Ask a good question, win $50

Ask a good question, win

Ask a good question… on a health topic of your choosing. It’s worth $50 to me.

If it is a good question, I’ll answer it in an audio, and in addition to getting the answer, you will win a $50. Not credit, but real god honest cash.

I leave the topic up to you, with one restriction: it has to be on health.

Good questions are hard to come by.

There is an entire site dedicated to good question… the ones that get a lot of answers are the best questions. Why?

Because the question reflects what people are thinking of, what is interesting to people, not just you. Continue reading “Ask a good question, win $50”

Seeing sideways… looking sideways… visual field

Seeing sideways… looking sideways… visual field

Look sideways… meaning: see things sideways… not only straight ahead.

This is what Future Self suggested to the three entrepreneurial students on the call and later to me. Continue reading “Seeing sideways… looking sideways… visual field”

What do I do when I feel like I don’t measure up to life?

What do I do when I feel like I don’t measure up to life?

Occasionally you need to go back and become a beginner in what you think you already know.

I don’t really know… I only know when I am doing it.

I have, supposedly, got good at tens of things over the decades I have been alive… But my life is showing that good is not good enough.

Maybe in some things I am masterful, but in others I am just good… or somewhat good.

And this is what is going on in my life… and maybe in yours?

So I started with the best motivator: I put a substantial (for me) amount of money on a ‘test’ of getting customers, new customers from Facebook.

The fact that I think of Facebook poorly, the fact that I think Facebook people can’t like me and what I do is immaterial.

I now have invested my money in that, and I’d better earn my money back, or say good bye to it: my opinion doesn’t matter. Continue reading “What do I do when I feel like I don’t measure up to life?”

Everything is a gift… though it isn’t what you expected…

Everything is a gift… though it isn’t what you expected…

One of the things that most people lack I have in abundance. It’s not all good… so don’t envy me just yet.

First I was born premature… very premature. Less than 2 lbs of bodyweight.

I was fed formula, because, I guess, the hospital thought it was a good idea… or my mother didn’t want to provide breast milk… so I developed a daily/nightly vomiting thing… ugh.

I was, as it turned out, dyslexic, and slightly autistic… which is an of course: dyslexia is on the autistic spectrum.

I would consider myself learning disabled… THEY considered me stupid…

When I was about seven, my father entered the room where my mother was beating me. My father said: Don’t beat her head, she is already stupid!

I was also severely nearsighted… got glasses when I got 9. finally I could see the blackboard. Yay. Continue reading “Everything is a gift… though it isn’t what you expected…”

This dude is calling me a liar… Where would we look?

This dude is calling me a liar… Where would we look?

At first, like anyone I know would, I felt slighted. Misunderstood.

Then I looked if I was really a liar… giving him the benefit of doubt… I desperately wanted to respond to his comment… but I knew I was reacting.

Then I put it aside… and this morning, as I was playing Freecell, I pondered about it. It is important to mention that I did that while I played Freecell… because mainly it is in Freecell where I noticed, distinctly and clearly, the behavioral change I mention in my comment. Continue reading “This dude is calling me a liar… Where would we look?”

Alive with pleasure… if that’s you, don’t read this article

Alive with pleasure… if that’s you, don’t read this article

One of the most attractive things I learned in Landmark Education is this: The Universe gets to you in one of three ways: Truth, Beauty or Goodness.

This statement says that the Universe can move you to tears, and you’ll feel alive inside. After all feeling alive is maybe the most missing for us: we are alive, we are breathing, eating, maybe even procreating, but we don’t often feel alive. I don’t.

Feeling alive is a special feeling. I remember an advertising line: Alive with pleasure. It was selling cigarettes… but I remember longingly trying on being alive with pleasure. I didn’t smoke.

So yesterday I was thinking of my clients and students and contemplated if I could guess what way the Universe would MOVE them, Truth, Beauty or Goodness.

I was wrong every time. Hm… so I looked further. Continue reading “Alive with pleasure… if that’s you, don’t read this article”

What are you here for? Can you get it here? Let’s look together, shall we?

What are you here for? Can you get it here? Let’s look together, shall we?

Everyone who comes to me or to my site,, on some level wants to be more, wants to have more.

Most visitors come here AFTER they research how to get what you want… in whatever area of life they feel a lack.

So people come here with a sense of lack, neediness, and a hope that I can tell them what they need to have, or maybe can even give them what they need to have, so they can have what they want.

Unfortunately 99% of my site’s visitors leave disappointed… yet again.

Did I not give them what they need to have? I have, at a rate of about 70% goes away looking for someone who doesn’t tell them that they need to DO something… that wasn’t what they wanted… they didn’t want doing. Continue reading “What are you here for? Can you get it here? Let’s look together, shall we?”

What can you do to feel better about yourself, about life, about the future?

What can you do to feel better about yourself, about life, about the future?

There is a myth that there are people who are no-person outside of their function… doormen, drivers, conductors, ticket collectors, guards, secretaries…

But it is an illusion.

Just because you talk to someone you don’t consider them a person necessarily. According to my muscletesting, most people, most of the time, don’t consider anyone a person.

So how do you know if you are treating someone as a person or if you are treating them as a thing? And if you are treating them as a thing: what is ‘wrong’ with it?

It’s a theory, but muscletest says it’s true: when you treat someone as a thing, you become a thing. A thing only cares about itself, only worries about itself, is only concerned with its self-interest… to be safe, to win, to be right.

The more you treat anyone as a thing, the more you are like that… not very personlike. Continue reading “What can you do to feel better about yourself, about life, about the future?”

The Validation Challenge nearly impossible for people

The Validation Challenge nearly impossible for people

One of the problems that people in the Validation Challenge have is that they use the focused mind to look.

In the ‘learning to learn’ course we learned that the mind can be in the focused state and in the unfocused state.

Mine is in the unfocused state 91% of the time. Even when I write an article, even when I lead a workshop, even when I am on the phone, even when I read, even when I attend a webinar.


OK, let’s look at the focused mind. The focused mind is narrowed in on what it’s looking at. Narrowing in may make it sharper, but there is no bandwidth, and it is trying too hard. Continue reading “The Validation Challenge nearly impossible for people”

Who you can learn from to become a person… your Self?

Who you can learn from to become a person… your Self?

What can you learn from a theoretical physicist, a famous ad writer, art collector to become a person… yourself?

What does an ad writer have to do with being happy, fulfilled, and joyful? Other than selling it to you… lol… right?

Most things that I teach are difficult to understand enough that you actually know it and can teach it. Unless you can teach it, you didn’t learn it… The Feynman technique teaches how to get there… but this article is not about that. Continue reading “Who you can learn from to become a person… your Self?”