them what they actually mean, to what degree they have an actual experience about the meaning of words. Continue reading “Unless you know what growth is, you have the illusion”

If you can’t grow, you don’t grow, you can’t fit growth into your life…

If you can’t grow, you don’t grow, you can’t fit growth into your life…

I have been thrown a curveball…

Most people deal with stuff being taken away from them… But what do you do when stuff is added to you… like a gift?

But when you buy into any of my programs, you will need to deal with this: too much to deal with.

You already have too many irons in the fire… if you even have any, your hands are full, and now you need to grow new hands if you don’t want to drop the ones you already have.

This is what happened to me this week, and I predict I’ll deal with this for a while… until I reorganize myself and my life to the increased activity I am taking on.

Many people buy programs, try to adjust earnestly, but abandon ship… because organization, especially re-organization is most people’s weak skill. Continue reading “If you can’t grow, you don’t grow, you can’t fit growth into your life…”

Nowadays everyone wants to know their eating style

Nowadays everyone wants to know their eating style

This COVID nonsense has caused a lot of change in how people live… one of them is being on the seefood diet… eating anything that looks like food…

I myself packed on 20 lbs before I could first slow it down and reverse it. 20 lbs when you are 73 years old is a lot of pounds… by the way. I have less muscles to burn it off… and the other non-beneficial side-effect: now I want to eat more than I was eating in ‘peacetime’… all working against me.

And when you are on a ‘seefood diet’ there are other problems as well.

Your body is not willing or not able to digest completely what you eat. Continue reading “Nowadays everyone wants to know their eating style”

Negativity and the fallacy that disempowers billions

Negativity and the fallacy that disempowers billions

The common fallacy that saying anything negative sounding IS a bad thing… that saying bad things brings bad stuff in its wake

In another article I said: all speaking is committing. And it is true… But is every speaking as strong a commitments as if you said: this is what I stand for, so help me god?

I am working through something that happened in a call with Troy, where he was the coach and I was the client.

I mentioned to him my article from yesterday where I said: no one wants to interview me, so I’ll interview myself.

He instantly got bent out of shape. I am still dealing with the negative reaction it caused for him… as a true empath I am still connected to him, and I feel it will take him a while to shake it off. Continue reading “Negativity and the fallacy that disempowers billions”

Why no one volunteers to interview Sophie?

Why no one volunteers to interview Sophie?

That is me, some 20 years ago.

I look a lot older, of course… but I wanted to share that picture… sigh.

I haven’t been interviewed in a long time. Also haven’t had a date… not that I want one… lol.

Why? I think the reason is that people don’t want their peeps, customers, listeners hear what I have to say. and I don’t blame them, except a very short list of teachers I don’t approve much of anyone. Or better said: Source doesn’t approve of many people.

And also it is hard to be around someone, who you FEEL are condescending. Condescension is an attitude. i could be sitting on cloud 9 and could still talk to you without condescending, despite the height difference. Continue reading “Why no one volunteers to interview Sophie?”