The invisible and sinister undertow that pulls you under

The invisible and sinister undertow that pulls you under

Are you one of those who won’t do anything unless you are sure it will pay off? won’t do anything unless you are sure it’s the right thing?

Do you know The old phrase: ‘Give your little finger to other people and they take the whole hand.’?

Well, it is only true if and when the person in case wants your hand…

I have tested it with my cat. I gave her a little… and unless she liked it, ate it, I didn’t give her more… She didn’t want the little finger, she didn’t want the hand.

I also test students. I give them a little finger… and often they don’t see how that will be good for them, take them to where they have always wanted to go… and do like my cat… walk away from it.

And this happens with some regularity with some people in my classes. Unless they can see the ‘whole hand’, they don’t want the little finger either.

Two of my students in particular… Continue reading “The invisible and sinister undertow that pulls you under”

What happens inside your body if and when your cell hydration is low?

What happens inside your body if and when your cell hydration is low?

cell hydrationCell hydration is different from your overall hydration. The cells, unfortunately, are designed to allow only coherent water to enter the call walls.

Where can you get coherent water? And what is the difference between coherent water and not coherent water?

OK, tough question, because it all happens in the invisible. But…

Coherence, when it comes to water, is that it is at a compatible vibration with the cell.

Raw plant cell water is coherent. Raw animal cell water is also coherent. This is the reason raw diets increase a person’s health: it provides coherent water in the diet. Of course if the dieter only eats stuff that is more solid matter than water, i.e. food that has a low water content, they will not be much better off by eating ‘raw’. Continue reading “What happens inside your body if and when your cell hydration is low?”

Are you bored? Is life humdrum? Hopeless? Here is what you are missing…

Are you bored? Is life humdrum? Hopeless? Here is what you are missing…

bored, humdrum, hopeless One of the things that make life humdrum, feel long, and colorless is sameness. Boring-ness… if that is a word.

It is easy to be boring, in this world where you are cooped up in your house, and the seeming variety of where to have dinner is replaced with takeout, or gasp… cooking.

But as is with everything, the world is neither boring, nor interesting: it is you, who is boring, and it is you who can see colors and fun where others can’t.

But don’t be mistaken: it takes some work. Continue reading “Are you bored? Is life humdrum? Hopeless? Here is what you are missing…”

Develop your imagination: it will make you or break you

Develop your imagination: it will make you or break you

develop your imaginationDevelop your imagination. Without the ability to imagine futures, situations, you’re prone to only learn from experience, which is a most expensive way to learn.

Not every criminal (politician) is creative. In fact, most of them are definitely not creative.

So what do they do? They read plots, TV shows, novels, and knock it off.

Did I make it up? No.

One of my favorite writers, Lee Goldberg, has been both a book writer and a television script writer… and he shares several plots that were knocked off in real life. He says even the CIA borrows some writers to pick their brain: creativity is not an ordinary capacity… that is why people can’t even imagine the kinds of stuff that can happen, and are totally unprepared.

The cave paintings are a good example of using imagination to manage reality… because when you are confronted with reality unprepared, managing won’t happen: you’ll react with fear, you’ll react slowly, and die, or are left behind… mostly dead. Continue reading “Develop your imagination: it will make you or break you”

Is it a good idea to consider our times wartime and yourself the hunted?

Is it a good idea to consider our times wartime and yourself the hunted?

consider our times wartimeIs it a good idea to consider our times wartime?1

I am not sure… but my gut feeling says: Yes. I ask Source, and it says: Yes.

Why would it be a good idea to consider our times wartime?

Let me count the reasons…

1. In wartime people’s good side and people’s dark side come out to the open… past the forces that manage to keep them hidden in peace time.

So in war time it is easier to know who to trust and who not to.

It is also easier to see your own dark side and if you don’t like it do something about it.

If you are a putz… it is easier to say: being a putz will get me killed… let me put my ass in gear… Continue reading “Is it a good idea to consider our times wartime and yourself the hunted?”

How to get your groove back?

How to get your groove back?

get your groove backWhen I look around I notice that you, people have lost their mojo. They look and sound like they have no energy. I did too until about a week ago… until I did what I needed to do to get my groove back.

I got aware that I was losing my mojo myself because I just wanted to sleep. And eat chocolate. And read thrillers.

One of my coaches has decided to publish a monthly book subscription. A physical book on mastery. Not on the kindle, not in pdf… no, a printed perfect bound book.

And although the topic interested me, and although I can afford it, I decided that I didn’t want it. Continue reading “How to get your groove back?”

Your hate keeps you stuck until you learn

Your hate keeps you stuck until you learn

your hate keeps you stuckYou are going to hate this article, and your hate keeps you stuck.

Focus on what you can control, not what you can’t.

Why? because the truth hurts. And what hurts: you hate. Makes sense, right?

And instead of using it as fuel for yourself to go in the direction you want to go, you’ll use it to spill all your energies on it, you’ll say: she is lying, you’ll say whatever you’ll say, but you’ll fixate on it… instead of taking what I say, and use it to actually get where you want to get to.

How do I know? Because I have been observing thousands of people over the years, and that is what all of them does.

All of them?

I dare to say all… Continue reading “Your hate keeps you stuck until you learn”

Use fear, use hate as fuel… they can take you to the moon

Use fear, use hate as fuel… they can take you to the moon

use hate as fuelUse fear, use hate as fuel. This WILL Mean The Difference Between Success And Failure…

Gurus, teachers, everyone and their brother say: you have to get a big why to become successful at anything.

Relationships, slimming down, getting healthy, or raising your vibration, your IQ, your emotional intelligence… anything.

I dare to differ.

In my experience, 35 years in the trenches, watching, observing like a hawk, and going through it myself, I have come to the conclusion that your WHY is a flimsy thing… Continue reading “Use fear, use hate as fuel… they can take you to the moon”

Leonardo’s Mona Lisa has 30 layers of paint…

Leonardo’s Mona Lisa has 30 layers of paint…

Masterpiece. None of those paint layers is thicker than a single hair.

Can you imagine the patience and concentration that required? I’m going to propose that you be inspired by his approach as you carry out your big projects in the coming year. I think you will have the potential to create at least one labor of love.

Says Rob Brezsny… He is talking to Libras, but he could be talking to me too… I have, according to Source, have applied already 27 layers of ‘paint’ in creating my masterpiece, developing the technology to turn homo sapiens into human being.

What a perfect fit, I thought… and then I noticed, that the guiding is for Libras… and I am a Virgo… WTF… lol

‘You can’t move mountains by whispering at them,’ says singer-songwriter Pink. Strictly speaking, you can’t move mountains by shouting at them, either. But in a metaphorical sense, Pink is exactly right. Mild-mannered, low-key requests are not likely to precipitate movement in obstacles that resemble solid rock. And that’s my oracle for you in the coming months, Virgo. As you carry out the project of relocating or crumbling a certain mountain, be robust and spirited—and, if necessary, very loud.

Wow, that is a perfect fit too… Continue reading “Leonardo’s Mona Lisa has 30 layers of paint…”

Are you looking for inspiration in the wrong places??

Are you looking for inspiration in the wrong places??
looking for inspirationLooking for inspiration to empower you?

I woke up this morning pondering what to write about.

The cartoon of the inventor of the wheel who offers it to the knuckleheads who are too busy to listen.

And then one of my clients wrote to me. She said: customs make the Jews, not the Jews make the customs?

And then the idea for this article was ready.

The email conversation began with my client wishing me a happy Christmas Eve. Continue reading “Are you looking for inspiration in the wrong places??”