If I ever do that to you… shoot me. Please…

If I ever do that to you… shoot me. Please…

How do you know what is advising you to do something or another?

I am sitting here. My assistant is AWOL.

I imagine myself in his skin, in his head, to identify what’s happening, so either to have compassion, ruthless compassion, or straight anger as a reaction.

I get more than I have expected: I get an insight.

He, most likely, heard something. His mind said: ooh, ooh, yeah, that’s it! This is the solution to all my problems! I am going to do that! and with that he abandoned all his responsibilities, and ran for the low hanging fruit, or whatever it was that he saw in his mind’s eyes that can finally be his. Continue reading “If I ever do that to you… shoot me. Please…”

Your dark side is your deepest source for joy, contribution

Your dark side is your deepest source for joy, contribution

I have heard that your dark side is your deepest source of joy, fulfillment, yada yada yada, I have even taught that… but alas, I forgot what I said, I forgot why it’s so.

So in this article I’ll try to remember 🙁 … in my usual meandering way.

OK, first step: I google it:

Your dark side means that you have shadow aspects of yourself that you don’t want to look at and even less you want consciously work with them. Instead of facing your dark side from the place of presence, you ignore and suppress the parts of yourself that you dislike.

I call that ‘Face the Tiger‘… and teach it in the course of the same name. Continue reading “Your dark side is your deepest source for joy, contribution”

What is YOUR Dark Side? What did I say about that 6 years ago?

What is YOUR Dark Side? What did I say about that 6 years ago?

What is YOUR Dark Side?

Mine is, definitely, feeling like the only one who can be trusted. If I cannot be the only one… I am not even interested. Messiah complex… lol. Very funny.

What I need for this Dark Side to prevail is people who are not able, not willing to rise to the occasion… in spite of all my efforts.

I spent last week in that space… I am the only one, bah-bah-bah, sob-sob, hate-hate.

I was watching it with curiosity, not with resistance, and it left. On its own. It could not survive observation, it could not hide because of curiosity.

This is true for anything from the Dark Side… it can thrive, run your life, only if it is not observed with sober eyes. Or amused… Instead, it is resisted, it shouldn’t be, etc.

As long as you can’t find yours, you are still either completely unaware, or are in denial about it.
Continue reading “What is YOUR Dark Side? What did I say about that 6 years ago?”

Feel powerless? What will it take to become powerful?

Feel powerless? What will it take to become powerful?

I have been observing that someone from Tallin, Estonia, a former Soviet Union country, has been spending time on my site.

And then in yesterday’s email, Vishen Lakhiani from Mind Valley announced a new masterclass: Unconditional Self-Love.

I don’t know what his wife is going to teach on that masterclass, but I know one thing: it will be, most likely, really beautiful, nice, heartwarming, and utterly ineffective. Why?

Answering that why is what this article is about… what they won’t teach you at Mindvalley. Continue reading “Feel powerless? What will it take to become powerful?”

Are 30 day challenges worth doing? Are 66 days better?

Are 30 day challenges worth doing? Are 66 days better?

Somehow it seems that 30 days are almost enough to establish a habit… even though other reports say: it takes 66 days.

One of my old students who had not participated in anything I offered for 8 years now, decided to join the Validation Challenge.

The discipline of doing something daily and get daily feedback on how that action worked started to create a miracle.

Some people surrender to discipline, some people welcome it as an accountability device, others continue doing what they always do… which is either doing nothing, or doing something that is based on some misunderstanding. Continue reading “Are 30 day challenges worth doing? Are 66 days better?”

Name it and claim it… or how to return to power

Name it and claim it… or how to return to power

Is depression chemical?

I have been depressed about half of my life. Sometimes depression lasted weeks, days, sometimes it lasted years.

There is depression that is caused by some disappointment, tragedy, loss. If I remember correctly, that is called ‘Major Depression’.

The kind of depression I deal with sneaks up on you like a morning fog, and you don’t really notice it until you can’t see past your nose.

It is a sense of hopelessness.

Some people with a depression issue have manic periods, I don’t.

I have periods of less hopelessness, and more hopelessness. Continue reading “Name it and claim it… or how to return to power”

You are like a dog wagged by its tail. The Mind is the tail…

You are like a dog wagged by its tail. The Mind is the tail…

You live as an object in a world of objects… an object with a mind, but nevertheless an object.

Your mind serves one purpose only: to live really like a machine, protecting itself, being self-concerned. Because if you are an object in a world of object, then every other object is a threat to you, physically, or otherwise, so you are always concerned with how you look, that you are right, that you dominate and avoid domination, you win and avoid losing, you justify yourself and invalidate others, and desperately scramble to avoid responsibility for anything and everything.

That is the life of an object living in a world of objects.

Your mind also tells you that you have to, you need to, you want to, you should do all the things that will make you look good and make it in this world of objects.

The problem with this setup, other than that it’s miserable, is that you are not ‘designed’ as an object: you are designed to be a person. But other than in labels, 99.99% of humanity behaves like an object, not as a person.

What is the main difference?

A person is not the dog that is wagged by the tail.

WTF are you talking about, Sophie? Continue reading “You are like a dog wagged by its tail. The Mind is the tail…”

Homo Sapiens is a fixing machine…

Homo Sapiens is a fixing machine…

The underlying meaning that causes this rush to fixing is the idea that things are either right or wrong, good or bad.

A back and white way of thinking.

How prevalent this is? Regardless of social status, net worth, 99.99% of humanity lives on the level of black and white value judgment, and even smart ones, like my two coaches, like Bill Gates, like Warren Buffet, (NOT Charlie Munger, by the way) think, judge, and live that way.

This is the only reason that there are two parties… for the members, one is good, and the other is bad.

So there is no wonder that the world is going out in a hand basket.

Humanity, judging from the DNA was meant to be above black and white thinking, but it isn’t… Continue reading “Homo Sapiens is a fixing machine…”

The evil C-word, or is it C-words?

The evil C-word, or is it C-words?

I’ll talk about 4 words in this article that make you dead man walking…

  1. That original incident…

Little Harriet is going to be 2 years old on the 8th.

I can see her, I can hear her. I am pondering how a little girl with two loving parents will experience something traumatic at age 3 that will, for life, determine her seed level… Looks very unlikely. Continue reading “The evil C-word, or is it C-words?”